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Marriage- Pearl, Mary-Thomas, George 2
The marriage of Miss Mary M. Pearl of this city, and Mr. George Thomas of Beloit, was solemnized at the Immaculate Conception church, Wednesday morning at 8:15. The ceremony was performed by Father S.A. Ryan, S.J. The mass was sung by the members of the Immaculate Conception high school. During the offertory Mrs. Jas. Pearl, jr., of Beloit, and Miss Josie DeMarais sang the "Ave Marie."
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Pearl, sr. She was attired in a suit of wisteria broadcloth, with hat, gloves and shoes of taupe. Her corsage bouquet was pink roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Josephine McCormick, a cousin of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. She wore a dark blue broadcloth suit piped in red, a black velvet hat trimmed in red, a corsage bouquet of red roses and lilies of the valley.
The groom is the son of Mrs. Mary Thomas of Beloit. He was attended by Mr. Frank Pearl, a brother of the bride.
After the wedding a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents for the relatives and a few intimate friends. The out of town guests were: Harold Thomas and Miss Charlotte Thomas of Beloit, the brother and sister of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. James Macey and son Warren of Woodston, Kans.; Mrs. James Gregory of Junction City, an aunt of the bride, and Mrs. James Pearl, jr., and son Joseph of Beloit.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas left Wednesday afternoon in their car for Kansas City. They will reside at Beloit.
-St. Marys Star.
[From The Beloit Daily Call, 18 Oct 1917]
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