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Marriage- Bahner, Christina-Zickefoose, Frederic
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Bahner of Silver Lake announce the marriage of their daughter Christiana Ann, to Dr. Frederic Zickefoose of Enid, Okla., son of Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Zickefoose of this city, by the Rev. C.B. Dennison, Sunday, Sept. 15, at 9 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents.
The wedding was quietly solemnized in the presence of the immediate families. Preceding the ceremony, Miss Florence Keller sang "At Dawning," accompanied by Miss Lucille Griswold at the piano. Miss Griswold also played Mendelssohn's wedding march. After the ceremony Miss Keller sang "I Love You Truly."
Mrs. Zickefoose was attended by her sister Elsie, while Dr. Zickefoose chose his brother, Edward as best man.
The bride was lovely in a dress of pink net and she carried a bouquet of Talmasis roses. She grew to womanhood in this community and graduated at Delia high school and was a favorite with all who knew her. Dr. Zickefoose is a graduate of Rossville grade and high schools and a graduate of K.S.C. receiving his degree in Veterinary Medicine last June. At present they will make their home at Enid, Okla., where he has a position with the Bureau of Animal Industry.
Miss Elsie Bahner and Edward Zickefoose of Kansas State College, came home Sunday to attend the Bahner-Zickefoose wedding.
Miss Dorothy Hopkins who has been visiting in Topeka the past week came home Sunday to attend the Bahner-Zickefoose wedding.
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