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Marriage- Buchanan, Laurena-Larrance, Isaac
We copy the following from the Carl Junction (Mo.) Standard's Waco items: - "Married, on September 27th, 1894, at Carthage, Mrs. L.E. Buchanan of Waco to Mr. Isaac Lawrence of Rossville, Kan.
"The bride and groom returned to Waco on Friday where they will make their future home. That evening the couple were visited at their home by 150 residents of Waco and vicinity, including a 'chivaree' party, who proceeded to make night hideous until they were invited into the house where they found a sumptuous feast awaiting them, after which the Buchanan hall was thrown open for the use of the lads and lasses who wished to indulge in tripping the light fantastic toe, or that other old sore toe. The dance lasted well into the small hours of the night, when the crowd dispersed to their several homes more quiet but none the less merry than they came. Mrs. Buchanan has been a resident of this part of the country for a number of years where she is well and favorably known by a large circle of friends and acquaintances who wish her all the happiness possible. Mr. Larrance has been an enterprising merchant of Rossville for several years and all the happiness possible. Mr. Larrance has been an enterprising merchant of Rossville for several years and although he has been among us but a short time he was won to himself a host of friends by his kind and courteous manner and gentlemanly conduct generally, who wish him success during his future business career in Waco, as he will open up a stock of general merchandise in the Buchanan building immediately.
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