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4501 |
 | Obituary- Cerny, Halcia 1 Mrs. Halcia M. Cerny
Rossville – Mrs. Halcia Marguerite Cerny, 81, Rossville, died late Tuesday, Sept. 10, at a Rossville nursing home. She had a brain tumor and had been ill a year.
Mrs. Cerny taught in Rossville and area schools 38 years before she retired in 1973.
She was born Nov. 10, 1903, at Delia, the daughter of Fred and Anna Ward Stalker. She was graduated from Rossville High School. She also attended Emporia State Teachers College, Fort Hays State College, and Leland Stanford Jr. University, Stanford, Calif., and was graduated from Washburn University in Topeka. She was a graduate of the Flo V. Menninger Bible Course.
Mrs. Cerny was a member of the United Methodist Church, Amaryllis Chapter No. 321 of Order of Eastern Star and Senior Citizens, all at Rossville. She also was a past president and secretary of the Countryside Club and secretary of Ladies Literary Circle several years before she became ill, both at Rossville.
She was married to Henry Frank Cerny Feb. 7, 1925, at Hiawatha. He died Nov. 30, 1955. A daughter, Louise Ann Cerny, died in October 1930.
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Edith McClain and Mrs. Marcia Terell, both of Rossville; a sister, Mrs. Beth Lauck, Woodlawn, Calif.; three brothers, Dr. Clinton Stalker, Satanta, Glenn Stalker, Sacramento, Calif., and Dr. Orville Stalker, El Paso, Texas; a granddaughter; and three great-grandsons.
Services at 10 a.m. Friday will be followed by Order of Eastern Star services conducted by Amaryllis Chapter No. 321 at the United Methodist Church in Rossville. Burial will be in Rossville Cemetery. Relatives and friends will meet from 7 until 8 p.m. today at Parker-Price Mortuary in Topeka. Memorial contributions may be made to the United Methodist Church, Rossville, 66533.
4502 |
 | Obituary- Cerny, Halcia 2 HALCIA M. CERNY
Mrs. Halcia Marguerite Cerny, 81, Rossville, died late Tuesday, September 10, 1985, at a Rossville nursing home. She had a brain tumor and had been ill a year.
Mrs. Cerny taught in Rossville and area schools 38 years before she retired in 1973.
She was born November 10, 1903, at Delia, the daughter of Fred and Anna Ward Stalker. She was graduated from Rossville High School. She also attended Emporia State Teachers College, Fort Hays State College, and Leland Stanford Jr., University, Stanford, Calif., and was graduated from Washburn University in Topeka. She was a graduate of the Flo V. Menninger Bible Course.
Mrs. Cerny was a member of the United Methodist Church, Amaryllis Chapter No. 321 of Order of Eastern Star and Senior Citizens, all at Rossville. She also was a past president and secretary of the Countryside Club and secretary of Ladies Literary Circle several years before she became ill, both at Rossville.
She was married to Henry Frank Cerny February 7, 1925, at Hiawatha. He died November 30, 1955. A daughter, Louise Ann Cerny, died in October 1930.
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Edith McClain and Mrs. Marcia Terrell, both of Rossville; a sister, Mrs. Beth
Lauck, Woodlawn, Calif.; three brothers, Dr. Clinton Stalker, Satanta, Glenn Stalker, Sacramento, Calif., and Dr. Orville Stalker, El Paso, Tex.; a granddaughter; and three great- grandsons.
Services at 10 a.m. Friday were followed by Order of Eastern Star services conducted by Amaryllis Chapter No. 321 at the United Methodist Church in Rossville. Burial was in Rossville Cemetery. Relatives and friends met from 7 until 8 p.m. Thursday at Parker-Price Mortuary in Topeka. Memorial contributions may be made to the United Methodist Church, Rossville, 66533.
4503 |
 | Obituary- Cerny, Henrietta Henrietta Cerny
Mrs. Henrietta Cerny, 94, Rossville, died Friday in a St. Marys rest home where she had been since May 9.
She was born July 18, 1878, at Prague, Czechoslovakia April 1, 1903 and moved to St. Marys July 5, 1905. She spent the rest of her life in the Rossville and St. Marys communities.
She was a member of Moravian Lodge No. 128, ZCBJ, at Rossville.
She was married to Joseph Cerny September 25, 1905, at Rossville. He died March 11, 1914.
Survivors include two sons, Joseph Cerny, Oxford, Miss., and Frank Cerny, Rossville; a sister, Mrs. Alzbeta Novakova, Decin, Czechoslovakia; a brother, Fena Nekvasil, Prague, Czechoslovakia; three grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Services were at 2 p.m. Monday at Verschelden Funeral Home at St. Marys. Burial was in the Bohemian and Moravian National Cemetery north of Rossville.
Pallbearers were: LeRoy Pressgrove, Albert Martinek, John D. Kratina, Joe Macha, August Stach, and William Olejnik, all from Rossville.
4504 |
 | Obituary- Cerny, Henry Thursday, December 1, 1955
Henry Cerny dead
Henry Frank Cerny, 52, was found dead of carbon monoxide fumes Wednesday afternoon in the garage of his home. Cerny, well-known in this community, apparently took his own life. He had been in ill health for the past few years. His death was a shock to the community.
He was born December 1, 1902, at Rossville and had been a life-long resident of the community. He had been a businessman in the community and in later years a used car dealer. He was a member of the Methodist Church, Rossville Masonic Lodge and the Czech Lodge No. 128.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Halcia Cerny, of the home, two daughters, Mrs. Edith Marie McClain, Rossville, and Marcia Cerny of the home; one grandchild, and three sisters, Mrs. Alice Seitz, Delia, Mrs. Carrie Kovar, Rossville, and Mrs. Helen Helms, Wichita.
Henry Frank Cerny
Henry Frank Cerny, 52, died Wednesday, November 30, at his home in Rossville just the day before his 53rd birthday.
Henry, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cerny was born on a farm northeast of Rossville on December 1, 1902. He spent his entire life in this community. He was married to Miss Halcia Stalker, also of this community, on February 7, 1925. To this union were born three daughters, Louise Anne preceded his in death at the age of two years. He was a member of the Methodist Church and Rossville Masonic Lodge.
Living survivors are his wife, Mrs. Halcia Cerny of the home; two daughters, Mrs. Edith McClain, Rossville, and Marcia Joy Cerny of the home; one grandchild Shelley Ann McClain; three sisters, Mrs. Carrie Kovar, Rossville, Mrs. Alice Seitz, Delia, Mrs. Helen Helms, Wichita; and several nieces and nephews. Also a host of friends and other relatives.
The funeral was held in the Rossville Methodist church with Rev. Don Jones officiating. Music was furnished by Mrs. Joe Campbell, Mrs. Don Jones and Mrs. Marlin Harth. Pall bearers were Chris Viergever, Ernest Decker, Henry Martinek, Norman Lambotte, Milton Perry, Howard French, Bennie Dick and Cletus Reding. Interment was in Rossville Cemetery.
4505 |
 | Obituary- Cerny, Infant daughter Daughter of Joseph and Henrietta. |
4506 |
 | Obituary- Cerny, Josef Josef Cerny
Josef Cerny was born in Moravia, Austria, on March 8, 1882 and died Wednesday, March 11, 1914, at the age of 32 years and 3 days. Mr. Cerny came to this country about twelve years ago and located in the Bohemian settlement north of Rossville. He was a stone mason by trade and like all mechanics who learn their trade in the old country he was an expert in his line. By his industry he soon was able to invest in a farm from his savings and was rapidly prospering at the time of his untimely death from the cave-in at the Swetlick bridge in Jackson county where he had the contract for building the abutments.
Mr. Cerny was of a quit disposition and his strict attention to business kind nature won him the esteem and respect of all his neighbors. He was a member of the Z.C.B.J., a local Bohemian lodge under whose auspices the funeral services were conducted. Rev. P. Parulek preached the sermon. The remains were laid to rest in the Bohemian cemetery.
Josef Cerny is survived by his wife and two sons, Joseph, aged 8 and Frank, aged 4, one brother in Europe and two sisters, one who resides in Texas and Mrs. Vine Pobristo of Omaha Neb.
I desire to thank our many friends, neighbors and members of the Z.C.B.J. for their many acts of kindness and sympathy in the death of my beloved husband. Mrs. Joseph Cerny.
4507 |
 | Obituary- Cerny, Josef 2 CAVE IN KILLS TWO MEN - Transcription
Wall of an Abutment Pit at the Swetlick Bridge Covered Three Men
12 March 1914
A cave-in from the north wall of a pit being dug for the north abutment to the new Swetlick bridge over Cross Creek, 6 miles north of Rossville and 1 mile south of Delia, at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon resulted in the death of two men and but for the quick aid secured from Delia by Frank Bravence, who was working on the outside of the pit, a third would have perished.
Joe Cerney, who had the contract to build the stone abutments and one of his helpers, Joe Bravence, were crushed to death by the dirt and but for the fact that Rudolf Besta was caught in one corner of the pit where a pipe being used to pump water from the hold, served as partial protection to his body beside supplying enough air that prevented him from smothering before the rescue party could dig him out he would have perished also.
The abutment on the south bank of the creek had been completed and the men were near the level on which the foundation was to rest, for the north abutment. At the time of the accident the pit had been sunk 17 ft below the creek side of the pit and the north side of the hole was many feet higher.
So far as could be learned from Besta who had recovered enough this morning from the shock to discuss the accident, the bottom of the pit caved in first and the men had not a moment's time to try t save themselves before the whole top of the north bank for a distance of ten feet from the edge of the pit slid in carrying many tons of earth over the trapped men and burying them to a depth of 10 feet.
Best who was using the pump to keep the water down so Cerny and Bravence could dig, was in one corner and was in a measure protected by the pipe.
The help from Delia worked with feverish haste but the bodies were not reached until 6:30. Besta was seen to be alive and was hurried to Delia where he soon responded to a physician's treatment and recovered consciousness. His left side was crushed some but no internal injuries were discovered and he was able to move about this morning.
Used No Casing
The bank where the pit was being sunk is seepy and it is a regrettable fact that precautions had not been taken to use casing to prevent just such an accident. The banks at this place on Cross Creek are very high.
Of the dead men Cerney was the only one to leave a family. Both the dead are well known over this end of Shawnee County. The bodies were take home this morning and the funeral announcements will be made later. Interment will be made in the Bohemian cemetery near the 101 school house.
LATER - The funeral of Joe Cerney and Joe Bravence will be held Saturday at 1:30 at the Bohemian hall. Friends are invited -- 12 March 1914
Funeral Largely Attended
The funeral of Joe Cerny and Joseph Bravence was held Saturday at 1:30 in the Bohemian hall northeast of Rossville, conducted by Rev. Parolek and Rev. Pontious. Interment was made in the Bohemian Cemetery. The hall was too small to hold more than half the number of sorrowing relatives and friends of the two young men. Many relatives from a distance came to the funeral. -- 19 March 1914
(First published in Rossville Reporter Mar. 19, 1914)
State of Kansas
Shawnee County SS
In the matter of estate of Joseph Cerny of Shawnee county, Kansas.
Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of Mar., A.D., 1914, the undersigned was, by the Probate Court of Shawnee county, Kansas, duly appointed administrator of the estate of Joseph Cerny, late of Shawnee county, deceased. All parties interest in said estate will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. --MATHEW REZAC, Administrator
--19 March 1914 - Route 13
The following arrived to attend the funeral of Joseph Cerny and Joseph Bravence, last Saturday; John Pishney and Daniel Smerchek of Cleburne, Kas., Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bravence of Horton, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Vince Pobrislo, of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Mat Rezac; Mr. and Mrs. John Zima, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spacek and Ed Hladky , all of Emmett, Kans. and Mrs. Frank Koci and son James of Auburn and Rev. J. Parulek of Cuba, Ks.
4508 |
 | Obituary- Cerny, Joseph Joseph Cerny
Joseph Cerny, 88, died Wednesday, September 21, 1994, at a hospital in Oxford, Miss. Apparent cause of death was cardiac arrest.
He was born June 24, 1906 in Rossville Township, Shawnee County, the son of Joseph and Henriette Nekvasil Cerny.
Mr. Cerny was a retired Pub¬lic Accountant, and the wid¬ower of Olaette J. Jury Cerny. He was reared on a farm near Rossville. In 1929, he graduated with honors from the University of Kansas in the School of Business. In 1930, he received his Master’s degree in account¬ing from the University of Illi¬nois. He passed the CPA exam in 1931, and taught school at Oklahoma A&M, DePaul Uni¬versity, and the University of Mississippi from 1946 until his retirement in 1971. During World War II, he served as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army.
He was a member of Oxford Civitan Club, a life member of the University of Illinois, and a life member of the Reserve Officers Association. He was a 32nd Degree Scottish Rites Mason. He had lived in Oxford since 1946.
Survivors include a daughter, Mary H. Park, Oxford, Miss.; two sons, Joseph Cerny III, Berkley, Calif., and Jan Edwin Cerny, Oakland, Calif; six grandchildren; and one great- grandson.
Visitation was Friday from 5:00 until 7:00 at Waller Fu¬neral Home, Oxford, Miss. His funeral service was Saturday at 11 a.m. at the funeral home chapel. Interment was in Oxford Memorial Cemetery, Oxford, Miss.
4509 |
 | Obituary- Cerny, Julia Julia Cerny
Mrs. Julia Cerny died very suddenly at 1 o’clock last Thursday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cerny northeast of Rossville.
Mrs. Cerny was born in Moravia, Europe, in 1833, and had passed her 86th year when death came. Mrs. Cerny, with her husband, came to this country about 35 years ago and settled on a 20 acre farm in Jackson county. Six years ago Mr. Cerny died and she had made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cerny, who are related distantly by marriage. The farm in now owned by Frank Matyak. The funeral was held at the Cerny home Friday, November 28 after a short service conducted by Mr. John Kurtine, Sr. She was laid to rest in the Bohemian cemetery. She is mourned by a large circle of friends.
4510 |
 | Obituary- Cerny, Katherine Katherine Cerny
Funeral services for Katherine Cerny were held Sunday afternoon, October 15, at 2 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church, conducted by the pastor, Ivan Rundus, of Manhattan. Mrs. Cerny passed away Friday, Oct. 13, after a prolonged illness.
Mrs. Cerny was born in Kladno, Czechoslovakia on January 12, 1879, and departed this life at the age of 71 years, 9 months and one day.
In 1901 she was united in marriage to Thomas Cerny, who preceded her in death on December 16, 1943. To this union were born three daughters and one son: Mrs. Helen Helms, of Wichita; Mrs. Alice Seitz, St. Marys; Mrs. Carrie Kovar and Henry Cerny of Rossville. She is survived by six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, and also one sister, Mrs. James Bartos, of Zurich, Kansas, three brothers, Joseph, James and John Slansky, of Plainville, Kansas.
She came to this country before the age on one year and grew to womanhood in Rooks County, Kansas and resided in the Rossville community since 1901.
Mrs. Cerny was a long-time member of the Z.C.B.J. Lodge.
She was a very devoted mother and was always willing to help in time of illness or sorrow. Her friendly disposition was loved and respected as she put the welfare of others ahead of her personal labors and interest.
Music was furnished by Mrs. Lorene Harth and Mrs. Alice Boyd with Edith Higginbotham, accompanist.
Pallbearers were Frank Matyak, Adolf Macha, Ernest Rezic, George Olejnik, Jr., Henry Martinek and Frank Dolezilek. Interment was in the Czech Cemetery north of Rossville.
Funeral service of Katherine Cerny were: Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Helms and daughter, Wichita; Mr. and Mrs. John Slansky, Mr. and Mrs. James Bartos, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slansky and son Wilber, and Mr. Ralph Slansky of Plainville, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Koci, Mrs. Leo Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Don Koci, Miss Evelyn Slansky, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bravence, Dr. and Mrs. Clinton Stalker, Miss Margaret Slansky, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doll and family, Mrs. Doll, Mr. and Mrs. William Miller, all of Topeka; Mrs. Anna Saia and son Marion of Emmett; Mrs. John Hart of Lawrence; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rostocil of Mayetta; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kovar of Merriam, Kansas
CARD OF THANKS – We wish to express our appreciation for the many acts of kindness, expressions of sympathy, extended us by our friends, neighbors and the Countryside Club; and also for the beautiful floral offerings, during the recent illness and death of our dear mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cerny, Mr. and Mrs. Emial Kovar, Mr. and Mrs. John Seitz, Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Helms
4511 |
 | Obituary- Cerny, Louise Louise Anne Cerny
Louise Anne Cerny, 2 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cerny was killed about 5:15 o’clock Saturday evening and the child’s mother painfully injured when the Ford coupe in which Mrs. Cerny, the baby and Mrs. Fred Stalker were riding, was overturned by a hit-and-run driver.
The accident occurred near the central entrance to the Rossville cemetery as Mrs. Cerny and her mother were driving to the Cerny home on the Yocum farm. The home is only a short distance east of the scene of the accident.
Ordinarily the road is little used by traffic, but since the detour to Silver Lake was routed to Grove many motorists acquainted with this shortcut have been using the road.
A Dodge sedan, occupies by a Mr. and Mrs. Rhyne and their two daughters of Manhattan, enroute to Topeka, came up behind the Stalker car and honked several times for passage. The road is narrow and had recently been graded. Fearing a collision Mrs. Stalker selected the widest place she could see in the road and pulled out giving half the road. The Dodge sedan pulled around the Stalker car and swerved in ahead of Mrs. Stalker compelling her to pull her car outside the track. They drove fender to fender for a short distance when a sudden jolt threw the baby through the window of the door. The car fell on its side, pinning the baby beneath the door frame. Mrs. Cerny’s leg was caught in the door of the car and she was unable to reach her baby. Her leg was badly injured.
Mrs. Stalker, who was uninjured, climbed out the opposite door and hastened to the Frank Dannifer home a quarter of a mile west to summon help.
In the meantime Mr. and Mrs. ? E. Ishmael of Rossville and two other auto parties returning from Topeka arrived and lifted the car off the baby and released Mrs. Cerny. The baby was past help.
These people caught a part of the number of the license on the Dodge, or enough to identify it as a Riley county tag. The car was later identified as that of Mr. Rhyne. He claims he did not remember passing any car and was certain he had not collided with the Stalker Ford. However, those who met his car farther east allege he was driving at great speed.
Shawnee county officers went to Manhattan Monday and brought Mr. Rhyne to Topeka to face a charge of reckless driving and possibly more serious charge if evidence could be secured to justify its filing. Rhyne is a former school head at Manhattan.
The accident is one of the saddest that has ever occurred in this community and the tenderest sympathy of the Rossville people goes out to the bereaved young parents and the relatives.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Methodist church conducted by the Ren. Gordon S. Pritchett, of Overbrook, Kansas, a former pastor of the Rossville Methodist church. He was assisted by Rev. E. R. Foiles.
Music was furnished by Mrs. Wm. Butters, Mrs. A. Wallerstedt, Mrs. C. E. Gresser, Mrs. E. E. Witter, with Miss Leona Griswold at the piano.
The pallbearers were little girls including Maxine Miller, Lula Rachel Dannifer, Geraldine Fawl and Viola Strimple.
Little Louise Anne was laid to rest in Rossville cemetery.
Louise was born here Sept. 1, 1928, and was 2 years, 1 month and 11 days old at the date of her death. Beside her parents, she is survived by the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Stalker, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cerny.
Out-of-town relatives here for the funeral were Miss Beth Stalker, Mr. Glenn Stalker, Mrs. Alta Owens, Mrs. Mildred Hargis, Mrs. Verna Hargis, Topeka; Dr. C.L. Stalker, Kansas City; Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Houck, Mrs. Anna Houck, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Houck and Mr. and Mrs. Evan Lewelling, Delia; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kalcik, Silver Lake; Mr. and Mrs. John Seitz, St. Marys; Mrs. James Bartos, Mr. and Mrs. John Slansky and daughter of Plainville.
4512 |
 | Obituary- Cerny, Olaette Olaette Cerny
Mrs. Olaette Gennett Jury Cerny, 82, died Monday, November 26, 1990, at her residence at Oxford, Miss.
Mrs. Cerny was a retired school teacher. She was a 1929 graduate of Knox College in Illinois with a BA in Latin and Greek. She earned a Master’s degree in English at the University of Illinois in 1932. In 1929, she received the Phi Beta Kappa Honorary Debate Award.
She taught English at the Chicago Inner-City High School. She taught at the University of Mississippi from 1945 to 1947; at Campground and Water Valley High School from 1948 to 1962. She taught English and Latin at Oxford High School from 1962 until her retirement in 1971. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church at Oxford since 1948, where she was a member of the Annie Fulton Hume Circle.
Survivors include her husband, Joseph Cerny, who was born and raised at Rossville and lived there until 1935; one daughter, Mary of Oxford; two sons, Joseph Cerny, III, Berkeley, Calif.; and Jan Edwin Cerny, Oakland, Calif.; and six grandchildren.
Services were Friday, November 30, at First Presbyterian Church at Oxford with the Reverend Sam Marshall and Dr. Murphy Wilds officiating. Burial was at Oxford Memorial Cemetery, Waller Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Memorial contributions may be sent to First Presbyterian Church, 924 Van Buren Avenue, Oxford, Miss. 38655; the American Cancer Society; or the Lafayette County and Oxford Public Library, 401 Bramlett Boulevard, Oxford, Miss. 38655
4513 |
 | Obituary- Cerny, Thomas Thomas J. Cerny
Thomas Cerny, 7 years, 11 months of age, passed away suddenly Thursday, Dec. 16, at his home northeast of Rossville.
He was born Jan. 1, 1873, in Moravia, Czechoslovakia, and came to this country while still a young man. He had been a resident of Shawnee County for over fifty years.
In 1901 he married Catherine Slansky, who survives him, and to this union was born one son and three daughters -- Henry Cerny of Rossville; Mrs. Emial Kovar, Rossville, Mrs. John J. Seitz of St. Marys, Mrs. H.W. Helms of Wichita. Five grandchildren also survive.
He was n active member of Lodge ZCBJ for over 40 years. He possessed a pleasant personality and leaves many friends to mourn his departure.
Funeral services were conducted Sunday, Dec. 19, at 2 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church north of Rossville. The Rev. N.P. Olney officiated. Music was furnished by the choir of the Delia Presbyterian Church.
Preceding the church service, a short service was held at the home, by the Z.C.B.J. Lodge organization. Pallbearers were Frank Matyak, August Stach, Tom Smatla, Frank Sedlacek, John Kratina, and Ignacius Horak. Burial was in the Czech cemetery.
--- Out-of-town relatives and friends present to attend the funeral service of Tom Cerny included Mr. and Mrs. James Bartos, Zurich, Kansas; Mrs. Frank Slansky, Mr. Charles Slansky, of Stockton; Mrs. John Slansky, Plainville; Fred Koci, Auburn; Henry Luksa, Mrs. and Mrs. Frank Bravence, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Martinek, and Dr. Clinton Stalker, all of Topeka.
We sincerely thank friends and neighbors for kindness and assistance extended us in our bereavement the death of our loved one, Tom Cerny, and for the beautiful floral offerings.
Mrs. Catherine Cerny
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cerny
Mr. and Mrs. Emial Kovar
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Seitz
Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Helms
4514 |
 | Obituary- Cervenka, Frank 105 YEAR OLD BELVUE
Frank Cervenka Was Born in
Bohemia, Europe
With the passing of Frank Cervenka, Wednesday, January 23, 1924, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Eva A. Kesler, Belvue, Kansas, the oldest man in the state is dead.
Mr. Cervenka was a veteran of several European wars. He came to the United States in 1859 and located in the state of Wisconsin, living near Madison and Prairie du Chien on a farm. He later moved to Kansas and made his home near St. Marys until the death of his wife when he sold his farm and made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Eva A. Kesler.
The aged man is survived by his son Frank and his daughter Marie, who live in Texas and Mrs. Eva Kesler, of Belvue. The funeral was held Friday, January 25 at St. Marys.
With the passing of Frank Cervenka at Belvue, the oldest man in the state is dead. He was 105 and came to this country from Bohemia in 1859.
4515 |
 | Obituary- Chadwick, Edith Edith Allene Chadwick
Edith Allene Chadwick, 81, of Topeka, passed away on Friday, October 18, 2013 at a Rossville care facility. She was born August 15, 1932 in Manhattan, KS, the daughter of William and Edith Mayfield Zarger, Sr. She attended Manhattan High School in Manhattan, Kansas where she resided until moving to Topeka in 1988. She was employed as a Pay Clerk at Fort Riley for 10 years and later was comptroller at USP & FO in Topeka before retiring. She attended the Free Methodist Church and the Nazarene Church. Edith married Clifford H. Jensen on May 10, 1957 in Missouri. He preceded her in death in May 1975. Edith married Wayne A. Chadwick on October 11, 1988. He precede her in death on March 1, 2008. She was also preceded in death by her son, Michael Sheldon Jensen, step-son, Kenneth Martin Jensen, her step-daughter, Ann Christine Weaver and three brothers. Survivors include one daughter, Elaine (Richard) Lewis, one step-son, Terry L. (Dena) Jensen, ten grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and two brothers, William Zarger and Courson Zarger. Graveside services will be held at 11:00 a.m. Monday in Vermillion Cemetery, Vermillion, KS. Burial will follow. Edith will lie in state from Noon - 5:00 p.m. Sunday at Penwell-Gabel Southeast Chapel. To leave the family a special message online, please visit
4516 |
 | Obituary- Chance, Ruth Mrs. Ruth J. Chance
Mr. Ruth J. Chance, 83, Topeka, died Sunday, Sept. 6.1987, at a Topeka nursing home.
Mrs. Chance was a key punch operator for Preferred Fire Insurance Co., when she retired.
She was born Aug. 11, 1904, at Delia, the daughter of John H. and Anna Stach Ausherman. She spent most of her life in the Topeka area.
Mrs. Chance was a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Topeka.
She was married to Paul Chance Sept. 5, 1942. He died in June 1950.
Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Sarah E. Farrell, Topeka.
Services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Newcomer-Diffenderfer Funeral Home. Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery. Relative and friends will meet from 7 until 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to St. John’s Lutheran Church, 901 Fillmore, 66606.
4517 |
 | Obituary- Chandler, A. C. A. C. CHANDLER DEAD
A. C. Chandler, 116 West Sixth avenue, aged 65, a resident of Topeka for six years, died early Wednesday morning (May 29, 1929) at St. Francis hospital. Mr. Chandler formerly was proprietor of the cigar stand in the Columbian building.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Rebecca Chandler, of the home address; two daughters, Mrs. Ada Roberts, Manhattan and Mrs. Jeanette Hallock, Horton; one son, Clarence Chandler, Topeka. The body was taken to the Wall-Diffenderfer mortuary. It was taken to Powhattan, Kan., for burial at 2 o’clock, Friday afternoon.---Capital.
Mr. Chandler will be remembered by many of people of this city, having conducted a restaurant here for a number of months several years ago. Mr. Chandler also conducted a cigar stand in the courthouse for some time after leaving here.
4518 |
 | Obituary- Chandler, Leland Leland E. Chandler
Leland E. Chandler, Topeka, passed away Saturday, January 3, 2015.
He was born June 8, 1931 near Seneca, Kansas, the son of Harlan E. and Breta (Ford) Chandler. His family moved to Topeka when he was in early childhood. He graduated from Seaman High School and Washburn University. Leland was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran serving during the Korean War. He was employed by Fleming Foods for 38 years, retiring in 1994.
Leland was a member of Lowman United Methodist, the American Legion Capitol Post No. 1 and Teamsters Local 696 where he was Secretary Treasurer for 16 years.
On December 31, 1961 he married Mary Quick. She preceded him in death in 1998. He was also preceded in death by a sister, Carolyn Chandler.
In March 2002, he married Nadine Kneedler. She survives. Also surviving, his children, Robert Chandler, Springfield, MO and Gail Chandler, Rossville, KS; four grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and two sisters, Roberta Bergquist, Topeka, and Jean Evans, Stafford, AZ.
Memorial services will be 10:30 a.m., Thursday, January 8, 2015 at Lowman United Methodist Church, 4000 Drury Lane, Topeka. Private Inurnment will be at Penwell-Gabel Cemetery. Penwell-Gabel Mid-Town Chapel is assisting the family.
Memorial contributions may be made to Lowman United Methodist or Topeka Rescue Mission, 600 N. Kansas, Topeka, KS 66608 or to Midland Care, 200 SW Frazier Circle, Topeka, KS 66606. To leave a message for the family online, please visit
4519 |
 | Obituary- Chaney, Grace MRS. GRACE CHANEY
Mrs. Grace M. Chaney, 78, St. Marys, died Sunday, December 7, 1975 in a Topeka hospital where she was readmitted December 1, and underwent abdominal surgery Friday.
She was born May 9, 1897 at Havensville and lived in the Delia community many years. She lived at Rossville 13 years before she moved to St. Marys in July, 1973. She was a member of the Christian Church at Rossville.
She was married to James E. Chaney January 6, 1914 at Delia. He died in December, 1953.
Survivors include two sons, Henry Chaney, St. Marys, and Bill Chaney, St. Joseph, Mo.; a brother, Joseph Lederer, Boulder, Colo.; three sisters, Mrs. Florence Vance, Nampa, Ida., Mrs. Inez Wheeler, Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Gladys Fitch, Springfield, Mo.; and five grandchildren.
Services will be at 2:30 Tuesday (this afternoon) in the Christian Church at Rossville. Burial will be in Adrian Cemetery north of Delia. Casket Bearers are Arch Cowger and Jesse Cowger, Soldier; Fred Barthuly, James Chaney and Robert Chaney, St. Marys; and Preston Chaney, St. Joseph, Mo.
Verschelden Funeral Home in St. Marys is in charge of arrangements. Memorial contributions may be made to the Christian Church at Rossville.
4520 |
 | Obituary- Chaney, Henry 1 Henry G. Chaney
ST. MARYS -- Henry G. Chaney, 68, St. Marys, died Sunday, Jan. 20, 1991, at his home.
Mr. Chaney was mechanic and owned and operated Chaney Auto Repair in St. Marys before he retired in 1982. He also had worked for Daylor’s Chevrolet, Valley Motors and Denton Salvage, all in St. Marys.
He was born March 15, 1922, near Delia in Jackson County, the son of James E. and Grace M. Lederer Chaney.
Mr. Chaney was an army veteran of World War II. He was a member and junior deacon of Pottawatomie Lodge No. 52, AF&AM, and past commander of Hoy-Heim Post No.178 of the American Legion, both in St. Marys.
He was married to Anna M. Jorgenson July 27, 1946, in Topeka. She survives.
Other survivors include two sons, James Chaney and Robert Chaney, both of St. Marys; a daughter, Helen Jones, Topeka; a brother, William J. Chaney, St. Joseph, Mo.; and five grandchildren.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Verschelden Funeral Home in St. Marys. Burial will be in Valley View Cemetery in St. Marys. Masonic services will be conducted. Mr. Chaney will lie in state after 2 p.m. today at the funeral home where relatives and friends will meet from 7 to 8 p.m.
Memorial contributions may be made to the United Methodist Church in St. Marys.
4521 |
 | Obituary- Chaney, Henry 2 Henry G. Chaney
Henry G. Chaney, 68, St. Marys, died Sunday, January 20, 1991, at his home.
Mr. Chaney was a mechanic and owned and operated Chaney Auto Repair in St. Marys before he retired in 1985. He also worked for Daylor’s Chevrolet, Valley Motors and Denton Salvage, all in St. Marys.
He was born March 15, 1922, near Delia, the son of James E. and Grace M. Lederer Chaney.
Mr. Chaney was an Army veteran of World War II. He was a member and junior deacon of Pottawatomie Lodge No. 52, AF&AM, and past commander of Hoy-Heim Post No. 178 of the American Legion, both in St. Marys.
He was married to Anna M. Jorgenson July 27, 1946, in Topeka. She survives.
Other survivors include two sons, James Chaney and Robert Chaney, both of St. Marys; a daughter, Helen Jones, Topeka; a brother, William J. Chaney, St. Joseph, Mo,; and five grandchildren.
Family visitation was Monday evening. Services are at 2 p.m. Tuesday (today) at Verschelden Funeral Home. Burial will be in Valley View Cemetery in St. Marys. Masonic services will be conducted.
Memorial contributions may be made to the United Methodist Church in St. Marys.
Henry G. Chaney, 68, St. Marys, died Sunday, Jan. 20, 1991 at his home.
Mr. Chaney was a mechanic and owned and operated Chaney Auto Repair in St. Marys before he retired in 1982. He also had worked for Daylor’s Chevrolet, Valley Motors and Denton Salvage, all in St. Marys.
He was born March 15, 1922, near Delia in Jackson County, the son of James E. and Grace M. Lederer Chaney.
Mr. Chaney was an Army veteran World War II. He was a member and junior deacon of Pottawatomie Lodge No. 52, AF&AM, and past commander of Hoy-Heim Post No. 178 of the American Legion, both in St. Marys.
He was married to Anna M. Jorgenson July 27, 1946, in Topeka. She survives.
Other survivors include two sons, James Chaney and Robert Chaney, both of St. Marys; a daughter, Helen Jones, Topeka; a brother, William J. Chaney, St. Joseph, Mo.; and five grandchildren.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Verschelden Funeral Home in St. Marys. Burial will be in Valley View Cemetery in St. Marys. Memorial contributions may be made to the United Methodist Church in St. Marys.
4522 |
 | Obituary- Chaney, William W.P. Chaney died Thursday from illness with cancer.
William P. Chaney died at his home Wednesday, May 20th. His family of nine children were all present at the funeral including Ben and Mrs. Eva Mayo of New Castle, Wyoming. Funeral services were held at the Adrian church conducted by Rev. Wykert of Osage City.
Rev. Wykert of Osage City was called to Adrian last Friday to preach the funeral of Wm. Chaney whose body was laid to rest in the Adrian cemetery. |
4523 |
 | Obituary- Channel, Delbert Delbert Channel
HAVENSVILLE -- Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the United Methodist Church here for Delbert F. Channel, 73, Havensville, who died Saturday in an Onaga hospital. He had suffered several cerebral hemorrhages.
He was born Oct. 9, 1895, at America City north of Havensville and spent most of his life in the Havensville community. He was a member of the United Methodist Church at Havensville and was a 50-year member of Onaga Lodge No. 188, AF&AM. He was a retired farmer.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Esther Channel, at home; two daughters, Mrs. Doris McKee, Wetmore, and Mrs. Myra Sauvage, Havensville; a son, Dale Channel, Rossville; two sisters, Mrs. Cleo Frantz, Junction City, and Mrs. Dorothy McKee, Seneca; two brothers, Wayne Channel Byron, Neb., and Frank Channel, Soldier; and seven grandchildren.
Burial will be in Havensville Cemetery. Mr. Channel will lie in state until 9 a.m. Wednesday at Tessendorf Mortuary at Onaga and after noon Wednesday at the church in Havensville. Contributions may be made to the Havensville United Methodist Church Memorial Fund.
4524 |
 | Obituary- Channel, Esther 1 MRS. ESTHER CHANNEL
Mrs. Esther M. Channel, 74, Havensville, died Saturday, June 10, 1978, at the home of a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sauvage. She had a heart attack while visiting the Sauvage home.
She was born January 2, 1904, north of Onaga and spent her early life in the Onaga community. She was a member of the United Methodist Church at Havensville and Ladies Aid at the church and formerly was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in the Duluth community.
She was married to Delbert Channel of the America City community March 31, 1926, in Topeka, He died March 1, 1969.
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Doris McKee, Wetmore, and Mrs. Myra Sauvage, Havensville; a son, Dale Channel, Rossville; a brother, Arthur Teske, Onaga; eight grandchildren and a great-granddaughter.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday (today), June 13, in the United Methodist Church at Havensville. Burial will be in Havensville Cemetery.
Mrs. Channel will lie in state until 9 p.m. Tuesday at Tessendorf Mortuary at Onaga and from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday at the church.
Memorial contributions may be made to the United Methodist Church at Havensville or to the American Heart Association.
4525 |
 | Obituary- Channel, Esther 2 Mrs. Esther Channel
HAVENSVILLE -- Mrs. Esther M. Channel, 74, Havensville, died Saturday a few miles south of here at the home of a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sauvage. She had a heart attack while visiting the Sauvage home.
She was born Jan. 2, 1904, north of Onaga and spent her early life in the Onaga community. She was a member of the United Methodist Church at Havensville and the Ladies Aid at the church and formerly was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in the Duluth community.
She was married to Delbert Channel of the America City community March 31, 1926, in Topeka. He died March 1, 1969.
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Doris McKee, Wetmore, and Mrs. Myra Sauvage, Route 1, Havensville; a son, Dale Channel Rossville; a brother, Arthur Teske, Onaga; eight grandchildren and a great-granddaughter.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the United Methodist Church at Havensville. Burial will be in Havensville Cemetery.
Mrs. Channel will lie in state until 9 a.m. Tuesday at Tessendorf Mortuary at Onaga and from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday at the church.
Memorial contributions may be made to the United Methodist Church at Havensville or to the American Heart Association.
4526 |
 | Obituary- Channel, Mallie Channall [sic Channel]
Died Monday, July 25th, 1892, Mrs. Mollie [sic] Channall, of this city.
The deceased was born Dec. 23rd, 1868 in Bates county, Mo., and was married August 6th, 1885, at Abilene, Kans., to John Channall. She leaves a husband and two little boys to mourn her loss with other near relatives. She had bright anticipations for the future regarding her boys. But the fell destroyer, consumption, soon ended all. After a weary and hopeless struggle for eight months the wheels of life stood still, and she passed the Jordan of death, we hope to the sweet rest of the soul on the evergreen shore.
Mrs. Channall was visiting with John Ropp's family at the time of her death. Sunday evening she joined the family in singing two of her favorite hymns--"The Solid Rock," and "Whiter Than Snow." Soon after this, before the morrow's sun had glided the Eastern horizon, she passed away.
Funeral services were held Wednesday morning, in the M.E. church, and the discourse was delivered by the pastor, Rev. E.F. Holland.
Miss Maud Miles officiated at the organ, and the choir sung the hymns the deceased hymned on the night of her departure. |
4527 |
 | Obituary- Chapman, Andy ANDY CHAPMAN
A. B. Chapman, 75, died Wednesday night, September 23, 1936, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Nadine Swenson, 1522 MacVicar avenue, in Topeka. He had returned a little more than a week previous from Colorado where he spent the summer.
Mr. Chapman was born in Fall City, Neb., November 22, 1860, had been a resident of Shawnee county, most of his life and had lived in Wabaunsee county for several years; was a member of the Christian church of Rossville.
Besides Mrs. Swenson, he is survived by three other daughters and two sons, William Chapman, Silver Lake; Wray Chapman and Mrs. I. Rudolph, La Crosse, Wis., and Mrs. Irma Watts, Center, Colo.,; He is also survived by a brother, R. L. Chapman, of Center, Colo.
Funeral services were held at the Wall-Diffenderfer mortuary in Topeka, at 12:30 o’clock, Friday and the body brought to Rossville cemetery for burial.
Andy Chapman passed away Wednesday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Nadine Swenson, in Topeka.
Mr. Chapman had just returned to Topeka the past week from Colorado, after spending the summer with his brother.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow, (Friday) at 12:30 at the Wall-Diffenderfer funeral home, and burial in the Rossville cemetery.
4528 |
 | Obituary- Chapman, Mary Mary Lucinda James Chapman
Mary Lucinda James was born at Rossville, Kansas, July 19th, 1876, and died at St. Francis hospital, Topeka, July 29, 1921, aged 45 years and 1 day.
At the age of sixteen she united with the Christian church.
She was united in marriage to Andrew Chapman, October 25, 1897. To this union two daughters were born.
She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, Andrew Chapman, of Belvue, Kansas, her daughters, Nacine and Irma; her father, Charles James of Rossville; a sister, Mrs. Dora Lutz, of San Francisco, Calif.; two brothers, Ray James of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Roy James of Rossville and other relatives.
Funeral services were held Saturday, July 23, at 2 p.m. in the Rossville Christian church, conducted by the Rev. H. L. Nelson, of Topeka.
The body was interred in the Rossville cemetery.
4529 |
 | Obituary- Chapman, William WILLIAM CHAPMAN
Funeral services for William Chapman, 51, who died early Wednesday morning at his home, Route 1, Silver Lake, will be held Friday afternoon at Peeblers’s Funeral home,
with Rev. Wm. Hartford officiating assisted by Rev. Sisney of North Topeka, Kansas Ave. church. Interment in Memorial Park Cemetery.
He was born September 13, 1887, near Dover and had been a resident of Kansas his entire life. He was a member of the Methodist church.
Chapman is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nellie Chapman of the home; his mother, Mrs. Hattie Turner; two brothers, Ray and Clarence Turner, St. Joseph, Mo., five sisters, Mrs. G. O. Swenson, Topeka; Mrs. George Watts, Center, Colo.; Mrs. Richard Rudolph, LaCrosse, Wis.; Mrs. Vera Close, Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. James Powell, St. Joseph, Mo.
William Chapman died at his home on Route 1, Silver Lake, Kansas, November 2, 1938, at the age of 51 years. He was born at Dover, Kansas, Sept. 18,1887. At an early age he moved to Rossville, Kansas, and live there and at Silver Lake most of his life.
In 1912 he was united in marriage to Nellie Howell of Silver Lake, who survives him.
He became a member of the Methodist church in 1913 and continued his membership at the Silver Lake Methodist church until his death. He was a kind and thoughtful husband. He loved his home and had many friends. Besides his widow he is survived by his mother, Mrs. Hattie Turner of St. Joe, Mo.; two brothers and five sisters.
4530 |
 | Obituary- Chase, Grover Grover Albert Chase
MAYETTA -- Grover Albert Chase, 101, Mayetta, died Tuesday, Dec. 10, 1985, at a Holton nursing home.
Mr. Chase was a farmer and stockman.
He was born Sept. 11, 1884, at Mayetta, the son of Noble and Sydney Stanley Chase, and spent his life in the Mayetta community.
Mr. Chase was a member of Pottawatomie United Methodist Church at Mayetta and was a member of Mayetta Lodge No. 393, AF&AM, more than 60 years and was a member of Royal Arch Masons.
He was married to Josephine Cox Dec. 29, 1903. She died March 28, 1947. He was married to Effie M. Harris Dec. 11, 1948. She died June 5, 1968. A daughter, Viola Chase, died Nov. 31, 1909.
Survivors include two daughters, Irene Chase, Holton, and Mrs. Nellie Robinson, Hoyt; three grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and 10 great-great-grandchildren.
Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Mercer Funeral Home in Holton. Burial will be in Mayetta Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Pottawatomie United Methodist Church and sent in care of Kansas State Bank, Holton, 66436.
4531 |
 | Obituary- Chase, Kevin Kevin L. Chase
Kevin L. Chase. 53, passed away April 30, 2013, at the Deseret Health and Rehabilitation Center in Onaga. He was born June 13, 1959, at Ottawa, the son of Arvin L. “Smokey” and Karen S. Frack Chase. Kevin attended Ottawa and Pomona high schools. He was a maintenance worker and had live in St. Marys since 1999.
On June 24, 2000, Kevin and Linda Erikson were united in marriage. Linda survives of the home.
Other survivors include his mother, Karen Chase; two sons, Dustin and Kevin and his wife, Jess Vincent; a daughter, Ashley; grandchildren, Evan, Taylor, Lilly, Jace, Athena and Tommie; a brother Warren and his wife, Joanne; two sisters, Leora Haller and Susan Chase; a stepson, Eugene Heim; stepdaughters, Paula Bryan and Mary Ann Schindler; stepgrandchildren, Christine, Cecilia, Jacob, Madeline, Mariah and Matthew; and several nieces and nephews.
Memorial services were May 10 at Piper Funeral Home in St. Marys. Memorial contributions may be made to the Kevin L. Chase Memorial Fund and sent in care of the funeral home, 714 Maple St., St. Marys, KS 66536
4532 |
 | Obituary- Chase, Velta Chase
Mrs. Velta Chase, 83, Topeka, died Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1996, at Stormont-Vail Regional Medical Center, Topeka.
Mrs. Chase was born Jan. 11, 1912, on a farm north of Silver Lake, the daughter of Ollie and Ellen Day Bailey.
She had lived at Meriden for many years, moving to Silver Lake, and then to Topeka in 1967. Velta was married to Frank Chase on July 1, 1933. She attended Vinewood Dance Club for over 40 years, was a cook and housekeeper at Pleasant View Nursing Home, Holiday Inn South, McCrite Nursing Home and The Manor. She has also worked at Seymore Packing.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Frank Chase, Jan. 12, 1992 and a son, Frank Chase, Jr., on Jan. 13, 1933.
Survivors include five daughters, Shirley Velta DeLong, Claremore, Okla., Maxine Joyce Priscilla, New Castle, Pa., Rita Mae Gillmore, Marion, Ark., Beverly Kay Miller, Tecumseh; three brothers, Raymond Bailey, Silver Lake, Ollie Bailey, Jr., Topeka, Glen Bailey, Salina; two sisters, Iva Thompson, Tulsa, Okla., Lula Chiddix, Topeka; 14 grandchildren, and 15 great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Chase will lie in state after noon, Thursday, Jan. 4, at Parker-Price Mortuary where the family will receive friends from 7 to 8 p.m. Services will be at 1 p.m., Friday, Jan. 5, at Parker-Price Mortuary, Topeka. Burial will follow at Mount Hope Cemetery, Topeka.
Memorial contributions may be made to Velta Chase Memorial Fund, c/o Sandra Jean Miller, 230 S.E. Arapaho Road, Tecumseh, 66542. Parker-Price Mortuary, Topeka is in charge of arrangements.
Velta Chase
Velta Chase, 83, Topeka, died Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1996 at a Topeka hospital.
Mrs. Chase had been a cook and a housekeeper at Pleasant View Nursing Home, Holiday Inn South, McCrite Nursing Home and the Manor. She also had worked at Seymore Packing.
She was born Jan. 11, 1912, on a farm north of Silver Lake and east of Delia, the daughter of Ollie and Ellen Day Bailey. She had lived many years at Meriden and at Silver Lake before she moved to Topeka in 1967.
She married Frank Chase on July 1,1932. He died Jan. 12, 1992. A son, Frank Chase, Jr. died Jan. 13 1933.
Survivors include five daughters, Shirley Velta DeLong, Claremore, Okla., Maxine Joyce Priscilla, New Castle, Pa., Rita Mae Gillmore, Marion, Ark., Beverly Kay Miller, Topeka, and Sandra J. Miller, Tecumseh; three brothers, Raymond Bailey, Silver Lake, Ollie Bailey Jr., Topeka, and Glen Bailey, Salina; two sisters, Iva Thompson Tulsa, Okla., and Lula Chiddix, Topeka; 14 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild.
Services will be at 1 p.m. Friday at the Parker-Price Mortuary. Burial will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Mrs. Chase will lie in state after noon today at the mortuary where relatives and friends will meet from 7 to 8 p.m. Contributions may be made to the Velta Chase Memorial Fund and sent in care of Sandra Jean Miller, 230 S.E. Arapaho Road, Tecumseh 66542.
4533 |
 | Obituary- Cheek, Charles Charles J. Cheek
Charles J. Cheek, 66, Emmett, died at the St. Marys Hospital Tuesday, April 4, 2000.
He was born November 25, 1933, at Ewing, VA, the son of LeRoy and Hazel E. Hatfield Cheek.
He grew up in the Ewing, VA community. As a young man, he lived in the Horton, Hiawatha and Denton communities. For many years, he had lived in the Rossville and Emmett communities.
Mr. Cheek was a roofer. He served in the United States Army during the Korean Conflict and also was stationed in Japan. He was a life member of Jimmie Lillard Post No. 31 of the American Legion in Rossville.
On December 6, 1959, he was married to Karen Wilson in Topeka. She survives.
Other survivors are a daughter, Alice Beck, Port St. Lucie, FL; three sons, Rick Cheek, St. Mary, Matthew Cheek, Lebanon, IN, and Paul Cheek, Emmett; two sisters, Betty Robbins Sparks, and Ann Tiller, Ewing, VA; four brothers, Arthur Cheek, Rose Hill, VA, Don Cheek, Ewing, VA, Bob Cheek, Plainsville, and Larry Cheek, Lufkin, TX; and nine grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Mark Cheek, on September 26, 1997.
A family visitation was Friday evening at Piper-Verschelden Funeral Home, St. Marys. His service was at 2 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home. Burial was in the Valley View Cemetery. Jimmie Lillard Past No. 31 of the American Legion conducted a military graveside service.
Memorials may be made to the Charles J. Cheek Memorial Fund and sent in care of the funeral home.
4534 |
 | Obituary- Cheek, Charles 2 Charles Cheek
EMMETT -- Charles J. Cheek, 66, Emmett, died Tuesday, April 4, 2000, at a St. Marys Hospital.
Mr. Cheek was a roofer. He was an Army veteran of the Korean War, and he had been stationed in Japan.
He was born Nov. 25, 1933, in Ewing, VA., the son of LeRoy and Hazel E. Hatfield Cheek. He had lived in the Horton, Hiawatha, and Denton communities as a young man, and he was a longtime resident of Emmett and Rossville.
He married Karen Wilson of Dec. 6, 1959, in Topeka. She survives.
Other survivors include a daughter, Alice Beck, Port St. Lucie, Fla.; three sons, Rick Cheek, St. Marys, Matthew Cheek, Lebanon, Ind., and Paul Cheek, Emmett; two sisters, Betty Robbins, Sparks, and Ann Tiller, Ewing, Va.; four brothers, Arthur Cheek, Rose Hill, VA., Don Cheek, Ewing, Va., Bob Cheek, Plainsville, and Larry Cheek, Lufkin, Texas; and nine grandchildren.
Mr. Cheek was preceded in death by a son, Mark Cheek, Sept. 26, 1997.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Piper-Verschelden Funeral Home in St. Marys. Burial will be in Valley View Cemetery in St. Marys. Post No. 31 of the American Legion will conduct military services at the graveside. Mr. Cheek will lie in state after 2 p.m. Friday at the funeral home where visitation will be from 7 to 8 p.m.
Contributions may be made to the Charles J. Cheek Memorial Fund to be designated later and sent in care of the funeral home.
4535 |
 | Obituary- Cheek, Jared JARED M. CHEEK
Jared Michael Cheek, 23, St. Marys, died Friday, September 16, 2005, at the Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, IL, from injuries he received in an auto accident.
Jared was born November 25, 1981, in Topeka, the son of Joan Martin and Rick Cheek. He had lived in the St. Marys and Emmett communities many years.
He graduated from St. Marys High School in 2000. Jared received a bachelor’s degree from Benedictine College, Atchison after transferring from Baker University for his final year. At Baker he was a scholarship golfer, a member of the student senate and officer in the Sigma Phi Epsilon national fraternity. He was attending seminary in Mundelein, IL at the University of St. Mary of the Lake, where he was in his first year of Theology studying to become a priest for Archdiocese of Kansas in Kansas City.
Jared was a member of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church and Knights of Columbus Council 657 in St. Marys.
Survivors include his parents, Joan and Brandon Magette, St Marys, and Rick Cheek, Belvue; two sisters, Emily Cheek, Manhattan, and Erin Magette Miller, Topeka; one brother, Lucas Cheek, St Marys; grandparents John and Agnes Martin, Emmett, Karen Cheek, Topeka, and Don and Jan McGranahan, Rossville.
Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Thursday at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. Burial will be in Mt. Calvary Cemetery, St. Marys. He will lie in state after 3 p.m. Wednesday, at the church, where there will be a vigil service at 7 p.m. followed by a rosary.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Archdiocese of Kansas City Kansas for Vocations, and sent in care of Piper Funeral Home, 714 Maple Street, St. Marys 66536.
4536 |
 | Obituary- Cheek, Karen Karen Pauline Cheek
Karen Pauline Cheek, 72, passed away on April 14, 2014 in Topeka. She was born September 6, 1941, in Horton, Kansas the daughter of Paul and Florence (Rader) Wilson. On December 6, 1960, she married Charles Cheek; he preceded her death in 2000. Survivors include her sons, Rick (Rebecca) Cheek, Matthew (Kimra) Cheek, and Timothy Cheek and sister Jane (Hank) Halseth, 10grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her son Mark Cheek, grandson Jared Cheek and daughter in law Melissa Cheek.
Funeral services will be held at Davidson Funeral Home on Saturday April 19, 2014 at 10 AM. The family will receive friends from 9-10 AM before the service. Interment will be held at Valley View Cemetery in St. Mary’s following the service. Memorial contributions may be made to Poor of Jesus Christ (Homeless Street Ministry) in care of Davidson Funeral Home, 1035 N. Kansas Ave. Topeka, Kansas 66608. To leave a message for the family please visit
4537 |
 | Obituary- Cheek, Mark Mark A. Cheek
Mark Allen Cheek, 35, St. Marys, died Friday, September 26, 1997, at a Manhattan hospital. Mark had been ill with A.L.S.
He was born June 26, 1962, in Topeka, the son of Charles J. and Karen P. Wilson Cheek. He had lived in the St. Marys community the past several years, and had lived in Wamego since January 1997.
Mark lived most of his life in the Rossville area. He served in the Army National Guard in St. Marys. He worked as a drywaller for many years. He had lived in the Sanford, N.C. area for three years. Mark was member of the St. Marys Bible Baptist Church.
He is survived by a daughter, Kaila J. Cheek, Cumberland, N.C.; his parents, Charles J. and Karen P. Cheek, Emmett; three brothers, Rick Cheek, St. Marys, Matthew Cheek, Lebanon, Ind., and Timothy Cheek, Emmett; and a half-sister, Alice Beck, Port St. Lucie, Fla.
A family visitation was from 4:00 until 6:30 Sunday at Piper-Verschelden Funeral Home. His service was at 10 a.m. Monday at the funeral home. Burial was in Valley View Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Kaila J. Cheek Educational Fund and sent in care of the funeral home.
4538 |
 | Obituary- Cheek, Mark Mark Cheek
ST. MARYS -- Mark Cheek, 35, St. Marys, died Friday, Sept. 26, 1997, at a Manhattan hospital. He had been ill with ALS.
Mr. Cheek worked in drywall construction for many years. He also served in the Army National Guard in St. Marys.
He was born June 26, 1962, in Topeka, the son of Charles J. and Karen P. Wilson Cheek. He lived in St. Marys many years and in Sanford, N.C., three years. He move to Wamego in January this year.
Mr. Cheek was a member of St. Marys Bible Baptist Church.
Survivors include a daughter, Kaila J. Cheek, Cumberland, N.C.; his parents, Charles J. and Karen P. Cheek, Emmett; three brothers, Rick Cheek, St. Marys, Matthew Cheek, Lebanon, Ind., and Timothy Cheek, Emmett; and a half sister, Alice Beck, Port St. Lucy, Fla.
Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday at Piper-Verschelden Funeral Home in St. Marys. Burial will be at the Valley View Cemetery in St. Marys. Relatives and friends will meet from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home.
Memorial contributions may be made to Kaila J. Cheek Educational Fund and sent in care of the funeral home.
[Note- this was originally published with his brother, Rick's, name.] |
4539 |
 | Obituary- Cheek, Matthew OBITUARY
Matthew Wayne CHEEK
AUGUST 27, 1963 – AUGUST 7, 2021
Desert Rose Heather Cremation & Burial
Matthew Wayne CHEEK, age 57, of Whitestown, Indiana passed away on Saturday, August 7, 2021. Matthew was born August 27, 1963. |
4540 |
 | Obituary- Chevuront, Garman GARMAN O. CHEVURONT
Services for Garman O. Chevuront, 53, of Oak Lawn, Illinois, were held at 10:00 am Monday, August 5, at the Chicvara Funeral Home, 5570 West 95th St., Oak Lawn, Illinois. Interment was at St. Marys Cemetery.
Mr. Chevuront was born January 20, 1904, and was formerly a resident of the Dover Community. He died suddenly Monday, August 1, 1957, while on a fishing trip in Michigan.
He leaves his widow, Teresa (nee Rafferty); three daughters, Velda Murphy and Esther Latham of Oak Lawn, Donna Parson of Maple Shade, New Jersey; two sons, Galen of Cody, Nebraska, and Donald of Chicago; two sisters, Ada Lister of Dover and Edith Maus of Elmont; two brothers, Oscar of Colorado and Alton of Arizona; 12 grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends.
4541 |
 | Obituary- Chilcott, Robert Robert M. Chilcott, 79, an early-day Kansan and former resident of Wamego and Louisville, died Monday at Guthrie, Okla. Besides his widow his survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Edward Gahl of Oklahoma City; a sister, Miss Lillie Chilcott of Topeka, and two brothers, George M. Chilcott of St. Louis, Mo., and Harry Chilcott of Louisville. Mr. Chilcott was an uncle of Mrs. Townsend of this city. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon. |
4542 |
 | Obituary- Childers, John Word was received in Rossville of the death of Mr. John Childers of Ashland, Kentucky. Mrs. Childers was the late Mrs. Otis Murphy, a former resident of Rossville. |
4543 |
 | Obituary- Chilson, Betty Rev. Gordon s. Pritchett conducted the funeral service at the Rossville cemetery, of Betty Jean Chilson, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chilson, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chilson live on the Mulvane ranch two miles west of town where they moved about five weeks ago. Mrs. Chilson was formerly Miss Gladys Van Vleck. Betty Jean was born Tuesday, October 2, passing away Tuesday, aged one week. |
4544 |
 | Obituary- Chipman, Flora Chipman
Mrs. Flora Chipman, widow of the late Dick Chipman, died Tuesday afternoon at her home, 1317 North Van Buren street. She is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Florence Conklin, Washington, D.C.; Mrs. Della White, Topeka; Miss Maud Chipman, Topeka; Mrs. Neala Daigh, Ashland, Kan.; and Mrs. Helen Rendel, Topeka; and two sons, Virgil and Carl Chipman, Topeka.
Funeral services were held today at the Shellabarger funeral home and the body interred in Silver Lake cemetery.
4545 |
 | Obituary- Chipman, Richard Richard Chipman, 81, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Della White, in Highland Park Monday morning. He had been a resident of Topeka 65 years and was a stock buyer for the Wolff Packing Co. many years.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Flora Chipman, four daughters, Miss Maude Chipman and Mrs. Helen Rendle, Topeka; Mrs. F.W. Conklin, Hyattsville, Md.; and two sons Virgil and Carl Chipman, Topeka.
Funeral services were held at Shellabarger’s chapel Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Burial was in Silver Lake cemetery.
4546 |
 | Obituary- Christenson, Lee L. C. CHRISTENSON, DIES
Lee C. Christenson, 65, well known in banking circles throughout Northeast Kansas for 45 years, died Saturday at his home in Silver Lake after a long illness.
For many years he was a banker in Brown County and for several years was with the state banking department. More recently, he had been cashier and a director of Silver Lake State bank. He was a former Silver Lake mayor.
He was a member of the Methodist Church; Lake Lodge 50, A. F. & A. M.; Loyal Chapter 175, Order of the Eastern Star; Horton Commandery and Horton Chapter 76, R. A. M., and the Arab Shrine in Topeka. In 1944 and 1945 he was grand committee member of the Grand Chapter, O. E. S.
He leaves his wife, Mrs. Mabel M. Christenson of the home; two sons, Donald of Topeka and Lyle E. of Oklahoma City and five granddaughters. Services were at the Wall-Diffenderfer Mortuary in Topeka at 3:30 P.M. Monday with burial in Mount Hope Cemetery.
4547 |
 | Obituary- Christian, Robert 1 Robert Raleigh Christian
Robert Raleigh Christian, 91, of Topeka, died Oct. 8, 2011, at Presbyterian Manor.
He was born in Bancroft, on Aug. 13, 1920, the son of Robert and Clara (Krack) Christian. He attended District 72 Grade School, Bancroft High School for two years and graduated from Goff High School in 1938.
Robert served in the 42nd “Rainbow” Division during World War II in Europe with an infantry company. He was awarded the Purple Heart, two Bronze Stars, and Combat Infantryman Badge among other citations. Robert was a lifetime member of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1650 where he was active in their funeral detail helping with several hundred military graveside services for deceased veterans. He was also a member of the American Legion in Wetmore, the Cooties and the Purple Heart Group.
Robert was a member of the Oakland Presbyterian Church. Mended Hearts and the Compassionate Friends chapter, all of Topeka. He worked as a machinist for several businesses and retired in April 1986 from Adams Business Forms.
Robert married Lola Mae Brammer on Aug. 13, 1940, at Soldier. She preceded him in death Sept. 24, 1996. He was also predeceased by a daughter, Lana Kay Christian Bruhns, on Dec. 10, 1984.
He is survived by a son, R. Roger Christian, and his wife Sherrie of Rossville; four grandchildren, Ty, Tad, Amy and Shaney; six great-grandchildren, Keri, Derek, Brittany, Austin, Sammie and Allie; and one great-great-grandson Brody.
Graveside services were Oct 15 at the Wetmore Cemetery, Wetmore, where military honors were proved by the Fort Riley Military Detail.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Phillip Billard Post 1650 of the VFW and sent in care of Brennan-Mathena Funeral Home, 800 S.W. Sixth Ave., Topeka, KS 66603.
4548 |
 | Obituary- Christian, Robert 2 Robert Raleigh Christian
Robert Raleigh Christian, 91, of Topeka, died October 8, 2011 at Presbyterian Manor.
He was born in Bancroft, Kansas on August 13, 1920 the son of Robert and Clara (Krack) Christian. He attended District 72 Grade School, Bancroft High School for two years and graduated from Goff High School in 1938.
Robert served in the 42nd “Rainbow” Division during World War II in Europe with an infantry company. He was awarded the Purple Heart, 2 Bronze Stars, and Combat Infantryman Badge among other citations. Robert was a lifetime member of VFW Post #1650 where he was active in their funeral detail helping with several hundred military graveside services for deceased veterans. He was also a member of the American Legion in Wetmore, the Cooties and the Purple Heart Group.
Robert was a member of the Oakland Presbyterian Church, Mended Hearts and the Compassionate Friends Chapter all of Topeka.
He worked as a Machinist for several businesses and retired in April of 1986 from Adams Business Forms.
Robert married Lola Mae Brammer on August 13, 1940 at Soldier, Kansas. She preceded him in death on September 24, 1996. He was also predeceased by a daughter, Lana Kay Christian Bruhns on September 10, 1984.
He is survived by a son R. Roger Christian and he wife Sherrie of Rossville, four grandchildren, Ty, Tad, Amy and Shaney; six great grandchildren, Keri, Derek, Brittany, Austin, Sammie and Allie and one great-great grandson Brody.
Robert will lie in state at the Brennan-Mathena Funeral Home on Friday after 2:00 p.m. where the family will receive friends from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Graveside Services will be held on Saturday, October 15th at 10:30 a.m. at the Wetmore Cemetery, Wetmore, Kansas where military honors will be provided by the Fort Leavenworth Military Detail.
Memorial contributions may be made in lieu of flowers to the Philip Billard Post #1650 of the V.F.W. in his memory and sent in care of Brennan-Mathena Funeral Home, 800 SW 6th Ave., Topeka, Kansas 66603.
Online condolences and fond memories may be left at
4549 |
 | Obituary- Christian, Sherrie Sherrie Kay (Smelser) Christian
Sherrie Kay Christian, 76, of Rossville, passed away on October 4,2017 at St Francis Hospital surrounded by her family.
She was born in Salina, Kansas on September 3,1941, the daughter of Kenneth L. and Dorothy Louise (Crane) Goodman. She attended State Street Grade School, Holliday Junior High and was a 1959 graduate of Topeka High School.
Sherrie worked the switchboard for Armco Steel, Fleming Foods and Payless Shoe Source. She was a school bus driver for 13 years for USD #321, and had most recently worked as the office manager for Minuteman Press in Lawrence, Ks.
She was a member of Rossville Christian Church where she served as a trustee on the board for over 20 years, and was a volunteer for the vacation bible school, Sunday school teacher, Bible Study Leader, and served funeral luncheons. She was a faithful servant of her church and her faith was very important to her.
Sherrie was also a member of A.B.W.A. Sunflower Chapter, the Quilting Club in Texas and “The String” Quilting Club. She was an organizer of get-togethers with her junior high classmates. Sherrie was instrumental in starting and supporting the Cancer Support Group at St. Francis Hospital. She was also a member of the American Legion Auxiliary.
She enjoyed quilting, golfing, traveling, cruising, cooking, canning, and was an excellent seamstress. Sherrie and Roger were big supporters of any events which involved their children, grandchildren or nieces and nephews. She and her husband spent winters in Alamo, Texas where they resided at the Trophy Gardens RV Resort.
Sherrie married Roger Christian in Oklahoma on January 2, 1961. She is survived by her husband, Roger of the home, two sons, Ty (Teri) Christian of Topeka, and Tad (Janine) Christian of Atlanta, GA., two sons-in-law Bobby Sapp (Melodie Malone) of Topeka and Landree (Cindy) Snyder of Arvada, Colorado, six grandchildren, Keri Christian, Derek (Abigail) Christian, Brittany Sapp (Dan Elder), Austin Snyder, Samantha Christian, Alexandria Christian, two great grandsons, Brody and Beau, and her siblings, Dee Bisel of Lawrence, Duane Smelser of Montrose, CO, Jeanette (Howard) Binkley of Littleton, CO, Dan (Sandy) Goodman of Mustang, OK, and several favorite nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, Kenneth and Mary Jean Goodman and Lyle and Dorothy Louise Smelser, and a brother, Steve Smelser.
Sherrie will lie at the Brennan-Mathena Funeral Home on Monday after 2:00 p.m. where her family will receive friends from 4:00 until 6:00 p.m.
Funeral Services will be held on Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. at the Rossville Christian Church, 411 Spruce Street, Rossville, Kansas. Interment will follow in the Rossville Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be made in her memory to Rossville Christian Church, sent in care of Brennan-Mathena Funeral Home, 800 SW 6th Ave., Topeka, Kansas 66603.
Online condolences and fond memories may be left at
4550 |
 | Obituary- Christiason, Ellen 1 Ellen ‘Marie’ Masters Christiason
Ellen ”Marie” (Foster) Masters Christiason went to our Savior’s home on Feb. 19, 2013. She was born Sept. 25, 1921, to Luther and Ruth Lucille (Thomas) Foster in Highland. Between 1942 and 2003, Marie lived in Rossville, Topeka, and Osage City. She has lived with her daughter, Geri, since 2003.
Marie married LeRoy Franklin Masters Aug. 19, 1939, in Highland. In November 1940, they had one daughter, Geri (Masters) Eakin Brubaker. LeRoy passed away in May 1968.
She married Arnold “Chris” Christiason Sr. in 1969; he passed away in 1986. Marie became a member of Eastside Baptist Church in Topeka in 1999, and was a former member of Mirian Chapter 14, Order of the Eastern Star, first joining in 1950 and holding several offices.
She retired from KP&L (now Westar) in 1982. She was an active volunteer working with Heartland Shares, E-Kan, ECAT, and American Red Cross. When she was 80, she organized and led a sewing group called Mission Towers Quilters who made lap robes, walker bags and clothing for area nursing homes and KNI. They also made quilts and blankets for babies being taken into foster care. Dubbed pie lady, Marie was best known for her homemade pies.
Marie is survived by her daughter Geri, a grandson Steve Eakin and wife Ede, a granddaughter Ellen Kay Magner and husband Barry L., and four great-grandchildren, Katie Eakin, Barry R., Julia and Cody Magner.
In addition to her husbands, she was preceded in death by her parents, two brothers, Donald and Richard Foster, and three granddaughters in infancy.
Funeral services were Feb. 23 at Penwell-Gabel Parker-Price Chapel, Topeka. Interment followed at the Rossville Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Midland Care, 200 SW Frazier Circle, Topeka, KS 66606-2800.