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Marriage- Finney, Alice-Richou, Charles
Finney-Richou Vows in Spokane, Washington
[Caption: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richou Jr.]
Miss Alice Jane Finney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finney of Spokane, Washington, became the bride of Mr. Charles Frederick Richou Jr., at the Hillyard Christian Church at Spokane on November 16. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richou of Arcadia California, and is now stationed at Fairchild Air Force Base near Spokane.
The Rev. Raymond Geist performed the ceremony. Mrs. Earl Miller J. sang "Because," accompanied by Mrs. Gordon Eails at the organ.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white taffeta with a train and long pointed sleeves. The bodice was trimmed with white lace upon which tiny pearls were inserted. The veil of imported French veiling, finger tip length, was caught to the crown of pearls. She carried a white Bible topped with a bouquet of white gardenias and camellias.
Mrs. Earl Nettleingham was maid of honor. She wore a light blue taffeta sheath dress with cummerbund of darker blue draped at the back. Her hat and shoes were of matching color. The bridesmaids, Miss Barbara Johnson and Mrs. Irene Erickson, wore dresses of matching style in gold. Their hats were of net with shoes of gold. The maid of honor and the bridesmaids carried colonial bouquets of gold carnations with a talisman rose in the center.
Karen Nettleingham, wearing a blue taffeta dress under net, was flower girl and Douglas Nettleingham was ring bearer.
Mr. Jack Roddy was best man and Mr. Tom Berridge and Mr. Frank Finney, brother of the bride, were ushers.
For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Finney wore a sheath dress of beige lace over taffeta, with pink accessories. The groom's mother wore a gown of turquoise paper taffeta with white accessories.
A reception was held in the church parlor with floral settings of gold carnations tied with blue ribbons.
After a wedding trip to California, the couple will reside at W. 1828 9th Ave., Spokane, Wash.
[From 12 Dec 1957]
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