m. 1 Mar 1958
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Bridal Shower- Pendleton, Betty 2
Mrs. Betty Miller was the honor guest Saturday evening, March 29, at a miscellaneous shower given by the ladies of the West Union Ladies Aid Club at the home of Mrs. Hattie Grant. After a series of games, the bride went to the gift table and opened her many lovely gifts.
Guests present were Mesdames Betty Miller, Naomi Pendleton, Violet Miller, Marie Masters, Eunice Crow, Marie Rogers, Rebecca Fouts, Hattie Grant, Opal Sheets, Margaret Billings, Fern Grant, Irene Miller, Mrs. Clyde Carrier and sons, Topeka, and Misses Marilene Pendleton, Geraldine Masters, Linda Ungeheuer, Ellen Miller. Those who sent gifts but were unable to attend were Lydia Fitzgerald, Kate Stevens and Mrs. Clyde Rogers, Miss Jane Rogers, and Mrs. Alberta Bauer.
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