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3651 |
 | Obituary- Allen, Gene G. Gene G. ‘Pete’ Allen
Gene G. “Pete” Allen, 84, passed away Monday, October 18, 2021, at his home on the Allen Farm.
He was born August 20, 1937, at Topeka the son of Ross and Lavina Johnson Allen. He was raised in the Silver Lake community and graduated from Silver Lake High School. He graduated from Kansas State University with a degree in Industrial Engineering.
Pete worked as an Industrial Engineer and foreman at a dairy plant in Green Bay, WI. until moving back to the farm in Kansas in 1975. Pete was a member of the Rossville United Methodist Church. He was a board member for the Kaw Valley electric COOP, he also served on the Dover Township Board and Valencia Cemetery Board.
He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Gary Allen.
Pete and Ginger Shannon were united in marriage at Rossville in 1961. She survives at the farm.
Other survivors include two daughters, Debra (Lance) Rezac, Onaga and Suzy (Stan) Thompson, Rossville; a brother Bruce Allen; five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
A Celebration of Life will be at 11:00 A.M. Thursday, October 28, 2021 at the Rossville United Methodist Church. Memorial contributions may be made to the Silver Lake FFA and Rossville FFA. Memorials may be sent in care of Piper Funeral Home, 714 Maple Street, St. Marys, Kansas 66536. To leave online condolences go to
3652 |
 | Obituary- Allen, John John Allen Dead
Osage city, Kan., April 3- John Allen, 82, a pioneer resident of this community, took his life this afternoon (Wednesday) by hanging himself at the home of his son, Clarence Allen, on the Allen homestead, near here. Ill health is believed to have caused the act.-Capital.
The Allen family are former residents of Rossville community having lived a number of years where C.A. Immenschuh now lives. |
3653 |
 | Obituary- Allen, Neb Neb Allen
N.E. Allen, 75, for many years a contractor in Havana, Cuba, died there Monday, according to news received here by his sisters, Mrs. J.D. Pratt and Mrs. T.D. Joseph. He formerly lived [sic] in Topeka, and was an early day resident of Rossville. He was a cousin of Ira Hopkins. He left here about 58 years ago.
In addition to his sisters, he is survived by his widow and ten children, and a brother, G.A. Allen in Inverness, Fla. |
3654 |
 | Obituary- Allen, Will (part two) |
3655 |
 | Obituary- Allen, Will 1 The Story of Will Allen’s Death.
The following account of W.J. Allen’s death—addressed to Dr. and Mrs. Gabbey, by their daughter, Mrs. R.W. Gutshall of Pueblo, Col. Under date of November 22nd—will be read with deep, but somber interest by very many who knew and highly esteemed “Will,” as he was familiarly called hereabout:
“If you received the telegram sent you, telling you about Will’s death, you are expecting a letter from me explaining the cause. I want to write to you, yet I do not feel as if I can sit still long enough to do so. It was so horrible to me that I believe I shall never get over it. Reuben came home in the night, unexpectedly to me, and told me the sad news as soon as he stepped into the room. It scared me nearly to death. Will went out Sunday evening to El Mora, at 6 o’clock, when he was killed. He was sitting on top of a box car, near the center of a train loaded with coal, when a wheel broke on the second car ahead of him. From some cause neither that car nor the one Will was on turned over. If he had not jumped it is probable he would have escaped injury. There were 14 cars all piled up together. All the railroad men say it is the worst looking wreck they ever saw. Some think Will was not killed instantly, but I am positive he was. All sorts of stories are afloat. You can hear anything. The rear brakeman was two cars back of Will. He says he feels sure he saw Will jump and try to reach the bank, and that he slid back under the falling car, as the bank sloped toward the track. He was at the bottom of the whole wreck. They worked with two wreck trains and a large force of men till Tuesday afternoon about three o’clock before they found him. His neck was broken; also his legs and both feet. His chest was crushed and there was a large hole in the back of his head. His face was natural, and was not cut. He looked like life to me, though there were a few dim red spots on his face, where the coal had lain on it. They brought his body to the undertaker, Mr. Sweeney, who said it was the worst mangled corpse he ever saw, there being hardly one whole bone. The rear brakeman was severely hurt in the back and hips. **They built a track around the wreck. As fast as they got the pieces of cars out they burnt them, saving only the iron. Will had his switch keys in his pocket and the chain fastened to his suspenders, just as he used to wear them. He had $3.60 in money in his pocket. He had on his fur cap, and though it was much torn it was, no doubt, the [illegible]. Reuben went down to the wreck and worked until they found him. In his pocket were Albert’s last letter to him and a letter from his brother, George, who lives near his parents. To him a dispatch was sent. Reuben ordered his body embalmed, and told the undertaker he would be responsible for the expense. The undertaker said he could keep him until we heard from his folks—two weeks if necessary. I wrote an ‘immediate delivery’ letter yesterday, addressed to Ben Allen of [illegible- Kiro?], asking if they wanted Will’s body sent home. Reuben or Abe intended to go with it, but yesterday afternoon a message came from the chief surgeon of the D. & R. G. directing that his body be taken to Denver by last night’s train. From this we infer that his brother, Ben, is coming to that city to take the remains home. Abe went up intending to wait until Ben arrived. I packed all Will’s things in his valice and Abe took them with him. I will write his folks in a few days and tell them where his trunk is. I kept his pencil and book of rules. He wrote his name in it on my last birthday. Yesterday was pay day. Will has a month and half’s pay coming to him, but no one but an administrator can draw it. Reuben said in all the letters they looked at his brothers and sisters and friends begged him to come home. His sister said if his mother knew he was running on the road she would be worried to death. On the 13th inst. Will wrote a letter to a friend of his, in which he said he was going back to Kansas about ‘holiday’ time, where he would remain until next fall and then go home. We did not like to look at his letters, but it was the only way we could find out anything about his folks. I pity his poor mother. She is old, and will never get over such a shock. Will asked me to write to her if he were killed, but I did not think I would have it to do so soon. My greatest regret is that he did not go home with Albert. Reuben and I censure ourselves somewhat, on account of our having encouraged him to go on the road. It was a terrible thing, and makes me fear all the more for Reuben. The accident occured [sic] within a mile of where Dug was killed and but a little way from where Glare met his death. Will had lots of friends here, for so short an acquaintance, and they all felt bad over his death. They were very kind, and offered their assistance in anything they could do. Reuben liked Will, and felt sad over his death. Will, when found, was lying with his face upward. The coal was piled on him. It looked to me as if he was struck in the back part of his head and killed instantly.”
[From the Rossville Times, Friday, November 30, 1888]
3656 |
 | Obituary- Allen, Zita Page 2 St. Marys Star September
Mass of Christian burial was celebrated at noon Monday at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, St. Marys, for Mrs. Zita B. Allen, 70 Topeka. She died late Friday, September 18, 1987, at a Topeka hospital.
Mrs. Allen worked at the Supply Depot during World War II and later worked as a bookkeeper for Pelletier’s department store, both in Topeka.
She was born March 25, 1917, at Delia, the daughter of Patrick and Mary McCoy Hanrahan. She was graduated from Delia High School.
Mrs. Allen was a member of the Catholic Church of the Assumption in Topeka.
She was married to Raymond Allen in 1935. They later divorced.
Survivors include two daughters, Mary Wolcott, Richland, Iowa, and Patricia Teske, St. Marys; her mother, Mary Hanrahan, Delia; a sister, Helen Burgett, Topeka; four I grandchildren; and a great-¬grandchild.
Burial was in Mount Calvary, Cemetery in St. Marys. A rosary was recited at 8 p.m. Sunday, at Verschelden Funeral Home in St. Marys.
Mrs. Zita B. Allen
ST. MARYS — Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated at noon Monday at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in St. Marys for Mrs. Zita B. Allen, 70, Topeka. She died late Friday, Sept. 19, 1987, at a Topeka hospital.
Mrs. Allen worked at the Supply Depot during World War II and later worked as a bookkeeper for Pelle¬tier’s department store, both in Topeka.
She was born March 25, 1917, at Delia, the daughter of Patrick and Mary McCoy Hanrahan. She was graduated from Delia High School.
Mrs. Allen was a member of the Catholic Church of the Assumption in Topeka.
She was married to Raymond Al¬len in 1935. They later divorced.
Survivors include two daughters, Mary Wolcott, Richland, Iowa, and Patricia Teske, St. Marys; her moth¬er, Mary Hanrahan, Delia; a sister, Helen Burgett, Topeka; four grand¬children; and a great-grandchild.
Burial will be in Mount Calvary Cemetery in St. Marys. A rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. today at Ver¬schelden Funeral Home in St. Marys, Mrs. Allen will lie in state after 2 p.m. today at the funeral home.
In Loving Memory of
Born March 25, 1917
Died September 18, 1987
O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to to consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
3657 |
 | Obituary- Allgeier, K. Isalena K. Isalena Allgeier
K. Isalena Allgeier, 96, formerly of Beattie, died November 8, 2011 at Rossville Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center, Rossville, Kansas. A funeral service will be 11 a.m., Saturday, November 12 at the Beattie United Methodist Church, Beattie. Visitation is Friday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Kinsley Mortuary, Marysville. Burial will be in Beattie Union Cemetery. Isalena was born April 13, 1915 in Missouri and lived in Frankfort, KS with her parents General Bradley and Wilhelmina (Ford) Braden. She married Charles L. Allgeier of Home, Kansas on December 3, 1942 in Frankfort. They lived on a farm west of Summerfield until retiring and moving to Beattie. Charles preceded her in death on July 23, 1995. Her parents; two brothers; and a sister also pre¬ceded her. She is survived by four daughters, Joyce (Ken) Sorensen, Raleigh, NC, Karla (Lee) Austin, Denison, KS, Karen (Richard) Taylor, Burlingame, KS, Sharon (Dwight) Rumpel, Topeka, KS; a son, Charles B. Allgeier, Freeport, TX; ten grand¬children and eleven great grandchildren. A memorial fund has been established to the church. Contributions may be sent on care of the funeral home.
3658 |
 | Obituary- Allison, Ira IRA ALLISON
Ira Allison, 87, died Wednesday morning in St. Francis hospital in Topeka. He was born August 24, 1873, in Laurel, Indiana, and was a retired farmer. He had made his home in Rossville for a number of years.
Survivors include a niece, Mrs. Nilah Perkins of Rossville, and one brother, Wilbur Allison of Dayton, Ohio.
Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 p. m. in the Rossville Christian Church with burial in Rossville Cemetery.
Hurley Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
3659 |
Funeral services for I. B. Alter, who took his life last Thursday morning, were held Saturday afternoon at 1 o’clock at the home on east Pottawatomie street.
A short service was conducted by Rev. O. E. Brown, former pastor of the Rossville M. E. church. Music was furnished by Mrs. Albert Reser and Mrs. A. B. Jamieson without instrumental accompaniment.
Sorrowing friends and patrons of the institution founded by the deceased man filled the house and overflowed into the yard. The burial was in Mt. Hope cemetery at Topeka, a large number of Rossville people being in the procession that accompanied the body to its last resting place.
The active pallbearers included Messrs. A. E. Moore, William Howerton, L. O. Parr, George Reser, A. A. Cless and A. B. Jamieson. The honorary pall bearers included Messrs. Teodore Fields, W. V. Hook Albert Reser, E. E. Witter and Frank Stumbaugh.
The news of Mr Alter’s suicide came as a bolt out of a clear sky. People were stunned and horrified. Even his most intimate friends did not realize he was in such financial straights as to cause him to take his own life.
But Alter’s was a high strung, sensitive nature. He could not bear the criticisms and sensure [sic] that would have come with the closing of the banks doors.
There were expressions of sorrow and regret from the crowd that pressed around the bank doors following the news of his death. Had it been known he needed help to [missing portion]
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Carpenter, are away on a vacation in the lake region and may not be found in time for the funeral.
There has been little or no expressions of censure or bitterness---only expressions of pity and sympathy. Sympathy over the hours of agony he must have suffered in his lone struggle to bolster up his financial affairs.
Mr. Alter had always taken an active part in the business affairs of the community. He had been mayor, a member of the city council and a member on the school boards of directors for tweney-flve [sic] years. Only the last few years had he dropped out of active participation in civic affairs.
Mr. Alter came to Rossville thirty-three years ago from Longton, Kans. and entered the Rossville State bank as cashier. He soon gained controlling interest. He made friends and prospered. A few years later he started the Delia and Silver Lake banks and was president of both institutions. He had the finest residence and grounds in town—the furnishings being such as only a man of culture and refinement would surround himself.
His passing casts a pall of gloom over the town and surrounding community and only expressions of sincerest sympathy for the grief stricken widow and relatives is heard from all.
No statement has been made this week as to the condition of the affairs of the dead banker. The people of all the communities affected by the tie-up of funds,has been remarkably calm and will be the means of assisting the authorities in straightening out the troubles to the best interest of all concerned.
Four people have been at work constantly since last Thursday and it is thought a statement will be forthcoming later this week.
[hidden portion underneath]
Mr. and Mrs. Marcotte, come to Rossville this morning and funeral arrangements were announced late this afternoon.
Funeral services will be held Saturday at 1 p.m. at the home. The body will be taken to Topeka for burial.
3660 |
 | Obituary- Alter, I.B. 2 I. B. ALTER KILLS SELF
Had Been In Business Here for Thirty-five Years. Assistant Bank Commissioner Takes Charge of Bank’s Affairs.
I. B. Alter, 65. cashier and principal stockholder of the Rossville State bank, shot and killed himself in the bank vault this morning about 9:00 while two state bank examiners were waiting at the rear to look over his records.
In a note addressed to his wife, Mr. Alter intimated that he had been having financial difficulties. William Kennedy, assistant state bank co-missioner, has taken charge of the bank’s affairs.
Mr. Alter owned the controlling interest in the Rossville State bank and had been in the banking business for 40 years. He was considered a successful and conservative banker.
He had been indentified [sic] with the Rossville State Bank since its institution in 1892, in the same rooms where his life ended.
Prior to his arrival in Rossville he was in the banking business at Longton, Kansas, his native town.
D. W. Woolley, second special assistant bank commissioner, and W. H. Breihan, deputy bank commissioner, arrived at the Rossville bank about 8:50 o’clock this morning. They asked Miss Blanche Parr, assistant cashier, to see Alter. She stated he was at the front of the bank.
Breihan returned with the report that Alter was not there. Miss Parr then said that she presumed he had stepped out for a few minutes.
Glenn Page, clerk in the bank, returned at this moment [sic] from Silver Lake, where he had beers sent on an errand [sic] by Alter. Breihan asked Page to go to the vault with him to count the cash.
Page opened the vault door and discovered the body of Mr. Alter. Breihan was behind Page as he opened the door.
[missing portions]
once and he pronounced Alter dead. Alter had shot himself in the heart with a .38 caliber revolver.
While there were two persons in the bank from the time Alter was last seen alive until his body was found, no one heard the fatal shot.
Page said that Alter had come to his home shortly after 7 o’clock this morning and asked for Page’s keys to the bank. Alter explained that he had left his keys in the bank.
The cashier seemed in the best of spirits when he arrived about 7:35 o’clock, Page stated, and Alter asked him to attend to some business in Silver Lake. Page went to the post- office for the morning mail and, returning, met Alter who was going to mail some letters. Page then drove to Silver Lake and returned shortly before 9 o’clock.
When Dr. H. L. Clark, county coroner, arrived he found the revolver lying on the floor of the bank vault. It was broken open and one exploded shell was found in the gun. Search later disclosed three other cartridges on the floor. It is believed that the gun was broken open when it struck the floor.
The note which Alter addressed to his wife had been started Tuesday. Another portion had been added later, while there was a postscript in pencil on the back of the last sheet. While the text of the note was not made public, it indicated that Alter had been having financial difficulties.
At the last statement as of June 30 the statement showed $225,963.38 in deposits. Real estate and other loans were $217,958.40. There were $10,500 in rediscounted bills and bills payable. Cash and sight exchange was $15,232.38 and $20,880, in real estate owned.
William Howerton is president of the bank.
Mr. Alter is survived by his widow who is a sister of Mrs. O. F. Marcotte and Mrs. E.E. Carpenter, of Topeka. One sister also survives.
When word of the suicide was received at the state bank commissioner’s office, Kennedy came to Rossville. After a meeting of the bank’s board of directors, it was agreed to give complete charge of the bank’s affairs to the state banking department. Kennedy was placed in charge and started an examination immediately.
3661 |
J. D. Weaver, former Maple Hill banker, was selected yesterday as assistant receiver for the Rossville State Bank until its affairs are closed up.
Mr. Weaver was agreed upon at a meeting held Wednesday afternoon in the Bank hall attended by a large number of the depositors and stockholders of the bank and Roy L. Bone, state bank commissioner. Mr. Weaver’s appointment as assistant receiver under Charles W. Johnson, the state’s general receiver, followed a conference of the day previous in Topeka when Bone refused to permit the Rossville people to put in A. J. Thomas of Silver Lake as receiver.
According to the bank department the local muddle has so many angles that it requires a man of wide banking experience to handle. Mr. Weaver has had many years experience in country bank work and as he has the confidence [sic] of the local people as well as the banking department work of straightening out the bank’s affairs should progress smoothly.
So far in the examination, according to the banking department the bank shortage is around $30,000, the amount Alter admitted in a note he wrote before taking his life.
But there are nearly $100,000 of Alter’s personal notes outstanding, and one of the questions that will have to be decided is whether these, or any of them, are a liability against the bank itself.
Nothing new has developed in the affairs of the defunct Rossville State bank this week. Mr. Weaver, the assistant receiver has been busy checking over individual accounts. In this he is being assisted by Mr. Olsen, first assistant to the general receiver of the state banking department.
No further shortage than the $30,000 announced by the examiners has been uncovered. This amount will in all probability be covered by the indemnity bond and the call for double liability from the stockholders.
Miss Blanche Parr, who has been with the bank for many years, has been retained as clerk, by Mr. Weaver.
3662 |
 | Obituary- Alter, Orretta Mrs. Orretta Alter
Mrs. Orretta H. Alter of 1501 Harrison died Saturday at a local hospital. She had lived in Topeka the past 35 years.
There are no immediate surviving relatives.
Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Mt. Hope Cemetery. |
3663 |
 | Obituary- Amis, Etta Mrs. Etta H. Amis
Services for Mrs. Etta H. Amis, 84, of 630 Lane, who died Sunday, will be at 2:30 pm Tuesday at Penwell-Gabel funeral home. Mrs. Amis was born in Rossville and was a member of the Methodist church.
Surviving are two nieces, Mrs. Carl Jackson of Prairie Village and Mrs. A.J. Thomas of Silver Lake, two grandnieces and four grand-nephews.
Burial will be in Rossville cemetery.
Mrs. Etta Howerton Amis of Topeka passed away September 7 at age 84. Burial was in Rossville. |
3664 |
 | Obituary- Anders, Jesse Jesse E. Anders
Waukesha, Wis., - Jesse E. Anders, 84, Waukesha, Wis., died Tuesday at the home of a daughter in Waukesha. He had cancer.
He was born April 5, 1896, in St. Clere, Kan., and lived in the St. Clere and Delia, Kan., communities until he moved to Wisconsin in 1928.
Mr. Anders was an inspector for Waukesha Motor Works for 35 years. He was retired.
He was a member of the Old Timer’s Club of Waukesha Motor Works.
He married Pearl Richardson April 18, 1918. She died July 19, 1977.
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Doreen Manak and Mrs. Betty Venes, both of Waukesha, Wis.; five sons, Ray Anders, Dousman, Wis., Virgil Anders, Milwaukee, Wis., Dean Anders, Cedarburg, Wis., Jesse E. Anders Jr., New Berlin, Wis., and Ivan Anders, captain of the Wisconsin Highway Patrol, Sun Prairie, Wis.; a sister, Mrs. Lillie Graham, 328 Lindenwood, Topeka, Kan.; a half sister, Mrs. Violet Rawley, in California; and 21 grandchildren.
Services will be at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Randle-Dable Funeral Home. Burial will be in Prairie Home Cemetery, Waukesha. Memorial contributions may be made to the Congregational Church, Waukesha.
3665 |
 | Obituary- Anders, Ross Ross Anders
Ross Anders, 91, Topeka, died Wednesday, March 12, at a Topeka nursing home.
Mr. Anders farmed in the Em¬mett and Delia communities until 1942 when he moved to Topeka.
He later was a se¬curity guard at the Topeka Supply De¬pot, a clerk at Devlin’s Grocery and at Goff and Dryer’s Grocery and at C&W Market before he retired in 1965.
He was born Feb. 16, 1895, in Pottawatomie County, the son of Fran¬cis Ellsworth Elmer and Anna Eliza¬beth Moore Anders.
Mr. Anders was a member of First United Methodist Church.
He was married to Grace Birdie Cuffell Sept. 25, 1917, in Topeka. She survives. A son, William R. “Bill” Anders, died April 22, 1985.
Other survivors include three grandchildren; five great-grand- children; and a stepgreat-grandchild.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Newcomer-Diffenderfer Funeral Home. Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery. Relatives and friends will meet from 7 until 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Amer¬ican Heart Association, 5375 W. 7th, 66606.
3666 |
 | Obituary- Anders, Virgil Virgil Anders
MILWAUKEE, Wis. — Services were Oct. 5 at North Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church here for Virgil Anders. 63. Milwaukee, Wis. He died late Sunday. Oct. 2, at his home. He suffered with cancer of the lymph glands.
Mr. Anders worked at George Meyer Co., in Milwaukee before he retired about three years ago. He was a veteran of World War II.
He was born Oct. 27, 1919, at Delia. Kan., the son of Jesse E. and Pearl Richardson Anders. He moved to Waukesha, Wis., with his parents at an early age.
Mr. Anders was a member of North Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church at Milwaukee.
His wife, Mrs. Laverne Zimmer Anders, survives.
Other survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Marjorie Kummrow, Oconomowoc, Wis., and Jerri Anders, Jennifer Anders and Joan Anders, all of Milwaukee, Wis.; two sisters, Mrs. Doreen Manak and Mrs. Betty Venus, both of Waukesha, Wis.; four brothers, Ray Anders, Dousman, Wis., Dean Anders, Waukesha, Wis., Jesse Anders, New Ber¬lin, Wis., and Ivan Anders, Madison, Wis.; and three grandchildren.
Burial was in West Grenville Cemetery, Milwaukee. Harder Funeral Service of Milwaukee was in charge of arrangements.
3667 |
 | Obituary- Andersen, Vida Vida Andersen
Mrs. Vida Andersen, 76, Des Moines, Iowa, formerly of Rossville, died Tuesday at a Des Moines hospital.
She was born Feb. 1, 1903, in Rossville, where she spent her early years before she moved to Chicago. She moved to Des Moines from Chicago four years ago.
There were no known survivors.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the Rossville Christian Church. Burial will be in the Rossville cemetery. Mrs. Andersen will lie in state at the Parker-Price Mortuary from noon Thursday to noon Friday.
Mrs. Vida Andersen
Mrs. Vida Andersen, 76, Des Moines, Ia., formerly of Rossville, died Tuesday, October 30, 1979, at a Des Moines hospital.
She was born February 1, 1903, in Rossville, where she spent her early years before moving to Chicago. She lived with her grandparents, Zachary and Mary Alice Reser. She moved to Des Moines from Chicago four years ago.
She was married to Harry Andersen, He preceded her in death.
There are no known survivors.
Services were at 2 p.m. Friday at Rossville Christian Church. Burial was in Rossville Cemetery. Parker-Price Mortuary, Topeka, was in charge of arrangements. Memorial contributions may be made to the Rossville Christian Church, 66533.
[Handwritten note: buried under last name, “Reser”]
3668 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Clarence C. Clarence Clyde Anderson
Clarence Clyde Anderson, 82, formerly of Mayetta, died Wednesday, June 25, at a Topeka nursing home.
Mr. Anderson was a farmer and stockman.
He was born May 28, 1904, at Silver Lake, the son of Jones and Lizzie House Anderson. He spent most of his life in the Silver Lake and Mayetta communities.
He was married to Mary Marga¬ret Grayson Sept. 11, 1946, at St. Joseph, Mo. She died Feb. 1, 1982.
Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Edna Carson and Mrs. Elizabeth Carson, both of Topeka.
Services will be at 10 a.m. Mon¬day at Mercer Funeral Home in Hol¬ton. Burial will be in Holton Ceme¬tery. Relatives and friends will meet from 7 until 8 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home.
Page 2 St. Marys Star July 1, 1986
Clarence C. Anderson
Clarence Clyde Anderson, 82, Mayetta, died Wednesday, June 25, 1986, at a Topeka nursing home.
Mr. Anderson was a farmer and stockman.
He was born May 28, 1904, at Silver Lake, the son of Jones and Lizzie House Anderson. He spent most of his life in the Silver Lake and Mayetta communities.
He was married to Mary Margaret Grayson September 11, 1946, at St. Joseph, MO. She died February 1, 1982.
Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Edna Carson and Mrs. Elizabeth Carson, both of Topeka.
Services were at 10 a.m. Monday at Mercer Funeral Home in Holton. Burial was in Holton Cemetery. Relatives and friends met from 7 until 8 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home.
3669 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Clarence D. 1 Hap Anderson
July 14, 1932 — July 15, 2022
Clarence Duane "Hap" Anderson, 90, of Silver Lake, passed away on July 15, 2022 at his home.
He was born on July 14, 1932 to Clarence and Ruth (Goeckler) Anderson at Elmont, Kansas.
Hap graduated from Silver Lake High School in 1950.
He started working for Texaco driving a tanker. After, he was a custodian and bus driver for Silver Lake High School for 6 years. Later he started work as an excavator for Dean's Excavating for over 22 years, before retiring. Hap was a lifelong farmer in the Silver Lake community.
On September 16, 1951, he married Marcia Anderson (Brooks) in Topeka.
He was a lifelong member of Bethel Community Church. He helped build the latest addition at the church. Hap was an avid race car fan, and loved to play softball. He also coached his kids when they were younger in their sports. Hap also enjoyed restoring vintage tractors. He was his grandchildren's and great grandchildren's biggest fan in all of their sporting events and school events. Hap also enjoyed watching Silver Lake girls sporting events.
Hap is survived by his loving wife, Marcia; his children, Randall (Connie) Anderson, Deborah (Jim) Rees, and Tammy (Alan) Zlatnik; sister, Marie Reeder; 7 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by both of his parents; siblings, Wilbur Anderson, Dean Anderson, Erma Harden, and Virginia Baker.
Visitation will be held Monday, July 18, 2022, 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Parker-Price Funeral Home in Topeka, Kansas.
Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, July 19, 2022, 10:00 am at the Bethel Community Church. Inurnment will take place at Walnut Hill Cemetery in Grove, Kansas at a later date.
Memorial contributions may be made to Bethel Community Church, Silver Lake High School Girls Athletics and note Hap Anderson in the memo and send in care to Silver Lake Bank, or to Midland Hospice Care.
3670 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Clarence D. 2 |
3671 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Clarence M. CLARENCE M. ANDERSON
Clarence M. Anderson, 82, Silver Lake, died late Wednesday, June 2, 1982, at a Topeka hospital.
He was born April 13, 1900, in Big Springs, Mo., the son of David C. and Lottie M. Clark Anderson. He lived in Silver Lake the past 76 years.
Mr. Anderson was a section hand for Union Pacific Railroad for 42 years before he retired in 1965.
He was a member of First Baptist Church in Silver Lake.
He married Theo Thomas November 18, 1934, in Wamego. She survives.
Other survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Mary Hart, San Antonio, Tex.; a sister, Mrs. Gladys Ruby, Baxter Springs; and two grandsons.
Services were at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at First Baptist Church. Burial was in Silver Lake Cemetery. Memorial con¬tributions may be made to First Baptist Church, Silver Lake, 66539. Parker- Price Mortuary, Topeka, was in charge of arrangements.
3672 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Flora Miss Anderson Has Gone
After eight weeks of sickness and suffering, Miss Flora Anderson passed away yesterday morning at 7:30 o’clock. She had a serious backset last, week, but since Sunday evening had been taking some nourishment in a natural way and seemed to be improving, and the end came suddenly with the failure of the heart.
For more than fifteen years Miss Anderson has been doing school work in this county and and [sic] was known as one of the best primary teachers in Kansas. She was at Eskridge five years and for ten years she has taught in Alma. No one in the Alma schools was so loved and regarded as she—not only by the little ones, but by patrons and every one in the city Her death comes as a personal loss to nearly everyone.
Her birthplace was in Sardinia, Ohio, and she leave four sisters and two brothers. One sister, Mrs. DeWald, was with her when she died.
The funeral and burial will be at Norwood, near Cincinnati — Alma Enterprise.
Miss Anderson taught one year in Rossville and many of the pupils who went to Miss Anderson in the “third” room, one of whom was the Reporter editor, remember her well.
3673 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Homer H. L. Anderson of Silver Lake is Dead at 54
Homer L. Anderson, Sil¬ver Lake, died unex¬pectedly early Sunday at his home. He was 54.
An employe [sic] of the Topeka State Hospital, Mr. Anderson was born Oct. 9, 1909 in Silver Lake.
He was a member of Silver Lake Baptist
Church, Modern Wood¬men of America and IOOF Lodge.
Survivors include a brother, Clarence Anderson, Silver Lake; and a sister, Mrs. Gladys L. Ruby, Bonner Springs.
Services were at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Silver Lake Baptist Church with burial in Silver Lake Cemetery.
Parker Mortuary was in charge of arrangements.
3674 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Jack Jack E. Anderson, 79, of Topeka, passed away on Monday, February 25, 2008 at a Topeka care facility. He was born on March 28, 1928 in Topeka, the son of Frank O. and Lola Shanley Anderson. He graduated from Topeka High School. He served in the Korean War, he was awarded the Purple Heart / Combat Wounded. He then obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from the University of Kansas. He was employed by the Santa Fe Railroad as an engineer for many years before retiring. He enjoyed traveling and KU football. Jack married Lydia Matyak on June 9, 1955 in Topeka. She survives. Other survivors include his twin brother, Robert Anderson and wife, Sue of Topeka, his brother-in-law, Paul F. Matyak of Delia and many nieces and nephews. Jack was preceded in death by his sister, Dorothy Hauschild in 1994. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Penwell-Gabel Mid Town Chapel. Entombment will follow in Penwell-Gabel Cemetery. Jack will lie in state after 2 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home where the family will receive friends from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Memorial contribution may be given to Heart of America Hospice, 3715 S.W. 29th St., Ste. 100, Topeka, KS 66614. To leave a special message for the family online, visit www. |
3675 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Jim FORMER ROSSVILLE MAN
Word came to Mrs. Ellen Berkey, the last of the week, of the death of Mr. Jim Anderson, March 31, at his home in Edwardsville, Kansas. His death was very sudden, expiring a few minutes after an attack of his heart. His body was taken to Lin- wood,, Kansas, for burial.
The Anderson family lived in this city for several years about twenty-five years ago, in the house now oc¬cupied by Mr. and Mrs. William Old¬field. Mr. Anderson had charge of the Union Pacific section at Rossville for several years. The family moved from Rossville to Linwood. Only one son, Mr. Tristle Anderson, who was a very small boy when the family lived here, remains at home with the mother.
3676 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, John THURS. JAN 4, 1923
J. B. Anderson, Oldest Citizen Is Dead
John Benjamin Anderson, Rossville’s oldest citizen, and probably the oldest person in Shawnee county, passed away last Thursday afternoon after a very brief illness. Mr. Anderson would have been 97 years old next February 3.
Mr. Anderson was a native of New York where he was born Feb. 8, 1820, at Kingsville. He moved west to Wisconsin in 1847 locating about 40 miles west of Milwaukee. A year later he was married to Miss Caroline M. Rickard and this union was blessed by the birth of four sons and one daughter. Mrs. Anderson died in 1876.
In 1869 Mr. Anderson moved to the southern part of Iowa where he resided for 12 years and later moved to a town in the northern part of the state in 1880. In June 1880 he was married to Margaret Carpenter, and to this union one son, Herbert, was born.
The family moved to Kansas in the year 1893 locating about four miles northwest of Rossville on the farm where he resided when he passed away.
On account of his advanced age and poor health he had been confined to his home for about two years.
He is survived by his wife, three sons— Byron and Edmond of California; Charles of Maple Hill; one daughter, Mrs. Austin Sebring of Rossville.
The funeral service was held Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Rossville Methodist church, conducted by the Rev. H. P. Basquin and interment made in the Rossville cemetery. Hesperian Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of which Mr. Anderson was a member had charge of the service at the grave.
3677 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Jones JONES ANDERSON DEAD
Funeral services were held in the Rossville Presbyterian church this afternoon at 2 o’clock, conducted by the pastor Rev. Apel, assisted by Rev Inward, colored minister from Topeka. The body was interred in the Rossville cemetery.
Mr. Anderson died Monday night at his farm home northwest of Grove following a week’s illness. He was one of the most thrifty of Shawnee county’s colored citizens and owned his own farm. He moved to the farm where he died, about twenty-two years ago. Prior to that the family had resided in Rossville for many years.
He was a native of Kentucky where he was born December 11, 1868. When he was four years old his parents moved to Nashville, Tenn. and 11 years later they came to Topeka.
He was married to Elizabeth House, August 8, 1890 and to this union 11 children were born.
Besides the widow he is survived by three sons, Frank, Arthur and Clarence of the home address and six daughters. Two sisters also survive Mrs. Ben Hutchinson, St. Joe, Mo., and Mrs. Maggie Butler, Topeka and four brothers, Mack Anderson, Lawrence, Richard and Jim of St. Joseph Mo., George of Chicago.
Mr. Anderson joined the Baptist church when 15 years old and remained in that faith.
Pete House and his brother G. W. House of Hennessey, Okla., were here today to attend the funeral of their brother-in-law, Jones Anderson.
3678 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Kenneth Kenneth L. Anderson
Kenneth L. “Swede” Anderson, 79, Topeka, died Saturday, June 17, 1989, at a Topeka hospital.
Mr. Anderson worked in road maintenance for Shawnee County until his retirement in 1974. After retirement, he worked part-time for Menoken Township. He served in the Army during World War II.
He was born Aug. 12, 1909, in Boone, Iowa, the son of Arthur and Esther Samuelson Anderson. He had lived in Topeka for 15 years after moving from Rossville.
Mr. Anderson was a member of Jimmy Lillard Post No. 31 of the American Legion at Rossville.
He was married to Almira L. Schwarz on Feb. 2, 1942, in Princeton, Mo. She survives.
Other survivors include four daughters, Cris Eames, Elaine Mo¬ses, Joye Anderson and Mary Ellen Anderson, all of Topeka; two sons, James Anderson and Lynn Anderson, both of Topeka; a sister, Virginia Claude, Webster City, Iowa; two brothers, Bert Anderson, Stanhope, Iowa, and Clyde Anderson, Monterey Park, Calif.; 15 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Davidson Funeral Chapel. Jimmy Lillard Post No. 31 of the American Legion at Rossville will conduct mil¬itary graveside services in Half Day Cemetery at Elmont. Mr. Anderson will lie in state after 11 a.m. Mon¬day at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Kidney Fund.
3679 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Larry Larry B. Anderson, 77, of Rossville, passed away Sunday, November 3, 2019.
He was born September 13, 1942, in Weaverville, North Carolina, the son of Edgar and Lucille Alma (Sawyer) Anderson. He graduated from Rossville High in 1961 and served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War.
Larry was employed by Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company in Topeka until opening Anderson Upholstery which later became Anderson Booth and Equipment in Rossville, KS.
Larry married Joan M. (Dolezilek) (62) Anderson on August 14, 1967 in Miami, OK. She survives.
He was preceded in death by a son, Michael Anderson in 1987.
Larry enjoyed fishing, hunting, camping and restoring old cars.
Honoring his request, cremation is planned. Services will be held at a later date. Dove Cremations and Funerals, Southwest Chapel is assisting the family. Service information will be posted as soon as it becomes available. Please check back later for more information.
Memorial contributions may be made to Rossville Community Library, 407 Main St, Rossville, KS 66533.
To leave a special message for the family online, visit
3680 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Lizzie
We do not have an actual obituary for Elizabeth (Lizzie) at this time. |
3681 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Lucy Lucy Ann Anderson
Lucy Ann Anderson, 100, Topeka, died Tuesday, July 12, 1994, at a Topeka nursing home.
Mrs. Anderson and her husband owned businesses in Rossville and Delia and farmed in Emmett until they retired in 1957.
She was born Nov. 7, 1893, in Osage City, the daughter of Jesse and Sarah Bird Peery.
Mrs. Anderson was a member of the Worldwide Church of God.
She was married to Dick W. Ander¬son on March 14, 1917, in Osage City. He died in 1966. A daughter, Pauline Graham, died in 1988.
Survivors include two sons, John B. Anderson, Renton, Wash., and Wil¬liam E. Anderson, Topeka; a daugh¬ter Jessie M. Lytle, Rossville; 11 grandchildren; and 19 great-grand¬children.
Services will be at 9 a.m. Friday at Penwell-Gabel Chapel. Burial will 'be at Rossville Cemetery. Mrs. Ander¬son will lie in state after 3 p.m. today at the funeral home where relatives and friends will meet from 7 to 8 p.m. today.
3682 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Lydia A lovely smile has left us….Lydia G. (Matyak) Anderson, 93, passed away Thursday morning, March 12, 2015, at Clare Bridge in Topeka. She was born on Jan.1, 1922, on the family farm in Carter, South Dakota, the daughter of Paul and Marie (Dolezilek) Matyak. Lydia had three brothers Paul, Frank, and Joe. Lydia attended Curlew Grade and Witten High Schools, both in South Dakota. She moved with her family to Delia, Kansas, when she was 16 and graduated from Delia High School in 1942. She then moved to Topeka, where she began a self-taught career in accounting, working for Marvin Maydew, CPA. This firm was later bought out by Kennedy and Co., which was the firm she retired from.
Lydia married John Saccocio in 1946. They divorced in 1952. She married Jack Anderson on June 9, 1955. Jack and Lydia were very social and loved to dance, play cards, and travel with family and friends. They enjoyed many trips, including to her family homeland Czechoslovakia, Hawaii, Alaska, Mexico, Italy, Germany, Greece, and Switzerland. Their travel included many cruises.
Lydia was a remarkable lady in all facets. She was always fashionably dressed throughout her work career, and turned many heads on the sidewalks of downtown Topeka! She was very artistic and had a very special beauty and kindness that will be remembered by all who knew her.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Paul and Marie Matyak; her husband, Jack Anderson; and her three brothers, Paul F. Matyak of Delia, Frank A. Matyak of Topeka, and Joe W. Matyak of Rossville.
She is survived by sister-in-law, Edna Matyak of Rossville; brother-in-law, Robert (Sue) Anderson of Topeka; and many nieces and nephews.
Funeral service will be at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 17, 2015, at Penwell-Gabel Mid-Town Chapel, 1321 SW 10th Avenue, Topeka, Kansas 66604. Visitation will be one hour prior to the service. Entombment will follow in Penwell-Gabel Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 1315 SW Arrowhead Road, Topeka, Kansas 66604.
To leave a message for the family online, please visit
3683 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Margaret The funeral services for Mrs.
Margaret Carpenter Anderson were conducted from the Methodist Epis¬copal church Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Gordon S. Pritchett. Mrs. Anderson was born January 28, 1839, in Williamsburg, Ohio. She moved to Fairfield, Iowa, in 1852,
thence to Centerville, Iowa where she was married to Mr. J. B. Ander¬son, June 1 1889. One son was born to them, and both preceeded her to the realms beyond. Mrs.
Anderson died at the home of Dick Anderson northeast of Emmett on April 26th, 1929. She had made her home here for the past 40 years. Mrs. Anderson became a member of the Methodist church in 1894, having been received into the church by the Rev. William Conrad. Burial was in Rossville cemetery.
3684 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Mary Mrs. Mary E. Anderson
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Anderson, 87, 324 Qinton, died Tuesday, Feb. 21 at a Topeka hospital.
Mrs. Anderson was a practical nurse in private practice for more than 20 years.
She was born Oct. 13, 1896, at Delia, the daughter of Andrew and Catharine McGinnis Failer. She moved from Delia to Topeka in the 1920s and was graduated from Stricklers Business College.
Mrs. Anderson was a member of Holy Name Catholic Church in Topeka.
Survivors include a daughter, Kathryn J. Sells, Topeka; two sons, Andrew Joseph Vaughn, Wakarusa, and Robert G. McNeive, Camdenton, Mo.; a sister, Mrs. Margaret Bearclaz, Los Angeles; 17 grandchildren; and 27 great-grandchildren.
Services will be at 11 a.m. Friday at Brennan Funeral Home. Burial will be in Mount Calvary Cemetery at St. Marys. Mrs. Anderson will lie in state after 2 p.m. today at the funeral home, where a rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. today. |
3685 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Michael MICHAEL A. ANDERSON
Michael A. Anderson, 19, Rossville, died early Saturday, May 9,1987, east of St. Marys.
The Kansas Highway Patrol said Mr. Anderson died at the scene of a one-vehicle accident 1 1/4 miles east of St. Marys on US-24.
Mr. Anderson worked for Harry Turner Associates in Topeka.
He was born March 1, 1968, at Topeka, the son of Larry and Joan Dolezilek Anderson. He was graduated from Rossville High School in 1986 and lived in Rossville all his life.
Survivors include his parents, Larry and Joan Anderson, Rural Rossville; grandparents, Ted and Marie Dolezilek, Rossville, and Mrs. Alma Green, Topeka; and a great-grandmother, Mrs. Pearl Sawyer, Weaverville, N.C.
Services were at 2 p.m. Monday at Verschelden Funeral Home, St. Marys. Burial was in Rossville Cemetery. A wake service was held at. 8 p.m. Sunday evening at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Rossville Community Library, 407 Main, Rossville, 66533.
Michael A. Anderson
ROSSVILLE — Michael A. Ander¬son, 19, Rossville, died early Satur¬day, May 9, 1987, east of St. Marys.
The Kansas Highway Patrol said Mr. Andersen died at the scene of a one-vehicle accident 1 1/4 miles east of St. Marys on US-24.
Mr. Anderson worked for Harry Turner Associates in Topeka.
He was born March 1, 1968, at Topeka, the son of Larry and Joan Dolezilek Anderson. He was graduated from Rossville High School in 1986 and lived in Rossville all his life.
Survivors include his parents, Larry and Joan Anderson, Route 1,
Rossville; grandparents, Ted and Marie Dolezilek, Rossville, and Mrs.
Alma Green, Topeka; and a great-grandmother, Mrs. Pearl Saw¬yer, Weaverville, N.C.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Verschelden Funeral Home in St. Marys. Burial will be in Rossville Cemetery. Mr. Anderson will lie in state from 2 p.m. today until service time at the funeral home where a wake service will be held at 8 p.m. today. Memorial contributions may be made to Rossville Community Li¬brary, 407 Main. Rossville, 66533.I
3686 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Peggy M. Peggy M. Anderson, age 85, of Waterville, passed away on Tuesday, July 19, 2022, at her home.
Peggy was born May 25, 1937, at Delia, Kansas, to Donald E. and Gerotha L. (Seal) Stryker. She graduated from Waterville High School in 1956. On November 23, 1957, she married Dean E. Anderson in Topeka. Peggy was a member of the Waterville United Methodist Church, where she sung in the choir and played in the Hand Bell Choir. She was a member of the Loyal Order of the Moose in Marysville, Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, and the Red Hat Society. She had been active in 4-H, Girl Scouts and serving Meals on Wheels. Peggy enjoyed many interests and was pretty good at all of them. She enjoyed puzzles, games, music, fishing, traveling and gardening, she also made pretty good pies. And, you had to be careful, she could be pretty ornery when she wanted.
Survivors include her husband Dean, her three children: Gwendolyn Hemphill of Wamego, Gayla Anderson of Wamego and Michael (Lisa) Anderson of Waterville, a brother John (Janet) Stryker of Blue Rapids, a sister Sonya (Fred) Meyer of Moscow, Idaho, six grandchildren: Jason (Kristie), Ritchie (Heather), Bryant, Andy (Kendall), Amy and Marcie, and nine great grandchildren. Preceding Peggy in death are: a brother Joe Stryker, a sister Lorraine Reedy, a son in law Steve Hemphill and a great granddaughter Savanah.
A Celebration of Life will be held at Noon on Saturday, August 6, 2022, at the Waterville Community Center. A private inurnment will be held at a later date. Memorials are suggested to the Waterville United Methodist Church and may be sent in care of Christie-Anderes Funeral Home at PO Box 61, Waterville, Kansas 66548. |
3687 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Robert Retired Colonel Robert ''Bob'' Anderson passed away Sept. 9, 2008 in Oklahoma City. He was born June 3, 1929 in Topeka, Kansas to Theodore Cryder Anderson and Winifred (McCollough) Anderson. Bob spent most of his childhood in Tulsa, OK, graduating from Will Rogers High School in 1947. He received a degree in aviation and space engineering from Oklahoma University. Bob married Helene Wyatt and together they were the proud parents of four wonderful children David, John, Fred, and Marjean. In addition to his accomplishments as a husband and father, Bob had a commendable 30 year career with the United States Air Force. He was a fighter pilot serving missions in Korea and Viet Nam and was the left wingman in the USAF Thunderbirds during the 1954/57 tour. After serving his country and receiving numerous medals and awards, including two distinguished flying crosses, two silver stars, and ten air medals, Bob embarked on a second successful career as a life insurance salesman in Oklahoma City. In addition to his business career Bob was active in his church and civic activities, including Oklahomans for Children and Families (OCAF), where he served as president for over a decade. Bob was an active member of the Daedaleans, whose mission is to encourage young people in aviation careers. He was also involved in Bible Study Fellowship, a Monday morning prayer breakfast, and was an active member of the Life Builders Sunday school class at Crossings Community church. In addition he was an active worker in the Republican Party for many years. Most recently, Bob has been involved in the rewarding work of prison ministry. Bob loved playing golf and had many wonderful days on the golf course with his foursome, ''three Bobs and a Stan.'' Bob was preceded in death by his parents and his children David and Marjean. He leaves behind his wife Helene, son John and daughter-in-law Linda, son Fred, and six grandchildren: Christopher, Brian, Kimberly, Justin, Matthew, and Jonathan, and six great grandchildren. He is survived by his two brothers, Ted of Las Vegas, NV and Don of OKC. Donations may be made, in Bob's memory, to Oklahoma Family Policy Council, 3908 Peniel, Bethany, OK 73008, phone 787-7744, or Citizens Caring for Children, 3317 Wynn Dr., Edmond, OK 73013, phone 359-2694. Visitation will be held Sunday from 12 to 6 at Smith & Kernke, 14624 N. May Ave., Oklahoma City. Services will be at Crossings Community, 14600 North Portland Ave. OKC, Monday, Sept. 15, 2008 at 2:30pm, followed by interment at Memorial Park Cemetery.
Published in The Oklahoman on 9/14/2008 |
3688 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, Rosalie Mrs. Rosalie Anderson
Mrs. Rosalie M. Anderson, 72, Topeka, died Saturday, Nov. 4, 1989, at her home. She had been ill.
She was born April 27, 1917, at Rossville, the daughter of Montie and Carrie Reser. She moved to To-peka in 1946 from Rossville.
She married William H. Anderson Feb. 14, 1946, in Holton. He survived
Other survivors include a daugh-ter, Karen Sue Owens, Topeka; a brother, Harold Reser, Rossville; and a grandchild.
Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Rossville Ceme-tery. Mrs. Anderson will lie in state from 5 p.m. today until noon Wednesday at Tibbitts-Griffin Fu-neral Chapel, 29th and Tecumseh Road, where relatives and friends will meet from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesday.
3689 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, William William H. Anderson
William H. Anderson, 88, of Topeka passed away on Monday, Sept. 17, 2007. He was born April 8, 1919 at Manhattan the son of Axtel and Minnie (Frakes) Anderson. William served in the army during World War II. He farmed in the Valley Falls area and later was custodian in the USD 501 school district for over 25 years. He worked mostly at Highland Park High School. William retired in the early 1980s. He was married to Rosalie Reaser. She preceded him in death. Also preceding him were his daughter, Karen Owens and his brother Ernest. Survivors include his brothers, Jo Anderson and wife Rose of Auburn, John Anderson of Olathe; sister, Dorothy Frickey and husband Earl of Topeka and his grandson Theodore Owens of Lansing. Graveside services and interment will be held at 3:00 pm Friday, Sept. 21st at the Rossville Cemetery. He will lie in state on Thursday at Davidson Funeral Home from 1-9 pm. Memorial contributions may be made to Heart Of America Hospice in care of the funeral home.
Published in Topeka Capital-Journal on Sept. 19, 2007
3690 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, William E. 1 William Edward “Bill” Anderson
William Edward “Bill” Anderson, 80, of To¬peka, died March 6, 2012, at Midland Hospice House.
He was born in Emmett, on April 24,1931, the son of Dick and Lucy (Peery) Anderson.
Bill was a graduate of Emmett High School and attended Kansas State University. He moved to Topeka in 1951. Bill worked for the Topeka Capitol-Journal, Coffee USA, Laird Noller Ford and for Bryan, Lykins and Hejtmanek Law Firm before retiring.
He married Barbara A Briscoe in Blue Springs, Mo., on Jan. 10,1976. She survives of the home. He is also survived by a daughter, Donna An-derson of Topeka; two sons, Bradley Anderson of Lenexa and David Anderson of Topeka; two stepchildren, Laura Hayden of Rose Hill and Paul Briscoe of San Jose, Calif.; 12 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; a sister, Jessie Lytle of Rossville; and a brother, John B. Anderson of Renton, Wash. He was preceded in death by his parents and a sister, Pauline.
Bill was a member of the Church of God, a worldwide association where he served as a deacon.
He was cremated. A memorial service was set for March 11 at Brennan-Mathena Funeral Home.
Memorial contributions may be made to Midland Care Hospice and sent in care of Bren-nan-Mathena Funeral Home, 800S. W. Sixth Ave., Topeka, KS 66603.
3691 |
 | Obituary- Anderson, William E. 2 William Edward "Bill" Anderson
William Edward "Bill” Anderson, 80, of Topeka, died March 6, 2012 at Midland Hospice House.
He was born in Emmett, Kansas on April 24,1931 the son of Dick and Lucy (Peery) Anderson.
Bill was a graduate of Emmett High School and attended Kansas State University. He moved to Topeka in 1951. Bill worked for the Topeka Capitol-Journal, Coffee USA, Laird Noller Ford and for Bryan, Lykins and Hejtmanek Law Firm before retiring.
He married Barbara A. Briscoe in Blue Springs, Mo. on January 10, 1976. She survives of the home. He is also survived by a daughter, Donna Anderson of Topeka, two sons, Bradley Anderson of Lenexa, Ks., and David Anderson of Topeka, two step children, Laura Hayden of Rose Hill, Ks., and Paul Briscoe of San Jose, Ca., 12 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren, a sister, Jessie Lytle of Rossville and a brother, John B. Anderson of Renton, Wa. He was preceded in death by his parents and a sister, Pauline.
Bill was a member of the Church of God a Worldwide Asso¬ciation where he served as a deacon.
He was cremated. A Memorial Service will be held on Sunday at 1:00 p.m. at the Brennan-Mathena Funeral Home.
Memorial contributions may be made in his memory in lieu of flowers to Midland Care Hospice and sent in care of Brennan-Mathena Funeral Home, 800 SW 6h Ave., Topeka, Kansas 66603.
Online condolences and fond memories may be left at
3692 |
 | Obituary- Andres, Louis LOUISE. ANDRES
Louis E. Andres, 80, Alta Vista, died Thursday, June 4, 1981, at a Council Grove hospital where he had been since May 26.
He was born September 26, 1900, on a firm east of Alta Vista, the son of John and Sophia Kahle Andres.
Mr. Andres was a farmer and stock¬man until he retired in 1964 and moved into Alta Vista.
He was a member of Emmanuel United Methodist Church until 1965 when he changed his membership to Simpson United Methodist Church at Alta Vista.
He married Grace Meyers March 7, 1926, at the Emmanuel United Methodist Church parsonage five miles Southeast of Alta Vista. She survives.
Other survivors include three sons, Bob Andres and Neil Andres, both of Alta Vista, and Jim Andres, Rossville; a sister, Mrs. Alta Mayer, Council Grove; a brother, Herman Andres, Alta Vista; nine grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Services were at 2 p.m. Saturday at Alta Vista United Methodist Church. Burial was in Alta Vista Cemetery. Kendall Funeral Chapel, Council Grove, was in charge of arrangements. Memorials may be made to Alta Vista Seniors Citizens Housing Unit, Alta Vista, Ks. 66834.
3693 |
 | Obituary- Andrews, Emily Emily Mary (Adams) Andrews died at her home in Long Beach, California on December 15, 1919. The following short obituary was printed in the Los Angeles Times: "Died at her home on December 15, 1919, Mrs. Emily (Adams) Andrews, age 82 and a native of Illinois. She lived in Long Beach for several years before moving to Rancho San Antonio a year ago. She is survived by her husband, Thomas W. Andrews, Sr.; sons Frank A., Thomas W. Jr., Everett Leslie, and daughters Mrs. Grace Moode, and Miss Ethelyn Andrews, all of Huntington Park; two brothers Franklin and Horace G., of Maple Hill, Kansas and a sister, Mrs. Alice (Adams) Miller of Long Beach. Burial took place in Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach, California." |
3694 |
 | Obituary- Andrews, Frank Frank A. Andrews
Word was received this week of the death of Frank Andrews, of Los Angeles, who passed away Saturday, January 27, and was buried Monday.
Mr. Andrews was a native son of Rossville, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tom Andrews, who succeeded his father for a time in the cattle feeding business and grain business here in the Main Street elevator which burned some years ago.
He is a cousin of the Adams brothers of Maple Hill. His wife was the daughter of the late Chas Wolff who conducted the Wolff Packing Company, now Morrell's.
Mr. Andrews built the house for his bride, now the home of the Reporter editor. |
3695 |
 | Obituary- Andrews, Joseph Joseph Anderson [sic Andrews], a well known and former resident of Silver Lake passed away at Parsons, Kan., May 11, 1918, at the age of 72 years, 4 months, and 11 days.
He was born December 30, 1845, near Mt. Pleasant, Somerset Co., Pa.
When he was about a year old he moved to a farm near Loudenville, O., with his parents. His father died in 1865, and in April, 1879, he, with his mother, two brothers, and three sisters, moved to a farm near Rossville, Kan., where they resided for 4 years, then moved to a farm near Silver Lake, Kan. Some years later they moved to Silver Lake, living there until the death of his mother, which occurred March 21, 1909.
He was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andrews and is survived by five sisters and three brothers, as follows: Mrs. Margaret Howenstine, Lawton, Okla.; Mrs. Sarah Hammitt, Waynesville, Ill.; Mrs. Jemima Weltmer, Lawtonville, Ohio; Mrs. Belle Bridgeford and Mrs. Joanna Reinhardt of Silver Lake; J. C. Andrews, Lawtonville, Ohio; T. W. Andrews, Los Angeles, Cal.; J. K. Andrews, Topeka.
He was well liked by all those who knew him, and if he had any enemies, we did not know it.
The funeral services were held at the home of his sister, Mrs. Belle Bridgeford, at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 15. Mr. Shellabarger had charge of the funeral, and Rev. Adel of Topeka preached the sermon. He read the 90th Psalm and preached a very fine sermon. He admonished all present to be prepared for the time when their last day would come, or rather to so live that each day would have a little bit of heaven in it.
The singing was very appropriate and was rendered by Mrs. Edith Goodno, Mrs. Mina Wentworth, Mr. Carl French, and Abe Mowers, with Vera Hook at the organ. The large crowd present and beautiful floral offerings spoke volumes of affection. Interment was made at Rossville Cemetery.
3696 |
 | Obituary- Andrick, David 1 David Ray Andrick
David Ray Andrick, 31, passed away Monday, June 18, 2012, near Auburn.
He was born Feb. 26,1981, at Kansas City,
Mo. David grew up in the Rossville and Dover communities and grad¬uated from Rossville High School in 2000.
He was a ranch hand for S&L Ranch. Da¬vid was a member of the Rossville Christian Church. He loved fish¬ing, camping, animals and all kinds of sports.
David participated in the Kansas Special Olympics where track was his specialty and he had received many medals for his speed.
Survivors include his parents Ron and Alice Andrick of Topeka, brothers, John Andrick of Topeka, Jason Berrett of Topeka and Donald Berrett of Parsons; a sister, Laura Andrick of Topeka; grandparents, John and Isla Andrick of Rossville; nephews, Marcus and Nickolas; nieces, Mariah, Michelle and Savannah.
Funeral services were June 23 at Rossville Christian Church. Interment followed in the Ross-ville Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Rossville Christian Church or the David R. Andrick Memorial Fund to help offset funeral expenses and sent in care of Piper Funeral Home, 714 W. Maple, St. Marys, KS 66536.
3697 |
 | Obituary- Andrick, David 2 David Ray Andrick
David Ray Andrick, 31, passed away Monday, June 17, 2012 near Auburn.
He was born February 26, 1981 at Kansas City, MO. David grew up in the Rossville and Dover communities and graduated from Rossville High School in 2000.
He was a ranch hand for S & 1. Ranch. David was a member of the Rossville Christian Church. He loved fishing, camping, animals and all kinds of sports. David participated in the Kansas Special Olympics where track was his specialty and he had received many medals for his speed.
Survivors include his parents Ron and Alice Andrick, Topeka, brothers, John Andrick, Topeka, Jason Berrett, Topeka and Donald Berrett, Parsons; a sister, Laura Andrick, Topeka; grandparents, John and Isla Andrick, Rossville; nephews, Marcus, Nickolas; nieces, Mariah, Michelle and Savannah.
Funeral services will be at 2:00 P.M. Saturday, June 23, 2012 at the Rossville Christian Church. Interment will be in the Rossville Cemetery. David will lie in state from 6:30 until 8:00 P.M. Friday, June 22, 2012 at the church in Rossville where the family will receive friends. Memorial contributions may be made to the Rossville Christian Church or the David R. Andrick Memorial Fund to help offset funeral expenses and sent in care Piper Funeral Home, 714 W. Maple, St. Marys, KS.66536. Online condolences may be sent to www.piperfu-
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 | Obituary- Andrick, David 3 DAVID RAY ANDRICK
David Ray Andrick, 31, passed away Monday, June 17, 2012 near Auburn.
He was born Feb. 26, 1981, at Kansas City, Mo. David grew up in the Rossville and Dover communities and graduated from Rossville High School in 2000.
He was a ranch hand for S & L Ranch. David was a member of the Rossville Christian Church. He loved fishing, camping, animals and all kinds of sports. David partici¬pated in the Kansas Special Olympics where track was his specialty and he had received many medals for his speed.
Survivors include his parents Ron and Alice Andrick, Topeka, brothers John Andrick, Topeka, Jason Berrett, Topeka and Donald Berrett, Parsons; a sister Laura Andrick, Topeka; grandparents John and Isla Andrick, Rossville; nephews Mar¬cus, and Nickolas; nieces Mariah, Michelle and Savannah.
Funeral services were held Sat-urday, June 23, at the Rossville Christian Church.
Interment was in the Rossville Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Rossville Christian Church or the David R. Andrick Memorial Fund to help offset fu¬neral expenses and sent in care Piper Funeral Home, 714 W. Maple, St. Marys, KS 66536.
Online condolences may be sent to
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 | Obituary- Andrick, Griffie GRIFFIE E. ANDRICK
Mrs. Griffie E. Andrick, 84, Rossville, died late Wednesday, August 18, 1982, at a Rossville nursing home.
She was born January 23, 1898, at Rossville, the daughter of William and Lanora Crouse Adams. She lived in the Rossville community 30 years and also lived at Emmett and Delia.
She married Raymond Andrick June 6, 1917, at Holton. He died March 6, 1967.
Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Wauneta Darting, Emmett, Mrs. Lenora Darting, St. George, Mrs. Dorothy Redmon, Topeka, and Mrs. Genevieve Jacobson, Rossville; a son, John W. Andrick, Maple Hill; a sister, Mrs. Thema Armagost, King City, Mo.; two brothers, Walter E. Adams, Rossville, and Irvin Adams, Holton; 18 grandchildren; and 20 great- grandchildren.
Services were at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at Mercer Funeral Home, Holton. Burial was in Mount Olive Cemetery, Delia. Memorial contributions may be made to Capper Foundation for Crippled Children, 3500 W. 10th, Topeka, 66604.
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 | Obituary- Andrick, John W. Rossville—John W. Andrick, 86, passed away Sunday, January 27, 2019 at the Midland Hospice House in Topeka.
He was born June 7, 1932 on a farm near Delia the son of Raymond and Griffie Adams Andrick. John attended Delia schools. He served in the United States Army.
He had lived in the Delia, Dover, and Rossville communities all of his life. John was an earthmover tire builder at Goodyear Tire and Rubber in Topeka, retiring in July 1994. He was a farmer and stockman. John had worked at the grain elevator in Willard and did carpentry work in and around Rossville. He was a member of Jimmie Lillard Post No. 31 of the American Legion in Rossville. His first love was his family and fishing with the kids, with the farm being close behind.
He was preceded in death by his parents; three infant sisters, and sisters, Lenora Darting, Wauneta Darting and Dorothy Redmon; an infant son; a son, Terry, on March 29, 1998; and a grandson, David, on June 18, 2012.
On September 9, 1956 he was united in marriage to Isla R. Parnell in Seneca. She survives of the home.
Other survivors include two daughters, Janice Andrick and Brenda (Rod) Brown all of Rossville; a son, Ron (Alice) Andrick, Topeka; a sister, Genevieve (Don) Jacobson, Rossville; six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be at 11:00 A.M. Saturday, February 2, 2019 at Piper Funeral Home in St. Marys. Interment will be in the Rossville Cemetery with Military services by Jimmie Lillard Post No. 31 of the American Legion. The family will receive friends from 10:00 A.M. until service time Saturday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Midland Hospice House and sent in care of Piper Funeral Home, 714 Maple Street, St. Marys, Kansas 66536. |