m. 4 Jul 1892
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Anniversary- Zook, Frank and Daisy 2
60 Years Of Marriage,
For Mr. & Mrs. Zook
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zook of Rossville celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary Sunday with open house. A number of friends dropped in to congratulate the couple.
Mr. and Mrs. Zook were married on July 4, 1894, in Cuba, Kansas. When questioned as to why this date was chosen for their wedding, Mr. Zook replied, “Well, my wife’s father’s birthday was on that day and that’s; the way he wanted it. And, too, I was. railroading at that time and didn’t, get too much time off.”
Mr. Zook is 82 years of age and Mrs. Zook is 78. Both are enjoying fair health.
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