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Obituary- Larrance, Mary
Died, at her home in this city, Saturday, April 30, aged 58 years, Mrs. Mary A. Larrance. She is survived by her husband, Isaac Larrance, and by three children, namely: Alice, wife of W.B. Doughty, of Moberley, Mo., Frederick, who resides in North Topeka, and Pet, the youngest daughter, who resides with her father.
Funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church Sunday morning, when the Rev. E.F. Holland delivered a discourse, using as a text 1 Samuel XX:3, the last clause of which reads: "There is but a step between me and death." In accordance with the dying request of the deceased, the choir sung some of those songs the full meaning and richness of which can be best understood and appreciated by those who know that heir hour of departures is at hand, or by friends who wait and watch for a meeting in the "by-and-bye." Namely: "Asleep in Jesus," "Nearer my God to Thee," and "God be With You Till We Meet Again." The interment was made at the Prairie Home cemetery, near Menoken.
Mrs. Larrance was much respected by a large circle of friends, all of whom deeply sympathize with her family in their bereavement.
Card of Thanks
We desire to very sincerely thank the many friends who were so kind and attentive to our wife and mother during her last sickness, and who continued to be so helpful to us until the last sad rites had been performed and the tomb had received all that is mortal of our loved one. The kindnesses shown were thoroughly appreciated, and the memory of them will be long and gratefully cherished.
Isaac Larrance and Family
[From The Rossville Times, May 6, 1892]
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