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Marriage- Stanley, Ruth-Hesse, William
The marriage of Miss Ruth Stanley, of this city and Mr. William Hesse of St. Marys, Kansas is announced this week. The ceremony took place at Lyndon, Kansas, on Thursday, December 15. 1927. They were attended by his mother. Mrs. Fred Hesse, of St. Marys.
That secrets can be kept is attested by the fact a number of friends of the couple have known of the marriage but never breathed a word to others.
Mr. and Mrs. Hesse will be at home after March 1, at the Stanley family home in the east part of Rossville.
Mrs. Hesse is the only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Stanley. She was born in Rossville and has grown to womanhood here. She received her education in the Rossville grade and high school. Following her graduation from high school Mrs. Hesse spent one year at Washburn college. Mrs. Hesse is one of Rossville’s most highly regarded young women. She carried first honors in her closing year of high school work and has been always loyal and attentive in her church life.
Mr. Hesse is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hesse, of St. Marys, and has made good. He has spent the past two years in Rossville as assistant manager of the J. Thomas & Co., lumber establishment.
Mr. and Mrs. Hesse have a host of friends who join the Reporter in extending them best wishes in their new adventure.
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