m. 16 Oct 1976
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Marriage- Martinek, Debbie-Flynn, Rick
Mrs. Rick Flynn
(Debbie Martinek)
The marriage of Debbie Martinek and Rick Flynn was solemnized at 11 a. m. Oct. 16 in Holy Name Church with the Rev. Thomas Santa officiating.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martinek and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Flynn.
The bride was attended by Cindy Martinek, Kay Galbraith and Sue Osbourn, all of Topeka, and Mary Reed, Kansas City.
Attending the bridegroom were Tagen Swobeda. Emporia; Pat Simons, Mark Martinek and Mark Galbraith.
Mr. and Mrs. Flynn are graduates of Hayden High School. He is attending Washburn University and is employed by Hayden High School.
The couple is at home at 1111 Lincoln.
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