1888 - 1988 (100 years)
Birthday- McNeive, Katie
Katie McNeive
Will Celebrate Centennial Year
Katie McNeive, 1255 Wayne, Topeka, Ks. 66604, will celebrate her 100th birthday on March 12. She will be honored at the 4 p.m. Mass at Most Pure Heart of Mary Church, 17th and Stone. There will be a reception preceding the Mass at the Church center in O’Connor Hall at 2:30 p.m. Friends and relatives are invited. Request no gifts, please.
Hosts for the reception are her children — Mrs. Rosemary Mahoney, Burlington, Vt.; Mrs. Virginia McDonough, Rouses Point, N.Y.; Robert McNeive, Freeport, Ill.; William McNeive and Mrs. Dorothy Kuhlengel, Topeka.