m. 30 Apr 1906
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Anniversary- Martin, Frank and Dora 4
Celebrate 63rd anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin of Rossville quietly observed their 63rd wedding anniversary on Apr. 30.
They were married at Plymouth, Ind., Apr. 30, 1906, and spent their early married life on a farm in that community. They later moved to Smith County in Kansas. After farming near Lebanon, they resided at Dover, and later Horton.
Due to ill health they moved to Horton in the spring of 1951, and in 1953 back to a farm near Effingham. Since their retirement in 1959, they have lived in Rossville.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin are the parents of 12 children:
Herschel Martin, Willard Martin, Mrs. Lucille Hadden, Mrs. Myrtle Wikkerink, all of Topeka;
Mrs. Minnie Wilbert, Atascadero, Calif., Mrs. Doris Schuetz, China, Calif.; Lloyd Martin, Chateau, Mont.; Paul Martin, Whiting;
Mrs. Elsie Shaw, Dover; Mrs. Pauline Shaw, Richland; Mrs. Erma Montgomery, Topeka; Mrs. Helen Bloomfield, of Eskridge.
There are 34 grandchildren and 33 great-grandchildren.
All of the children and grand-children are living.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin were presented with a beautiful plant by their neighbors.
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