1929 - 2020 (91 years)
Name |
Helen Louise Spears Queen Siegel Cook Miller |
Born |
28 Jul 1929 |
Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas |
Gender |
Female |
Died |
28 Jul 2020 |
Buried |
3 Aug 2020 |
Rossville Cemetery, Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas |
Person ID |
I7250 |
Rossville |
Last Modified |
6 Feb 2022 |
Father |
LaVerne Herbert Spears, b. 20 Sep 1906, Louisville, Pottawatomie County, Kansas , d. 15 Dec 1991, Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas (Age 85 years) |
Mother |
Edna Iona Vilven Spears, b. 11 Aug 1908, Wamego, Pottawatomie County, Kansas , d. 9 Aug 2002, Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas (Age 93 years) |
Married |
3 Dec 1927 |
Seneca, Nemaha County, Kansas |
Documents |
 | Anniversary- Spears, LaVerne and Edna 1 Spears Couple Will Observe Golden Anniversary Sunday
A golden wedding anniversary open house will honor Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne H. Spears from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, December 4, 1977, in the Rossville United Methodist Church, Rossville, Ks.
Friends and relatives are invited to attend; the couple requests that no gifts be presented.
Hosts will be their daughters and sons-in-law, Helen and Leonard Cook, and Ruth and Bill Larson, all of Rossville.
Edna Vilven and LaVerne Spears were married December 3, 1927, in Seneca, Ks. They have operated a farm near Rossville since 1928. Mr. Spears served as agency manager of Farm Bureau Insurance Services in Shawnee County 32 years until he recently retired. He served 10 years in the Kansas House of Representatives; served 17 years as councilman or mayor of Rossville City; two years as president of Kansas League of Municipalities; and was Worthy Grand Patron of Grand Chapter of Kansas Eastern Star in 1962-63. Mrs. Spears is past president of the Native Sons and Daughters of Kansas, and past president of the Legislative Wives Association.
Mr. and Mrs. Spears have five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
 | Anniversary- Spears, LaVerne and Edna 2 60th Wedding Anniversary
For Edna and LaVerne Spears
A 60th wedding anniversary open house will honor Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne H. Spears from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, November 29, 1987, in the Rossville Community Center.
Friends and relatives are invited; the couple requests no gifts be presented. Hosts will be their daughters and son-in- law — Helen Cook and Ruth and Bill Larson, all of Rossville.
Edna Vilven and LaVerne Spears were married December 3, 19278, in Seneca. They operated a farm near Rossville since 1928. Mr. Spears served as agency manager of Farm Bureau Insurance Services in Shawnee County for 32 years until he retired in 1971. He served 10 years in the Kansas House of Representatives; served 17 years as councilman or mayor of Rossville City; two years as president of Kansas League of Municipalities; and was Worthy Grand Patron of Grand Chapter of Kansas Eastern Star in 1962-63. Mrs. Spears is past president of the Native Sons and Daughters of Kansas, and past president of the Legislative Wives Association.
Mr. and Mrs. Spears have five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Family ID |
F2650 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family 1 |
Donald Wayne Queen, b. 3 Apr 1929, Beverly, Lincoln County, Kansas , d. 31 Mar 1993, Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas (Age 63 years) |
Married |
9 Apr 1950 |
Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas |
Children |
Documents |
 | Bridal Shower- Spears, Helen Guests entertained at a Bridal supper Saturday evening, April 8th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Spears were Miss Helen Louise Spears, Mr. Donald Queen, Mr. and Mrs. C.T. Queen, Mr. Phil Runkle, Miss Ruth Spears, Miss Doris Queen, Miss Sandra Edwards, Miss Barbara Jean Spears, Louisville; Mr. and Mrs. Don Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Don Berkey, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Vilven, Wamego; and Mr. Calvin Queen. |
 | Marriage- Spears, Helen-Queen, Donald Spears-Queen
Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Spears of Rossville, Kansas, announce the marriage of their daughter, Helen Louise, to Mr. Donald Wayne Queen, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.T. Queen of Silver Lake, Kansas.
The wedding took place Sunday, April 9, at 3 o'clock at the Rossville Methodist church. The Rev. Don Jones performed the ceremony before an altar decorated with palms, a large basket of Easter lilies and white candelabra. The pews were decorated with white satin bows.
Mrs. Irene Campbell, violinist, accompanied by Mrs. Mary Jane Berkey at the piano, played nuptial selections before the ceremony including, "To A Wild Rose," "One Alone," and "Ave Maria." Mrs. Mary Jane Berkey sang "If I Could Tell You," and "Because," preceding the ceremony and "Wedding Prayer" at the close of the ceremony. She was accompanied by Mrs. Irene Campbell at the piano, who also played the traditional wedding marches.
White tapers in candelabra at each side were lighted by little Miss Barbara Jean Spears, cousin of the bride, and little Miss Sandra Edwards, niece of the groom. They wore identical floor-length dresses of yellow satin trimmed with white lace and caught up in front colonial style. They wore matching mitts and halos of yellow carnations.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in her gown of white bridal satin designed with fitted bodice, long pointed sleeves and a yoke of nylon net trimmed with orange blossoms. The full skirt, caught up in front colonial style with orange blossoms ended in a aisle-wide train edged with French lace. The finger-tip veil of bridal illusion trimmed with French lace, was held in place by a tiara of orange blossoms. She carried an arm bouquet of red roses.
Miss Ruth Spears, sister of the bride was maid of honor. She wore a gown of mauve satin styled with off shoulder neckline, bertha collar, fitted bodice and full skirt. She wore matching net mitts and shoulder length veil held by a halo of satin and carried a flower fan of yellow carnations.
Miss Doris Queen, twin sister of the groom, was bridesmaid and wore a baby blue satin gown styled like that of maid of honor. She also wore matching net mitts and shoulder length veil held by a halo of blue satin and carried a flower fan of yellow carnations.
Mr. Phil Runkle, Silver Lake, served as best man. Ushers were Mr. Calvin Queen, brother of the groom and Mr. Wallace Vilven, cousin of the bride.
For her daughters wedding, Mrs. Spears chose a powder blue crepe dress with a yoke of lace, navy blue accessories and a corsage of white camellias. Mrs. Queen, mother of the groom, wore a coral pink crepe dress, black accessories and a corsage of white camellias.
Mrs. Henry Smatla had charge of the guest book. A reception for all present followed immediately after the ceremony in the church parlor. The four tiered wedding cake was cut by Mrs. Wallace Vilven, aunt of the bride, served punch from a bowl containing lime punch topped with small flowers floating on orange slices. Other assisting friends were Mrs. Ralph Page, Mrs. Homer Reid and Mrs. James Wade, all of Rossville and Mrs. Bruce Laughlin of Oskaloosa.
For traveling the bride chose a brown fine-checked, three piece suit, accessories of red and honey tan, and a corsage of red roses.
After a week's wedding trip to Galveston, Texas, the couple will be at home at 735 Poplar, Topeka.
Mrs. Queen, a graduate of Rossville High School, attended Kansas State College one year at at present is employed by the Central National Bank of Topeka.
Mr. Queen, a graduate of Silver Lake High School, is employed by the Santa Fe at Topeka.
Out of town guests attending the wedding of Miss Helen Spears and Mr. Donald Queen, Sunday afternoon April 9, were: Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Reese, Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Geyer, Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kerr, Mrs. Jessie Corbet, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tucker, Mrs. Rebecca May Crosk, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Martin, of Topeka; Mr. Arthur Vilven, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Vilven, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Vilven, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Vilven, Miss Rachel Timmons, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Banks, Wamego; Miss Barbara Jean Spears, Mrs. Steve McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCormac, Louisville; Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCammon, Tecumseh; Mr. and Mrs. O.E. Edwards and David, Denver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harkness, Satana; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Laughlin, Oskaloosa; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wilson, Mr. Robert Wilson, St. George; Miss Muriel Huggins, Delia; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and family, Manhattan; Mr. and Mrs. James Spears, Miss Glenda Jean Lewis, Cushing, Nebraska; and Mr. Clifton W. Hays, Waldo.
[From 13 Apr 1950] |
Last Modified |
28 Dec 2017 16:03:02 |
Family ID |
F2940 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family 2 |
Eugene Siegel |
Married |
26 May 1968 |
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska |
Documents |
 | Marriage- Queen, Helen-Siegel, Eugene Are married in Nebraska
Helen Spears Queen and Eugene Siegel were united in marriage May 26 in the Havalock Methodist Church, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Rita Queen served as maid of honor for her mother. Fred Siegel, Boulder, Colo., was his brother’s best man. Candlelighters were Robert and James Larson, twin nephews of the bride.
A reception in the church followed the ceremony.
Mrs. Siegel is employed by Highland Homes, Inc., of Topeka. Mr. Siegel is presently employed by R. R. Anderson Enterprises, Topeka.
Following a trip through South Dakota, Colorado, and Nebraska, the couple will be at home in Rossville.
The following attended the wedding:
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Spears, parents of the bride; Rita, Douglas, and John Queen, children of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. William Larson, Robert and James, all of Rossville;
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spears, Cushing, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hanson and daughter, Topeka; Miss Charla Teske, Delia.
The bridegroom’s sister, brothers, and families: Mr. and Mrs. John Standert and Delaine, Lincoln, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siegel, Boulder, Colo.; Air. and Mrs. Charles Siegel, Brad, Craig, Randell, and Douglas, of Beloit.
Last Modified |
14 Dec 2019 01:51:02 |
Family ID |
F1361 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family 3 |
Leonard L Cook, Sr., b. 14 Nov 1923, Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas , d. 26 May 1987, Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas (Age 63 years) |
Married |
11 Dec 1976 |
Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas |
Last Modified |
12 Jul 2016 09:27:54 |
Family ID |
F1708 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family 4 |
Robert Peter Miller, Sr., b. 21 Nov 1932, Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas , d. 23 Jul 2014, Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas (Age 81 years) |
Married |
9 Dec 1992 |
Documents |
 | Marriage- Cook, Helen-Miller, Robert Robert and Helen Miller
Cook-Miller Vows Exchanged in Arizona
Helen Louise Cook, formerly of Rossville, and Robert Peter Miller, Sr. were married Wednesday, December 9, 1992, at the Willowbrook United Methodist Church, Sun City, Ariz.
Helen is the mother of Rita Elder, Lenexa, Doug Queen, Rossville, and John Queen, Lee's Summit, Mo. |
Last Modified |
8 Jun 2016 09:50:09 |
Family ID |
F658 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
 | Birthday- Miller, Helen Look Who's 80!
Helen Spears Miller
Please come and celebrate with her on August 9, 2009, at the Citizens Potawatomi Center in Rossville, KS from 2 -4 p.m. |
 | Birth- Spears, Helen Mr. and Mrs. Laverne H. Spears of Route 1, are the parents of a daughter born Sunday, July 28. The baby has been named Helen Louise. Mrs. Spears was formerly Miss Edna Vilven, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vilven of Wamego. |
 | Baby Shower- Queen, Douglas Shower Honors Mrs. Queen and Son
Mrs. Helen Queen and Douglas Joe were the honored guests at a shower Thursday, June 11, at 1:30 p.m. at the Community Center given by Mrs. Ila Whitlock, Mrs. Ruth Hesse, and Mrs. Winifred Stach.
Invited guests were Edna Spears, Ruth E. Larson, Laurel Adams, Delores Hesse, Liz Hesse, Helen Decker, Lynn Reid, Lena Reding, Margie Hoobler, Edith McClain, Ila Pelfrey, Jean Lane, Mildred Page, Erma Hoobler, Eleanor Jones, Vina McCoid, Ruth Gresser, Mildred Irwin, Inez Richardson, Donice Reser, Ruth Page, Alice Farley, Bernice French, Christina Zickefoose, Elsie Rasch, Vida Whitney, Grace Hartzell, June McCollough, Greta Kelsey, Stella Henderson, Amy Meade, Velda Pardee, Delores Rose, Betty Murray, Esther Wehner, Nellie Countryman, Marjorie Starkey, Betty Lambotte, Mary Macha, all of Rossville; Hallie Queen, Doris Queen, Ruth Blush, Ermyl Broyles, Silver Lake; Georgia Vilven, Wamego; Betty Kalcik, Mayetta; Imogene Reese, Tecumseh. |
 | Obituary- Miller, Helen L. Helen Louise Miller
Rossville – Helen Louise Miller was born July 28, 1929, the daughter of Laverne and Edna Vilven Spears on a farm north of Rossville. She passed away on her 91st birthday. She attended Prairie Vale School, Rossville High School and attended Kansas State.
She lived most of her life in Rossville and became a snowbird going to Sun City, AZ for the winter. She loved to camp. Helen was a member of the Rossville United Methodist Church and a life member of the Eastern Star.
Helen was united in marriage to Robert P. Miller. He preceded her in death. She was also preceded in death by her parents; a son, Earl Queen; and her sister, Ruth Larson.
Survivors include her daughter, Rita Estelle, Kansas City, MO; two sons, Douglas Queen (Denise) Rossville and John Queen (Christie), Pleasant Hill, MO; six grandchildren, Scott (Dana), Denny (Melissa), and Matt (Dana) Umschied, Jessica (Dan) Aubert, Megan (Josh) Davis, and Carlie Queen; 12 great-grandchildren.
Graveside services were at 1:00 P.M. Monday, August 3, 2020, at the Rossville Cemetery, Rossville. Memorial contributions may be made to the Rossville SeniorC Center and sent in care of Piper Funeral Home, 714 Maple Street, St. Marys, Kansas 66536. To leave online condolences, go to www.piperfuneralhome.com.