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1901 |
 | Birthday- Merryweather, Mary Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Kirkpatrick entertained at a dinner, Sunday; in honor of Mrs. Mary Merriweather’s 73rd birthday anniversary. Mrs. Merriweather is a sister of Mrs. Kirkpatrick, and lives at Quenemo, Kan. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cole, Quenemo., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cole and children, Quenemo, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Cole and children Benton, Gene and Lorrain, of Quenemo, Mr. Thomas Cole, Quenemo; Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkpatrick end son Frederick, Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kirkpatrick, Topeka; Mrs. Mabel Craig, Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Marney and children, Delores, Bobbie and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. John Bush and son Jackie Lee, Donice Marney, Maxine Marney, Harold Kirkpatrick, Joe Kirkpatrick. |
1902 |
 | Birthday- Miller, Helen Look Who's 80!
Helen Spears Miller
Please come and celebrate with her on August 9, 2009, at the Citizens Potawatomi Center in Rossville, KS from 2 -4 p.m. |
1903 |
 | Birthday- Miller, John John C. Miller
John C. Miller will celebrate his 95th birthday with a family dinner.
John has been a farmer and stockman around Rossville his entire life. He can be reached at 830 SW Carlson Road, Topeka, 66615. |
1904 |
 | Birthday- Mitchell, Eliza 1 Grandma Mitchell who celebrated her 90th birthday anniversary last Friday, was given a surprise by her children who gathered at her home for the occasion. A 6 o'clock dinner was served on a long table on the lawn. A large angel food birthday cake bearing lighted candles was baked by Mrs. Lawrence Mitchell. Covers were laid for the following: Mrs. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bailey and baby of Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Will Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mitchell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell and family of Delia; Mr. and Mrs. Ike Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lambert of Silver Lake, Mr. and Mrs. William Maddox and children, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berkey and son Don, Mr. and Mrs. Orbie Binney and Gerald, Mrs. Alma Dean and Joe Dean. |
1905 |
 | Birthday- Mitchell, Eliza 2 Nearing Century Mark
Grandma Eliza Mitchell, the oldest inhabitant of this community, celebrated her 98th birthday anniversary Sunday, at her Rossville home with her immediate family present for a dinner in her honor. Covers were laid for Grandma Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mitchell of Delia; Mr. and Mrs. Ike Mitchell of Silver Lake; Mrs. Alma Dean and Mrs. Dolly Lillard. A fact we are pleased to mention is that Mrs. Mitchell is quite active for her advanced years and able to be up and around the house; to read her daily newspaper. Her general health is very good and she has the companionship and care by Mrs. Dolly Lillard at all times. |
1906 |
 | Birthday- Mohler, Lawrence Lawrence H. Mohler 90th Birthday!
The family of Lawrence Mohler is proud to announce a very special & loved man's 90th birthday on January 16.
He would love to hear from family and friends on this special occasion.
Please send all cards and correspondence to the following: Lawrence H. Mohler, 9147 NW Hwy 24, Silver Lake, KS. 66539.
[2nd is duplicate]
1907 |
 | Birthday- Nadeau, David B. A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Nadeau, Sunday, Nov. 3, celebrating the 70th birthday anniversary of Mr. Nadeau. A large white birthday cake bearing seventy pink candles formed the centerpiece for the table. Among the relatives present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bourrasa, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Kramer and small daughter, and Mrs. Kennedy, from Ottawa, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cottle, Rossville; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McManus, of Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Ditch and children of Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Brees and children, Topeka; Miss Bernice Nadeau of Lawrence; Mr. James Nadeau and Mr. Archie Nadeau of Topeka; Mrs. Floyd Starks, of Kansas City, Mo.; Miss Mearle Nadeau of Lamar, Colo; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nadeau and son Edward.
1908 |
Mary L. Nadeau, resident of the Rossville community for many years, celebrated her 92nd birthday at her home at 1234 Clay, Topeka, on Mother’s Day, May 11.
Mrs. Nadeau was born May 13, 1866, near Valencia and has lived in Kansas all her life with the exception of two years spent in Okla. She is the wife of the late David B. Nadeau and mother of fourteen children, five of whom are still living. She also has twenty-seven grandchildren, forty great-grandchildren and twelve great-great-grandchildren.
Three of her children were present to help celebrate her birthday. They are Ben Nadeau of Mountain View, California; Merle Hart of Topeka; and Arch Nadeau of Kansas City, Missouri. Sixteen of the grandchildren were also present for the occasion.
Mrs. Nadeau, at her advanced age, is still active and in good health and enjoys long car rides.
1909 |
 | Birthday- Navarre, Joyce Joyce Marie Navarre is celebrating her fourth birthday anniversary today with her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Navarre and her little cousin, Peggy Janette Navarre as her dinner guest. |
1910 |
 | Birthday- Navarre, Mary Mrs. Mary Navarre was pleasantly surprised Monday when her children dropped in unannounced with a prepared dinner to help her celebrate her 90th birthday anniversary. Covers were laid for Mrs. Navarre, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Navarre and Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Navarre and Peggy. |
1911 |
 | Birthday- Navarre, Mary 2 Mrs. Mary Navarre celebrated her 91st birthday anniversary Valentine Day. She was the guest of honor [at the] home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Navarre. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Navarre and Peggy and Joyce. Grandma Navarre has been in failing health for some time and is now very feeble. |
1912 |
 | Birthday- Newman, Myrtle Mrs. Harold Irwin served a birthday dinner at Valley Falls Friday in honor of her mother, Mrs. Lou Newman, on her 78th birthday anniversary. Guests at the Newman home for the occasion were Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Harry Newman, Mrs. Betty Lindsay and son, Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Newman. |
1913 |
 | Birthday- Nitzsche, Doris Mrs. Frank Diehl entertained a number of little folks Friday afternoon in honor of her little granddaughter, Doris Neitzche's fourth birthday. |
1914 |
 | Birthday- O'Neil, William 1 Rossville's oldest resident lives alone
On October 13, William "Billy" O'Neil will celebrate his 96th birthday. He was born in Illinois but says his "daddy couldn't find a place to suit him" so the family was on the move most of the time. They spent several years in different parts of Illinois and Nebraska and when they traveled into Kansas, they settled around the St. George - Wamego territory. Mr. O'Neil has lived in Rossville since 1943.
Mr. O'Neil was one of 12 children. He says there were six boys and six girls, or as he describes them, "six read heads and six colored." Thinking back over his ancestors, Mr. O'Neil remembers that an uncle lived to the ripe old age of 99.
He says he farmed until he was "pretty near 80." He lost his wife at a young age and they had only one daughter. The daughter is now gone but he has six living grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. He smiles happily as he tells of one granddaughter who has two sets of twins. The first set were boys and 16 months later, twin girls.
Now the days are passed quietly and slowly for Mr. O'Neil who lives alone in his own home. He says he has a circle of good neighbors who bring him samples of good cooking now and then. Some of his friends at the St. Marys College come down at intervals to mow his lawn and clean up his house. His home is immaculately clean. But then, he says, "There's no reason for me to get it dirty. The only thing that gets it dirty is my pipe ashes spilling on the floor."
Mr. O'Neil is proud of the mustache he has had for 72 years. His white hair is combed neatly with a center part. He enjoys a pipe which he started smoking after he was past 50 and rocks contentedly in the porch swing of his home as he watches the children pass to and from the grade school.
[From The Rossville Reporter, Thursday, October 6, 1960] |
1915 |
 | Birthday- O'Neil, William 2 Rossville’s oldest citizen celebrates 94th birthday
Mr. William Elzie O’Neil, who is probably Rossville’s oldest resident, celebrated his 94th birthday on October 13. He had lunch at the Carl Rupin home and then enjoyed the afternoon in a car ride seeing the sights and changes made in town. He enjoys fairly good health.
Mr. O’Neil was born at Keithburg, Ill., in 1864 one of a family of twelve children. He moved with his parents to Muskatee, Iowa, at the age of three, crossing the Mississippi River by boat and traveling on by covered wagon. Later he moved to Beatrice, Nebraska, and finally settled near Wamego and St. George where he made his home for 45 years. He was a farmer and carpenter by trade.
He met his bride, the former Sophia Keller, while she was visiting in Wamego. They were married in 1889. She died in June of 1945. They had one daughter who had six children. Their daughter died at an early age and Mr. O’Neil and his wife helped to raise the grandchildren. They also helped to raise several other orphaned children.
Mr. O’Neil has lived in Rossville for a number of years and his closest relative is a grandson, Father McNelly of St. Marys College, St. Marys, Kansas.
1916 |
 | Birthday- O'Neil, William 3 A very special greeting goes to William O'Neil. He will celebrate his 95th birthday Tuesday, October 13. |
1917 |
 | Birthday- Oldfield, Ernest Mrs. John Oldfield entertained last Friday afternoon for her little son Ernest Edward, who was celebrating his fourth birthday anniversary. Ice cream and cake were served to the following guests: Ralph Countryman, Vena Mae Countryman, Irene Countryman, Floyd and Helen Trahoon, Helen Gager, Lois, Martha and Henry Oldfield. |
1918 |
 | Birthday- Oldfield, John John Oldfield was pleasantly surprised Wednesday evening on his 68th birthday at his home when friends came up to help him celebrate his birthday anniversary. The evening was spent playing cards. Guests were, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Johnson, Anna Cullen and Mr. Cullen, Mrs. Martha Root and son of Kansas City. |
1919 |
 | Birthday- Oldfield, Samuel Mr. Samuel Oldfield, one of Rossville's substantial farmers, was happily surprised Wednesday evening by his neighbors and friends through invitations given by his better half, the occasion being his 65th birthday. |
1920 |
 | Birthday- Olson, Hazel Hazel F. Olson, Rossville, will celebrate her 90th birthday on July 29. Friends and relatives are invited to an open house in her honor on Sunday, July 29, from 2:30 to 5 p.m. at Rossville Community Center. |
1921 |
 | Birthday- Page, Dean Dean Page
An 80th birthday open house will honor Dean Page from 2 to 4 p.m. Jan. 13, 2008, at Rossville United Methodist Church.
No gifts, please, but please wear purple to the open house. |
1922 |
 | Birthday- Page, Ralph 90th for Page
Ralph Page will be celebrating his 90th birthday on July 16. Anyone wishing to send him birthday wishes can mail them to: Ralph Page, Rt. 1, Rossville, Ks. 66533.
He would enjoy hearing from his friends. |
1923 |
 | Birthday- Page, Stella Honored at birthday dinner
Mrs. Stella Page of Rossville was honored with a birthday dinner Sunday at her home. Her sons and their families attending were:
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Page, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Page, Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Page, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Page, Cherie, Deana, Sandy and Roger, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keller, Dennis and Tammy, Rossville; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Herron of Dover. |
1924 |
 | Birthday- Parr, Bette Miss Betty Marie Parr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Parr, celebrated her 7th birthday anniversary Saturday with Virginia Parr, Thelma Parr and Joan Parr as her guests. |
1925 |
 | Birthday- Parr, Blanche 1 There Will Be 101 Candles on Pet's Birthday Cake
Don't let her white hair fool you! Blanche Parr is quite an active 101 years old and is a delight to visit. July 18, 1985 marks her 101st birthday and, believe it or not, her 101st year as a resident of Rossville, the community where she was born.
Photo by Belinda Driscoll |
1926 |
 | Birthday- Parr, Blanche 2 by Dorothy N. Hoobler
On Thursday, July 18, Miss Blanche Parr, a resident of Rossville Valley Manor, will be 101 years of age. "But I'm not going to celebrate," she said [ ]. "I celebrated too much last year, with three cakes and three parties. Then I got sick, and I came here to live." In her room hangs a memento of the occasion, a 100th birthday "best wishes" plaque from the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging.
Blanche is an amazingly alert, [ ] independent person. Only [ ] snow white hair betrays her [age]. Her eyes are bright, and [ ] snap on occasion. They also sparkle when she laughs, and that's much more frequently.
She really misses being in her home at 442 Orange Street, where she was born and lived for her first 100 years. Her grandfather, John Wesley Parr, came from Indiana. His sons, Jim and [ ], settled on the rich farmland [ ] of the new and thriving little town on Cross Creek. Son, Andrew Jackson Parr, however, Blanche's father, preferred being a carpenter. He built the stately, [ ]-story farm house where he was born. With the big bay windows, and its two columned porches, it must have been quite a showplace.
There were lots of fruit trees, [ ], peaches, apples, and cherries, and a grove of walnut trees. Like most people, the Parrs had a big garden. The children grew up doing their share of the chores in the house and garden. "We were always [ ] to work. We were expected to help, and we did," she [ ] matter-of-factly.
Blanche remembers the town yard, the brick yard, the hotel, and the Opera House. Their home was just one-half block from the new school, a fine two-story, four-room red brick building.
Blanche's mother, Cyrene Matilda, a former Lawrence school teacher, gave them their first lessons at home - no kindergarten a century ago. She insisted that all homework had to be done the first thing after supper. "Then we played," Blanche remembered. There were card games like "Authors, checkers, marbles, and spin tops," the old-timer tops that you'd wind up and throw," she explained. "And I had a top, too, just like my brother's," she smiled.
Miss Parr spoke with such loving admiration of her parents. "We really had good parents," she emphasized. "We never came home, but that our parents were there. They were always home at nights, too. Dad read to us, while Mother mostly mended and knitted socks for Dad. And we had apples and walnuts to eat." And here, her eyes snapped as she observed, "Parents shouldn't neglect their children the way some people do now. That's why kids go wrong."
Blanche reminisced about church activities, too. "Grandpa Parr was a good old Methodist. My Dad used to tell how he and Grandma (Catherine) hitched the team to the lumber wagon, filled it with straw, loaded up the kid, and came to town for church. The boys would be so hungry before they got home at 2 in the afternoon."
She remembered the church programs, too. "There were a bunch of little Parrs running [not sure if some is missing here or not]. Brothers Jim, Joe, and A.J. had a combined total of 20. "And there were a lot of Resers, too," she added.
She had vivid memories of the 1903 flood which devastated so much of the town as well as the farm land to the south, when the bank-full Cross Creek waters couldn't empty into the over-flowing Kaw. Uncles Jim and Joe were marooned, along with many of their neighbors, as the muddy waters rapidly inched higher. A Rossville newspaperman, U.G. Stewart, described in vivid detail how several local carpenters, including A.J. Parr, built a crude boat, the "Sally Ann," and sailed through raging current to rescue the stranded families. "Uncle Jim's stayed with us until they could get back home," she recalled. The flood waters covered only one corner of A.J.'s yard.
Did she remember anything special about childhood birthdays? "I had friend chicken and peach pie!" she laughed, and this time, her eyes really sparkled. "Mother made lots of pies, Dad like pies, and mother liked to bake, and she used whatever fruit was ready.
"I was the only one with a birthday in the summer. It was so hot, and I was the middle child. I always figured I got a little cheated!" she exclaimed with a laugh. Then she quickly added, "But I didn't! Mother and Dad didn't have a favorite child. And we weren't allowed to fight, either. We could defend ourselves, but we couldn't pick on each other. And even after we grew up, we still helped each other." |
1927 |
 | Birthday- Parr, Blanche 3 difficult." Before, I always did exactly what I wanted to do. Now I have to follow orders. And it ain't easy!" she admits frankly. "Now all I can do is sit and read." She enjoys reading, every thing from mystery stories to travelogues. "That gives you a different view of countries and how other people live," observed this remarkable lady. She finds the large print books and magazines a great help.
Blanche shared wisdom gained throughout her 101 years. "If you're not busy, you don't feel good. A person needs to be working and learning something new. Try a new recipe, make a new dress, or work in the garden. Just get out of a rut," she advises.
We'd spent an interesting afternoon, and I came away with a great respect for the lady who spoke so lovingly of parents who'd been gone so many years and of their family life. The children all had nicknames, a practice which annoyed her mother, since Cyrene Matilda Parr had taken great care in selecting names for her children. (Blanche was named for a favorite teacher friend.) "Dad called me "Pet," and I must have been ten years old before anyone at school knew my name was Blanche," she laughed.
Then thoughtfully she mused, "Looking back, I wonder. Why did Dad call me 'Pet'?" Well, Pet, I think I can answer that question. What better name could your loving, caring father choose for his smiling, bright-eyed little girl?
Perhaps you won't celebrate with 101 candles on a cake this year, Miss Blanche, but here are 101 wishes for a very happy birthday. Thanks for letting all of us share in your warm memories, too.
[Caption for photo of house]
The grandeur of this old house is evident even after more than a century. Blanche Parr still has many vivid memories of life within this home she has known since childhood.
Photo Belinda Driscoll |
1928 |
 | Birthday- Parr, Blanche 4 Blanche Parr observed her 102nd birthday this month. Blanche keeps busy with reading, and oil painting in the weekly classes taught by Becky Little. As soon as Blanche finishes a painting, her niece takes them home for family members.
Photo by Belinda Driscoll |
1929 |
 | Birthday- Patton, Wanda Eileen Mrs. Charles Meade is entertaining guests tonight in honor of her sister Eileen Patton's 18th birthday anniversary. Covers will be laid for Eileen, Mrs. Walter Patton, of Topeka, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Foresman and children Walter and Sheila, of Belvue; Mr. and Mrs. John Foresman and son Jackie of Wamego; Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Parr, and children, Jeannine, Thane, Larry and Joleen, and Mrs. Meade. |
1930 |
 | Birthday- Perry, Arrilda and Ferguson, Arrena 93 Year Old Twins Celebrate Birthday
Guests of honor at a watch night party Friday at the First Baptist Church in Holton were Mrs. Arrena Ferguson and Miss Arrilda Perry who were celebrating their birthdays. The 93-year old twins are the aunts of Perry and Sidney Stumbaugh of Rossville. |
1931 |
 | Birthday- Perry, Sarah Mrs. S.F. Stumbaugh, Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Stumbaugh drove to Holton and spent the day with Mrs. Stumbaugh's mother, Mrs. Reed Perry to help celebrate her 80th birthday. |
1932 |
 | Birthday- Perry, Sarah 2 Next Sunday, January 17, Mrs. Reed Perry of Holton, will celebrate her 83rd birthday anniversary. She has lived 80 years in Jackson county. Mrs. Perry is the mother of Mrs. Harriet Stumbaugh of this community. |
1933 |
 | Birthday- Petrik, Leo Leo J. Petrik
Leo J. Petrik will celebrate his 90th birthday at the Petrik family reunion Aug. 7 in Caldwell and at a reception from 2 to 4 p.m. Aug. 13 at Golden Rule Lodge No. 90, AF&AM, 909 N.W. Lyman Road in Topeka.
Mr. Petrik was married to Marguerite Weien Petrik for 55 years prior to her death in 1993. They are the parents of Aleta Jo Ott, Topeka.
Mr. Petrik was a licensed embalmer, mortician and funeral director for over 60 years, starting in Blackwell, Okla., on Feb. 14, 1937. He retired from Parker-Price Mortuary after 50 years of service.
Mr. Petrik married Elizabeth J. Wooster on Nov. 27, 1999. They reside in Topeka.
1934 |
 | Birthday- Phillips, Wanda Wanda Phillips
Wanda Phillips will celebrate her 80th birthday on Feb. 21 with a card shower.
Wanda retired from the State of Kansas in 1992 after 30 years of service. She remains active with her church and Kaw Valley Club. |
1935 |
 | Birthday- Porter, Charlene Happy 44th Birthday
January 7
Charlene Porter |
1936 |
 | Birthday- Pressgrove, Anna Mr. and Mrs. Leon Pressgrove entertained in their home Sunday with a dinner in honor of Mrs. U.S. Pressgrove's birthday anniversary. |
1937 |
 | Birthday- Pressgrove, Josephine Josephine Pressgrove celebrated her 90th birthday as guest of honor at a surprise family luncheon.
Hosts were her three sisters, Helen Donly, St. Joseph, Mo., and Georgianne Davis and Agnes Wike, both of Topeka.
Mrs. Pressgrove was born Dec. 28, 1912, in Rossville. She lived in the Silver Lake and Rossville areas until she moved to Topeka 12 years ago.
She married LeRoy Pressgrove Jan. 31, 1935. Mr. Pressgrove died Nov. 12, 1992.
She has three children, Shirley Rosser, Dinuba, Calif., and Karen Figge and Ronald Pressgrove, both of Topeka; 16 grandchildren, 35 great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren.
Josephine Pressgrove
Topeka, will be celebrating her
85th Birthday, December 28.
Family and friends may remember her with cards for a surprise card shower to:
Josephine Pressgrove
4900 S.W. Huntoon, Apt. 507
Topeka, KS 66604 |
1938 |
 | Birthday- Purkey, Earl The young people gave Earl Purkey a very pleasant surprise Friday evening, it being Earl's sixteenth birthday. There was quite a number present all reporting a fine time.
[Note: either handwritten newspaper date is incorrect or info on is incorrect. It says born in 1900, but if it was his sixteenth birthday, he would have been born in 1898. The 1920 census lists him as 20 years of age.] |
1939 |
 | Birthday- Redmon, Dorothy Dorothy Redmon
Dorothy Redmon celebrated her 80th birthday on July 26. She and her husband, Lloyd, have a son, Danny, and two daughters, Janet Serbus and husband, Steve, and Judy Huerter and husband Lynn. She has six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. |
1940 |
 | Birthday- Redmon, Lloyd Lloyd Homer Redmon
Please join the family of Lloyd H. Redmon in celebrating his 80th birthday at an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. Nov. 29 at the home of his daughter at 611 Center in Silver Lake.
Hosts will be his son, Danny, Virginia Beach, Va., and daughters Janet Serbus, Lawrence, and Judy Huerter, Silver Lake.
Lloyd requests no gifts, just the pleasure of the company of all his friends and relatives.
Cards may be sent to Lloyd at his home in Topeka.
1941 |
 | Birthday- Reid, Homer; Howerton, Mabel; McPherson, Helen A Birthday Party
A surprise party was planned to be given at the home of Mrs. J. Reid last Thursday evening. The guests of honor were, Miss Mable Howerton, Miss Helen McPherson and Homer Reid, it being their 14th birthday anniversaries. Owing to bad weather the crowd could not go to the country so they met at the home of Miss Irene Howard and enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Refreshments were served. Those present were: Helen McPherson, Mabel Howerton, Doris Jamieson, Gladys Eversole, Pauline Baylis, Gladys Hartzell, Bernice Davis, Irene Howard, Thurlow Neiswender, Fred Stuart, Carl Parr, Clyde Strimple, Pheane Ross, Ora Parr, Leslie Griswold, and Orville Hartzell. |
1942 |
 | Birthday- Reser, Benjamin F. October 4, 1901
Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Reser were agreeably surprised by a large number of relatives and friends at their home on last Tuesday evening, the occasion being the 34th anniversary of Mr. Reser's birthday. |
1943 |
 | Birthday- Reser, Edith A very pleasant surprise was given Miss Edith Reser at her home last Sunday, the occasion being her birthday. |
1944 |
 | Birthday- Reser, Everett A very pleasant surprise party in honor of the 21st birthday of Everett Reser was given last Friday evening at the B.F. Reser home. |
1945 |
 | Birthday- Rezac, Robert Robert (Bob) W. Rezac
To celebrate 80th birthday
Robert (Bob) W. Rezac will celebrate his 80th birthday on Nov. 23, with a family dinner and card shower.
Bob and Virgina have six children: Rob Rezac, Kathy Blair, Susan Hartwich, Diane Quintanilla, Loree Wells and Lisa Duer; 15 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.
Please send birthday cards to 27355 Rezac Road, St. Marys, KS 66536. |
1946 |
 | Birthday- Richardson, Pearl A surprise party was given Saturday evening for Miss Pearl Richardson to celebrate her 16th birthday. The usual enjoyable evening was spent by the young folks. |
1947 |
 | Birthday- Roberts, Jennie Jennie L. Roberts, Topeka will celebrate her 90th birthday at an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. Dec. 6 in Fellowship Hall at Elmont United Methodist Church. Hosts will be her family.
She was born Dec. 4, 1913, in Rossville, where she grew up. Mrs. Roberts was a homemaker, restaurant employee and active in church work.
Her husband, Gilbert Roberts, died Aug. 12, 1960.
Her children are Barbara and Bill Smith, Janet McDonald, Bob and Jeanne Roberts and Sue and Ray Pederzani, all of Topeka. Her son Daniel died in January 1991. She has nine grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.
1948 |
 | Birthday- Ropp, Sarah Grandma Ropp celebrated her 86th [we believe it should be 76th] birthday last Monday. |
1949 |
 | Birthday- Rosser, Minnie Card Shower for
Minnie Rosser's
85th Birthday
April 19, 1997
P.O. Box 645
Rossville, KS 66533 |
1950 |
 | Birthday- Scully, Ellen Ellen Scully will celebrate her 90th birthday
Sept. 21, 1998
She married Jerome Scully July 7, 1930, at St. Bernard's Church in Wamego. They have lived on their farm for the past 60 years. Ellen enjoys bridge, music, travel and all the activities with the Silver Lake Seniors.
Cards may be sent to
Ellen Scully
4631 NW Humphrey Rd
Silver Lake, KS 66539 |