1856 - 1915 (59 years)
Obituary- Osborn, Rosa
Mrs. Rosa Osborn Dead
Mrs. Rosa Osborn, died last Sunday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Fred Fluckinger, near Menoken, after a short illness. Mrs. Osborne was for many years a resident of Rossville and many old friends attended the funeral services at the Methodist church which were conducted by Rev. Ward. Her husband, Silas Osborn died at their home in Topeka in 1903 since which time she has lived with her sons and daughters. Mrs. Osborn was the daughter of Andrew and Sabra McNeal, was born June 1, 1856, Rockford, Indiana. When nine years of age she joined the M.E. church and had been an active member since. She is survived by three sons, R.N. and F.R. of Alma, and James T. of Silver Lake, and two daughters, Mrs. Oscar Olson, of Seaside Oregon and Mrs. Fred Fluckinger of Menoken. The funeral was conducted in the Rossville Methodist church, Tuesday, June 29. Interment was made in the Rossville cemetery.
File name | Obituary- Osborn, Rosa.jpg |
File Size | 1.06m |
Dimensions | 1607 x 2476 |
Linked to | Rosa E McNeil Osborn |