Genealogy for the Rossville, Kansas area, compiled by the Rossville Community Library.
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Loretta (Lettie) Zeigenbine Reser

Female 1844 - 1917  (73 years)



Obituary- Reser- Lettie

Mrs. Moss Reser Laid to Rest
Mrs. Moss Reser died last Friday at a sanitarium at Parsons, Kansas, where she was taken about two months ago, following Mr. Resers’ death. About the middle of August she had a fall at the sanitarium into a trench workmen had dug in making re¬pairs to the heating plant, but beside being bruised considerably the doctors did not think the fall was a cause of her death. She had been in ill health for years and her infirmities and old age were the main cause.
The body was brought to Ross¬ville last Sunday on the morning train and the funeral held at the M.E. church conducted by the Rev. Manion of the Olive Branch U.B. church. Interment was made in the Rossville cemetery.

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Linked toLoretta (Lettie) Zeigenbine Reser