1896 - 2000 (104 years)
Name |
Mae Amelia Humphrey Stiles |
Nickname |
May |
Born |
22 Jul 1896 |
Larkinburg, Jackson County, Kansas |
Gender |
Female |
Died |
2 Nov 2000 |
Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas |
Buried |
Rossville Cemetery, Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas |
Person ID |
I6504 |
Rossville |
Last Modified |
20 Nov 2019 |
Family |
David W Stiles, b. 12 Feb 1902, Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas , d. 12 Aug 1994, Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas (Age 92 years) |
Married |
27 Jan 1928 |
Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas |
Documents |
 | Bridal Shower- Humphrey, Mae Mrs. David Stiles was given a
shower Saturday February 4th at the home of Mrs. Chettie Howard. The hostess was Miss Fern Pendleton. The rainbow color scheme was carried out in the decorations and refreshments. Games and contests furnished amusement for the guests. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received. Those invited were: Mesdames Arthur Randal, Gilmore, Ohio; Carl Harshbarger, John Stevens, Wm. Butters, T. L. Bouse, A. S. Parr, Harold Williams. J. D. Fink, Josephine Syring, Clyde Cless, Wm. Hesse, Leo Berry, Gladys Patterson, Ivalue Jamieson, Ralph Page, Gladys Reaser; Misses Helen Humphrey, Manhattan, Kansas; Vivian James, Sarah Kersey, Ruth Kersey, Ruth VanOrsdol, Sara McCollough, Gladys Brooks, Irene Bond, Mildred Parr. Mildred James, Ayleen Hartzell, Bess Mercer, Ocea Rogers, Thelma Lambert, Velma Lambotte, Anna Zemborski, Lorena Conrad, Mildred Watson, Audrey Crosson, Mary Billings, Lucille Griswold, Grace Sanders and Thelma James.
 | Marriage- Humphrey, Mae-Stiles, David HUMPHREY—STILES
The marriage of Miss May Humphrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Humphrey of Manhattan, to Mr. David Stiles, eldest son of Mrs. May Stiles of this city, was quietly solemnized Friday, January 27, at 6:30 p. m. at the home of the brides parents, on 1800 Leavenworth Street, Manhattan, Kansas.
The Rev. J. David Arnold, pastor of the Christian church read the service, the ring ceremony being used.
Miss Helen Humphrey, sister of the bride, acted as brides maid and the groom was attended by his brother, Mr. Howard Stiles.
The bride was lovely in a gown of powder bine georgette, elaborately trimmed with hand embroidered dark blue velvet flowers, and carried a bouquet of pink rose buds and baby breath. The maid of honor was attractive in a black satin dress, combined with velvet.
Immediate relatives of the bride and groom were the only guests present.
A reception and wedding luncheon followed the wedding. The pink and White color scheme was carried but in the luncheon, consisting of brides cake, ice cream, coffee and mint sticks.
At present Mr. and Mrs. Stiles are at home in the Pendleton furnished home on Orange street, until March first, when they will be at home on the Howard farm south of Rossville.
Mrs. Stiles is serving her third term as Domestic Art and Science teacher in the Rossville High School and has won the warm friendship of a host of friends among her scholars, patrons and acquaintances here. She is a graduate of K. S. A. C. at Manhattan, where she was active in college life, and church work of that city,
Mr. Stiles is one of Rossville’s prosperous young real estate men, and in addition has been overseer of the farming activities of Mrs. Chettie Howard’s extensive holdings south of Rossville.
Last Modified |
27 Sep 2017 08:46:30 |
Family ID |
F1839 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Event Map |
 | Married - 27 Jan 1928 - Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas |
Documents |
 | Obituary- Stiles, Mae Mae Stiles
ROSSVILLE — Mae Amelia Humphrey Stiles, 104, Rossville, died Thursday, Nov. 2, 2000, at a Rossville nursing home.
Mrs. Stiles taught school in Rossville for more than seven years, and she and her husband operated an antique shop in Urbana, Mo., and then farmed in South Dakota for many years.
She was born July 22, 1896, in Larkinburg, the daughter of Charles Preston and Alice Amelia Lewton Humphrey. She was raised in the Larkinburg and Denison communities. She graduated from Denison High School and Kansas State Agricultural College. She moved back to the Rossville area about 15 years ago.
She married David W. Stiles on Jan. 27, 1928, in Manhattan. He died Aug. 12, 1994.
No immediate family members survive.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Piper Funeral Chapel in Rossville. Burial will be at Rossville Cemetery. Mrs. Stiles will lie in state from noon to service time Saturday at the funeral chapel. The casket will remain closed.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Rossville Library, Rossville, 66533.
 | Birthday- Stiles, Mae You are invited to Mae’s 100th birthday party
by Dorothy N. Hoobler
Mrs. Mae Stiles, a resident of Rossville Valley Manor, who will observe her 100th birthday on July 22, 1996, protested mildly when I first began my interview with her. “I didn’t know I’d live to an interesting age,” she quipped. As she shared stories and memories, it was quite obvious that her 100 years had indeed been interesting ones. A broken hip may have slowed her physical abilities, but it certainly hasn’t affected her sharp wit and wonderful memory.
She was born in the summer of 1896 at Larkinburg, just east of Holton. Mae remembers the big orchard which yielded so many apples and plenty of cherries for pies. She reminisced about butchering day, and how her mother made her own soap. They used the ice from her father’s ice house to make delicious ice cream.
One of Mae’s treasured pictures was taken about 1901. It shows a pretty little five-year-old with long curls, posed under a big cottonwood tree. Mae pointed with delight to a parasol she carried; it was pink, trimmed with ecru lace. She spoke of the locket she wore and the large fan she carried, and the ruffles on her petticoat which peeked out from beneath her skirt.
When she was 10, her father, Charles Humphrey, moved the family to Denison, where he was president of the bank. Mae was a member of the first graduating class from Denison High School. After her graduation from Kansas State College in Manhattan in 1924, she came to Rossville High School in the fall to teach. Her main assignment was home economics, but “I also taught history, science, physiology — anything nobody else wanted to teach. I loved to teach!” she exclaimed. She is also sad that so few of her former Rossville students are still living or are in the area.
Mae has always loved to sew, knit, and crochet. The very first project for the home economics girls was to make an apron to wear in the cooking class. Miss Humphrey taught four years at Rossville. Then, on January 27, 1928, she married a local young farmer, David Stiles, and left the classroom.
The Kaw Valley, even then, was known for its fine crops, and potatoes were one of its best products. “Dave was going to get rich on potatoes,” Mae recalled. “He planted 90 acres, and that was the year the bottom dropped out of the potato market.” The Rossville school district asked Mae to come back to teach (her successor had resigned unexpectedly). “I was glad to have a job,” she added. She taught another three and one-half years in the “old” building.
Dave wasn’t one to stay put. He liked to try new things and meet new people. When he heard of an unusual job or of some exciting or unique place, Dave and Mae climbed into their house trailer and off they’d go. One adventure was working on an archeology dig in the mid-’50s in the San Juan River Valley of Utah. “We’ve been all over the country,” she said, “and I have lots of favorite places.”
Eventually, they settled down in Urbana, Mo., and went into the antique business, buying and selling furniture for 20 years. After Dave’s heart bypass surgery about 10 years ago, they came “home” to Rossville. Dave passed away in August 1994. They had celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary in January of that year. “I got to take care of Dave all his married life,” she added with satisfaction.
Mae came to live at Rossville Valley Manor a year ago. She thoroughly enjoys visiting with the other residents, and reminiscing with old friends who are now residents, too. She particularly likes outing in the Manor van, driving past the homes where old families like the Bonds and Howertons lived, and getting out for meetings with dear friends in the Birthday Club. When young Lewis Kelley takes her and others out for ice cream or pie, that is a very special treat. “How wonderful it is to be able to go out,” she said thankfully. Mae will probably ride on the float again during the Tall Com Festival parade.
Although Mae and Dave had no children of their own, they have many nieces and nephews who are truly “family.” They will be hosting a birthday party and reception for her on Sunday afternoon, July 21, from 2:00 until 4:00 at Rossville Valley Manor. Her bulletin board is already beginning to fill with cards from relatives, old friends, and former neighbors.
What advice does this delightful centenarian have to offer? “Stay active.” Then with a grin, she added, “Do whatever you want! Dave and I used to eat five pounds of bacon a week, and now they say you should not even eat it!”
Reminiscing about the close family ties and love she shares with both die Humphrey and Stiles relatives, she concluded, ‘There’s no reason for families to have big disgruntles!”
Wise words from a very special lady!