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2801 |
 | Marriage- Farrell, Thomasa-Perry, Larry Farrell-Perry Vows Said Aug. 5
Thomasa Ann Farrell and Larry Gene Perry were married Aug. 5 in a 10 a.m. nuptial mass read by the bride’s great-uncle, the Rev. Colman Farrell, in Immaculate Conception Church, St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Farrell, Rossville, are parents of the bride. Mr. Perry’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Gene Perry, St. Marys.
The bride wore a ballerina-length cage dress of Chantilly lace over peau de sole, made with a rolled satin collar and elbow-length sleeves. Her lace mantilla matched the dress, and she carried a bouquet of white daisies centered with pink roses.
The couple was attended by Janet Umschied, Topeka, and Ed Simeka, St. Marys. Ushers were Bob Crawshaw, Silver Lake, and Mitchell Holz, St. Marys. The fride’s sister, Jayleen Farrell, Rossville, was flower girl.
A reception followed in the Centennial Building, St. Marys.
The couple is at home in St. Marys.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Perry are graduates of St. Marys High School. The bride is attending Clark’s School of Business, and the bridegroom is employed by Henry Manufacturing Co.
2802 |
 | Marriage- Fauerbach, Evelyn-Rezac, James Mr. James Rezac, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rezac living northwest of Rossville and Miss Evelyn Fauerbach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Fauerbach, of the same neighborhood secured a license to wed at Holton last week. Both young people are graduates of the Rossville high school, the bride with this year's class. |
2803 |
 | Marriage- Faulk, Emilie-Fangman, Mike Faulk-Fangman Couple Exchange Wedding Vows
In a double ring ceremony on Friday, August 3, 1979, Emilie Faulk and Mike Fangman were united in marriage. The Reverend Bill Adair performed the ceremony in the Rossville Presbyterian Church.
The couple’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Delbert E. Faulk, Rossville, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fangman, Silver Lake. Grandparents are Mr. Henry J. Badura, Rossville; Mrs. Marie Faulk, Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. George Fangman and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Reicherter, both of Seneca.
The bride’s gown, made by the bride and her mother, was satin with a rose: lace overlay. It was a high-waisted, A-line dress, with the sleeves and train made of rose-lace, too. The bride wore a finger-tip veil. She carried a bouquet of red roses, stephanotis and baby’s breath.
The bride, given in marriage by her father and mother, was attended by Ruth Newsham, maid of honor; and Mrs. Marlene Hanna, bridesmaid.
The groom was attended by his brother, Brad Fangman, best man; and Charlie Clark, groomsman. Daren Badura, cousin of the bride, was ringbearer.
Music was provided by Mrs. Ira Williams, pianist; and Sue Gabbert, vocalist, who sang “Evergreen” and “Through the Eyes of Love.” The candles were lit by Dean and Jewelie Faulk, brother and sister of the bride. Sue Badura, aunt of the bride, attended the guest book.
Those serving cake and punch were: Mrs. Carol Faulk, Mrs. Nadine Kelly, Linda Rice, and Mrs. Betty Badura; all aunts of the bride.
Evelyn Gabbert and Laurie Lutz served at the luncheon table.
Gail and Debbie Fangman, sisters of the groom, attended the gift table. Cathy Badura, cousin of the bride, handed out the rice bags.
Mr. Dale Faulk, Mr. Gary Hanna and Mr. Mike Ross were ushers.
Mrs. Fangman is a 1979 graduate of Rossville High School and is a student in Licensed Practical Nursing School at Kaw Area Vo-Tech.
Mr. Fangman is a 1976 graduate of Silver Lake High School and is employed by Capital Equipment, Inc of Topeka.
The couple is at home in Topeka.
2804 |
 | Marriage- Faulk, Jewelie-Ullery, Brad Mr. and Mrs. Brad Ullery
Faulk/Ullery Couple Married in Rossville
Jewelie Faulk and Brad Ullery were united in marriage on Saturday, June 25, 1988, at the Rossville Presbyterian Church. The double ring ceremony was officiated by the Reverends Alice Monschke and Monty Newton.
Jewelie is the daughter of Delbert and Leona Faulk, Rossville. Brad is the son of Ralph and Linda Ullery, Scranton.
The bride was escorted by her father. She wore a white gown with features of Chantilly lace over taffeta, Queen Aim neckline with Venise lace, sequins and pearls, leg-o-mutton sleeves and beaded basque waist, Venise motifs with semi-cathedral train.
Christi Tomson, Rossville, was maid of honor. Emilie Fangman, Silver Lake, Marlene Hanna, Hoyt, sisters of the bride were bridesmaids. The attendants wore pink tea length dresses with Sweet-heart necklines in front and back with fitted yokes, lace and sash ties in back.
Aaron Fangman, niece of the bride, was flower girl. She wore a long white lace over taffeta dress. Derek Foster, cousin of the groom, was ringbearer. His white tuxedo matched the groom.
Jennifer Hanna and Scott Hanna, niece and nephew of the bride, were candlelighters.
Randall Birtell, Manhattan, was best man. Clark Gordon and Kevin Gordon, Scranton, were groomsmen. The groom wore a white tuxedo and the groomsmen wore burgandy tuxedos with bow ties and cumberbands matching the colors of the brides attend-ants.
Music was provided by Mrs. Margarite Williams, Delia, and Donna Goeckler, Merriam. They sang “There is Love,” “You Needed Me” and “We’ve Only Just Begun.”
Dale Faulk, Dean Faulk and Mike Fangman, brothers and brother-in-law of the bride were ushers.
Lori Ullery, Scranton, sister of the groom, attended the guest book and helped at the reception table.
Lisa Lee, Cathy Badura, Rossville, and Laura Fang-man, cared for the gifts.
Sue Badura, aunt of the bride, Rossville, Suzette Smith, cousin of the bride, Silver Lake, were at the reception table.
Jewelie is a graduate of Rossville High School and is employed by Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Brad is a graduate of Santa Fe Trail High School and is employed by J & T Concrete. The couple will reside in Scranton.
2805 |
 | Marriage- Faust, Valerie-Cowan, Kevin Valerie Sue Faust
Kevin Michael Cowan
Valerie Sue Faust became the bride of Kevin Michael Cowan In a 2 p.m. ceremony Sept, 27, 1997, at the St, Lawrence Catholic Campus Chapel in Lawrence.
The Rev. Vincent Krische officiated.
Parents of the couple arc Joseph and Martha Faust of Windsor. Mo., and Ronald and Mary Cowan of Rossville.
Sherry Faust Okon, Dallas. was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Trisha McCullough, Kansas City, Mo.. Carla Lucchesi, Sedalia, Mo.; Elaine Beard, Warrensburg, Mo.; and Jane McDonnal, Olathe.
Shane Cowan, Dallas, was best man. Groomsmen were Kelly Cowan and Rod Cowan, both of Rossville, and John Cowan, Topeka.
The ushers were Brian Ross, St. George; Paul Weybrew, Topeka; Tony Trimble, Rossville, Shannon Driscoll, Shreveport, La.; and Brian Faust, Windsor.
A reception followed at Lawrence Country Club.
The bride is a graduate of Windsor (Mo.) High School and Central Missouri State University at Warrensburg with a bachelor's degree in business administration. She is a digital imaging supervisor at Jostens Printing and Publishing in Topeka.
The bridegroom is a graduate of Rossville High School: Washburn University with a bachelor's degree in business administration; and the University of Kansas School of Law with a juris doctor degree. He is an associate attorney for Gilmore & Bell of Wichita.
They honeymooned in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. They live in Lawrence.
2806 |
 | Marriage- Fawl, Geraldine-Huske, Paul FAWL-HUSKE
Mr. and Mrs. George Fawl of Rossville announce the marriage of their daughter, Geraldine Hazel, to Mr. Paul D. Huske, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Huske of Topeka.
Hr. Eugene Frank read the double ring ceremony which took place at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon, May 12, in Aldersgate chapel of the First Methodist church. The altar was decorated with bouquets of gladoli and snapdragons with lighted candles.
Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. Lee Wiliams played a prelude of nuptial music and accompanied Mr. Norris McGaw, who sang "Because” and “The Wedding Prayer,” The traditional wedding marches were played.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white lace dress, matching hat and shoulder-length veil. She carried a white handkerchief which was carried by her mother when she was married, and a Colonial bouquet of white gladoli centered with roses.
Mrs. Joe N. Brace, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore a nile green chiffon dress, and carried a Colonial bouquet.
The candles were lighted by Mrs. Fred W. Farrier and Mrs. Frank Smith. They wore matching pastel dresses, and corsages of carnations. Cheryl Lynn Brace was flower girl. She wore a pink chiffon dress and carried a white basket of rose petals, Mr. Kenneth S. Huske, brother of the bridegroom, served as best man. Ushers were Mr. Joe N. Brace and Mr. Fred W. Farrier.
Mrs. Fawl chose for her daughter’s wedding a navy blue sheer dress. Her corsage was pink roses. Mrs. Huske wore a wine crepe dress and her corsage was white roses.
A reception was held in the church parlors following the ceremony. Miss Pearl Turnbull cut the cake. She was assisted by Miss Marjorie Schwalm. Mrs. Roy Morrison presided at the punch bowl. Miss Ruth Spellner was in charge of the guest book.
For traveling the bride wore a navy and white suit with navy accessories.
Following a short wedding trip, the couple will return to Anchorage, Alaska, for a residence.
Mrs. Huske, a graduate of Rossville High School, attended Strickler’s Business college in Topeka. Until her marriage she was employed by the Kansas Real Estate commission and is a member of Beta Sigma Phi sorority.
Mr. Huske is a graduate of Wash¬burn Rural High School He served in the U. S. Air Force and is now employed by the Alaska Air Lines at Anchorage.—State Journal
2807 |
 | Marriage- Feltner, Sheryl-Weller, Scot Sheryl Feltner Scot Weller
Sheryl Lynn Feltner and Scot Richard Weller were united in marriage at 7 p.m. Sept. 9 in Rossville Christian Church. The Rev. Robert Sieh officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Rosella Feltner, Maple Hill. The bridegroom is the son of Richard and Janet Weller.
Attending the couple were Joy Davis, Rossville; and Tim Gibbons, Long Beach, Calif. Flower girl was Jami Kotapish, Blue Rapids. Following the ceremony a reception was held at Somerset Golf and Country Club.
The bride graduated from Rossville High School and Washburn University with a degree in accounting. She is a central accountant for the state of Kansas. The bridegroom graduated from Topeka West High School and attended Washburn University. He is employed by Bettis Asphalt.
2808 |
 | Marriage- Ferguson, Henrietta-Minnis, Russell Ferguson-Minnis
Miss Henrietta Ferguson, daughter of Mrs. Ethelyn Ferguson, of Alma, became the bride of Lieut. Russell Minnis in a double ring ceremony read by the Rev. B.A. Rogers at 3:30 p.m. Easter Sunday at the First Methodist Church in Manhattan.
The bridegroom is the son of Mr. J.R. Minnie of Manhattan.
As the guests arrived Mr. Charles Stratton, organist, played the wedding music and accompanied Miss Wilma Kathryn Price, who sang, "Until" and "I Love You Truly"; Mrs. Irene Campbell played "Liebestraum" and "One Alone" on the violin. Miss Winifred Emert and Miss Kathleen Emert lighted the tapers and wore pastel gowns of yellow and pink.
The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Morris Bond. Her gown of gardenia satin was fashioned with a fitted bodice of satin and lace, and a flared skirt that lengthened into a train. Her full-length veil of tulle fell from a halo of orange blossoms and she carried a shower bouquet of Tallisman roses and white sweet peas. Miss Blanche Burris, her only attendant, wore a gown of powder-blue chiffon and carried a bouquet of pink carnations.
Dr. F.H. Oberst of Manhattan, was best man. Mr. Kent Pearl and Mr. Evan Crumbaker were ushers.
A reception for close friends and relatives at the Methodist Temple followed the ceremony. After a short honeymoon the bride will return to Alma, where she is a member of the teaching faculty at the high school.
Lieutenant Minnis will return to Chicago where he is a First Lieutenant in the Veterinary Corps. Both Lieut. Minnis and Mrs. Minnis are graduates of Kansas State College, Mrs. Minnis receiving her degree in Home Economics, and Lieut. Minnis, his doctor's degree in Veterinary Medicine.
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Campbell of Rossville, Miss Maggie Jeffrey and Miss Kathleen Emert of Manhattan assisted at the reception.
Guests from Rossville included: Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Emert, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Campbell, Mrs. Edna Campbell, Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. John L. Pearl, Mr. Morris Bond, Miss Lorena Foreman, Miss Bernice Herron, Miss Joan Emert, Mrs. Winifred Stach, Mr. Kent Pearl.
[From 13 Apr 1944] |
2809 |
 | Marriage- Fink, Virginia-Kirkpatrick, Harold Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Kirkpatrick announce the marriage of their son Harold to Miss Virginia Fink of Topeka on June 13. |
2810 |
 | Marriage- Finney, Alice-Richou, Charles Finney-Richou Vows in Spokane, Washington
[Caption: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richou Jr.]
Miss Alice Jane Finney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finney of Spokane, Washington, became the bride of Mr. Charles Frederick Richou Jr., at the Hillyard Christian Church at Spokane on November 16. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richou of Arcadia California, and is now stationed at Fairchild Air Force Base near Spokane.
The Rev. Raymond Geist performed the ceremony. Mrs. Earl Miller J. sang "Because," accompanied by Mrs. Gordon Eails at the organ.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white taffeta with a train and long pointed sleeves. The bodice was trimmed with white lace upon which tiny pearls were inserted. The veil of imported French veiling, finger tip length, was caught to the crown of pearls. She carried a white Bible topped with a bouquet of white gardenias and camellias.
Mrs. Earl Nettleingham was maid of honor. She wore a light blue taffeta sheath dress with cummerbund of darker blue draped at the back. Her hat and shoes were of matching color. The bridesmaids, Miss Barbara Johnson and Mrs. Irene Erickson, wore dresses of matching style in gold. Their hats were of net with shoes of gold. The maid of honor and the bridesmaids carried colonial bouquets of gold carnations with a talisman rose in the center.
Karen Nettleingham, wearing a blue taffeta dress under net, was flower girl and Douglas Nettleingham was ring bearer.
Mr. Jack Roddy was best man and Mr. Tom Berridge and Mr. Frank Finney, brother of the bride, were ushers.
For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Finney wore a sheath dress of beige lace over taffeta, with pink accessories. The groom's mother wore a gown of turquoise paper taffeta with white accessories.
A reception was held in the church parlor with floral settings of gold carnations tied with blue ribbons.
After a wedding trip to California, the couple will reside at W. 1828 9th Ave., Spokane, Wash.
[From 12 Dec 1957] |
2811 |
 | Marriage- Fleming, Eugenia-Startup, Averill Fleming-Startup
Miss Eugenia Fleming of Delia and Averill Startup of this city were quietly married in Topeka. Monday September, 30th. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fleming and is popular among her circle of young friends. The groom is a son of Mrs. Albert Besta, and is a quiet, and industrious young man.
Mr. and Mrs. Startup will be at home in Rossville in the Cless cottage on Orange street. |
2812 |
 | Marriage- Floersch, Karen-Crow, Joe Father in Heaven, our hearts are filled with great happiness on this, our wedding day.
We come before the altar of love, pledging our hearts and lives to each other.
We pray that we may be ever true and loving to one another, and avoid all pretense or envy.
May we together meet the cares and problems of life bravely, and may our home be a place of love and harmony.
Walk beside us, Father we pray, through all our life together.
Thank you for sharing this special day with us and witnessing our vows of love to each other.
Karen & Joe
May 6, 1989 2:00 p.m.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Delia, Kansas
FATHER MARK DARY (Cousin of the Bride)
KATHY OLEJNIK (Sister of the Bride)
JOHN CROW (Brother of the Groom)
JASON CROW (Nephew of the Groom)
DANE OLEJNIK (Nephew of the Bride)
EMMY FLOERSCH (Niece of the Bride)
KASEY OLEJNIK (Niece of the Bride)
JOHN FLOERSCH (Brother of the Bride)
FRED MEHRTENS (Brother-in-law of the Groom) BOB OLEJNIK (Brother-in-law of the Bride)
CARY CROW (Brother of the Groom)
MARY MEHRTENS (Sister of the Groom)
SHEILA FLOERSCH (Sister-in-law of the Bride)
CHERRYL CROW (Sister-in-law of the Groom) PEGGY LEBLANC (Friend)
MARY ROTH (Friend)
2813 |
 | Marriage- Flowers, Doris-Mohler, Wendell Flowers-Mohler
[Caption: Mrs. Wendell Mohler (Doris Jeanne Flowers)]
Doris Jeanne Flowers became the bride of Wendell Lee Mohler in a ceremony read by the Rev. Lamar Davis at 3 p.m. Dec. 14 in the chapel of the First United Methodist Church.
Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Flowers, Inver Grove Heights, Minn., formerly of Topeka. Mr. Mohler is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Mohler, Silver Lake.
The bride's white velvet gown had a lace-trimmed yoke and long full sleeves finished with deep, buttoned cuffs. The lace-trimmed chapel train was attached beneath the back yoke.
A queen's crown of pearls held her veil, and she carried a nosegay of red, white and peppermint carnations with holly.
Theodora Flowers was maid of honor and Nettie Flowers was flower girl. Both are sisters of the bride. The bridegroom's brother, Edward Mohler, was ring bearer.
Kenneth Heiland was best man and ushers were the bride's brother, Ronald F. Flowers, Silvis, Ill., and David Stremming.
A reception in the church parlor followed the ceremony.
The bride is employed by Hallmark Cards, Inc., and Mr. Mohler is engaged in farming near Silver Lake. Both are graduates of Silver Lake High School.
[From 1968] |
2814 |
 | Marriage- Ford, Emma-Enos, Pascal The Enos-Ford Wedding
A very quiet wedding was solemnized Wednesday afternoon when Miss Emma Ford and Mr. P.P. Enos both of this place were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ford, west of town, the Rev. E.W. Allen of the M.E. Church officiating. Only the immediate relatives and friends of the bride and groom were present.
The bride was handsomely attired in pure white - white net over white silk, directore girdle and sash, and carried a profusion of brides roses. She wore no jewelry save the solitaire diamond wedding ring. The groom was garbed in the customary black. The ceremony itself was the simple yet impressive ritualistic ring service. The decorations were quite elaborate in which Mistletoe seat from Lexington Oklahoma by friends of the bride predominated.
After the ceremony and congratulations a wedding dinner was served and the evening was spent in pleasant social communion.
The bride is one of Rossville's most popular young lady; handsome, talented and possessing all the womanly virtues and charms that go to make up a home of refreshment and culture. Mr. Enos, the groom, is the son of Mrs. M. Enos and has grown to manhood in this town. For several years past he has been employed in Kansas City. Gifted with a natural shrewdness and a keen sense of humor, he is jolly and companionable and easily makes and retains steadfast friends and his future gives promise of unstinted success and happiness.
Mr. and Mrs. Enos left yesterday for Kansas City where they will spend a short honeymoon with friends after which they will go to Oklahoma City, Okla. where Mr. Enos will be associated with his brother-in-law, Mr. C.W. Hubyeka, in the Southwestern Granite & Marble Company of that city.
May their pathway through life be strewn with fairest flowers. |
2815 |
 | Marriage- Ford, Ethel-Swinehart, James Two Former Rossville Young People Wed
Mr. James Swinehart and Miss Ethel Ford, were married Saturday, Dec. 30, at Oklahoma City, and after spending ten days visiting with her relatives in Oklahoma, came to Rossville Tuesday evening to visit her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Ford and other relatives. Both were very popular while living here and a number of their former friends gathered at the Ford home on their arrival and gave them a miscellaneous shower (of rice) and many beautiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Swinehart will make their home at Ogden, Kansas, where he is the efficient operator for the U.P. Those present at the shower were: Misses Maude Clare, Hazel Cuddy, Hazel James, Juanita Mitchell, Arleen Wilt, Mabel Binns, Gladys Hartzell, Lillian Ford, Anna Stovall, Grace Sueller, Mary Van Vleck, Gladys Eversole; Messrs. Frank Parr, George Eversole, George Vawter, Lester Parr, Joe Parr, Floyd James, Earl James, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman James, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Eversole, Mrs. Mary Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Swinehart. Playing games made the evening's entertainment and refreshments were served.
[From 11 Jan 1917] |
2816 |
 | Marriage- Ford, Lillian-Davis, Walter One of the happy events of last week was a quiet wedding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Green of this city when on the evening of July 12th, Mr. Walter W. Davis, of the firm of Green and Davis, and Miss Lillian A. Ford were united in holy wedlock. |
2817 |
 | Marriage- Foresman, Alice-Dean, Delbert Foresman-Dean
Miss Alice Foresman, who has been the efficient employee of the Kesler and Johnson restaurant and in other local business houses, during her residence in Rossville, and Mr. Delbert Dean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dean, were married in Topeka Saturday evening by Probate Judge John Chaney.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean have rented rooms in the Bradley home on South Main street. |
2818 |
 | Marriage- Foster, Kay-Sullivan, William Mr. and Mrs. William Sullivan
December Wedding Chosen by Foster-Sullivan Couple
Kay L. Foster, daughter of Retired Major and Mrs. Norman Foster, Oklahoma City, and William M. Sullivan, son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Sullivan, Rossville, were married at 10 a.m. December 13, 1975 in Wichita.
Attending the bride was Ms. Janice Sullivan, sister of the groom. The bridegroom's attendant was Mr. Jimmy Simek of Wichita.
Mrs. Sullivan is a graduate of Charlestown Senior High School in West Virginia, and attended Church Home School of Nursing in Baltimore, Md. She is employed as a medical specialist in the U. S. Air Force.
Mr. Sullivan is a 1971 graduate of Rossville High School and attended Emporia Kansas State College. He is now employed as a radio technician in the U. S. Air Force.
The couple is at home at 1716 North Fountain in Wichita. Both are stationed at McConnell Air Force Base.
2819 |
 | Marriage- Franco, Yolanda-Crupper, Charles Mrs. Charles Crupper Jr,
(Yolanda Franco)
The marriage of Yolanda Franco to Lt. Charles Crupper Jr. was solemnized at 9 a.m. Jan. 24 in St. Matthew’s Church. The Rev. Thomas Clune officiated.
Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Franco and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crupper, Rossville.
The bride was attended by Vicki Franco and Janet Wooton, Topeka; Mrs. Jim Freeman, Duluth, Minn.; and Geri Revitte, Dodge City.
Attending the bridegroom were Jim Freeman, Duluth; Mike Cummings. Rossville; and Mike Turner, Kansas City.
Mrs. Crupper received a degree in home economics at Washburn University.
Lt. Crupper holds a degree in English from Washburn and is working toward a master’s degree in systems management from the University of Southern California. He is a missile launch officer in the U.S. Air Force stationed at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Great Falls Mont.
The couple is at home at 205 10th St. South, Great Falls.
2820 |
 | Marriage- Franks, Jeannine-Miller, Rick Franks-Miller Vows Exchanged August 30
Jeannine Franks, daughter of Mr. Ernie Franks, Lt. Commdr., Ret., USN, Haven, and Rick Miller, Rossville, were united in marriage Saturday, August 30, 1980, at 2 p.m. in the Haven Baptist Church. Officiating at a double-ring ceremony was the Reverend Marvin Valdois. Sandra Stewart, Haven, served as maid of honor, and Stan Thompson, Rossville, served as best man.
Bridesmaids were Shelly Hayes, niece of the bride, Rockwall, Tex., Renetta Christensen, Mt. Hope, and Nancy Miller, Tulsa, Okla. Groomsmen were Rod Miller, Delia, Rick Mendoza, Newton, add "Todd McMahan," Clearwater.
Taperlighters were Jeannine's nieces, Jackie Hayes and Dana Hayes, both of Rockwall, Tex. Ushers were Chris Meggs, Kansas City, Ks., and Mike Bandy, Galva.
The Promise Trio, consisting of Lessie Hallford, Dana Blew and Kathy Johnson sang, "The Wedding Song," and Lessie also sang, "Looking Through the Eyes of Love." Floyd Dodds completed the ceremony by singing "The Lord's Prayer." Organist was Lynette Hayes. Debra Schriever was pianist and guest book attendant.
The gift table was managed by Penny Graves and Julie Huston: taking care of the reception table were Carol Pitts, Melody Fleck and Lori Johnson.
The bride wore an organza gown trimmed with embroidered lace and an organza rose. The bodice was on-or-off shoulder and the shirred flounce skirt had an attached chapel train. The groom was attired in a white tuxedo, and the groomsmen and ushers wore tuxedos of sandalwood color.
The bridesmaids wore peach floral off-the-shoulder dresses accented with ruffles around the shoulders and around the hem. Taperlighters were solid peach dresses in the same pattern.
After a short honeymoon trip, the couple will be at home in San Antonio, Tex. |
2821 |
 | Marriage- Frederick, Marie-Hamon, George Couple Is Married in Catholic Church
Marie Agnes Frederick and George Henry Hamon Jr. exchanged wedding vows in St. Dominic Catholic Church, Holton, Sept. 20. The Rev. Ed Hays officiated at the 1 p.m. ceremony.
The couple’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Frederick, Rossville, and Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hamon, Loveland, Colo.
The bride wore a satin and lace gown designed with long sleeves and a train. A pearl crown held her veil. She carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses in the form of a cross.
Benita Wollen was maid of honor. Also attending the bride were Mr. Hamon’s sister, Mrs. Harold Krug, Ft. Collins, Colo., and Mrs. Joyce Frederick.
Mr. Hamon’s brother, John Hamon, Thornton, Colo., was best man. Groomsmen were the
bride’s brother, Joe Frederick , Jr., and Darrell Justice, Arrington. Ushers were Max Garbe, Valley Falls, and Roy Frederick, Shawnee Mission.
Following a reception in the Holton 4-H building the couple left on a wedding trip to the Black Hills and Colorado.
Mrs. Hamon is a graduate of Delia Rural High School and is employed by Hallmark Cards Inc. Mr. Hamon was graduated from Holton High School and is employed by the State Board of Agriculture. The couple is at home at 921 Lane St.
2822 |
 | Marriage- Freeby, Beverly-Gentry, Billy Freeby-Gentry
The chapel of the Highland Park Methodist Church at Topeka was the scene of a wedding Sunday, June 12, at 2 p.m. uniting in marriage Miss Beverly Ann Freeby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Freeby, and Mr. Billy Gene Gentry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gentry of Rossville.
The ceremony was read by the Rev. Carrol D. McLaughlin before an altar decorated with baskets of pink gladioli and majestic daisies with two seven-branched candelabra with white candles.
Miss Virginia Anthony of Centralia sang "Oh Promise Me." She was accompanied by Mrs. Bonnett, organist, who also furnished the wedding music with such numbers as "I Love You Truly" and "Always."
Preceding the ceremony the tapers were lighted by Mr. Bob Bixby and Everett Freeby Jr., brother of the bride.
The bride who was given in marriage by her father wore a pink linen suit with blue accessories. She wore an orchid corsage. Her only jewelry was a strand of pearls, a gift from the groom.
Miss Joy Allen of Centralia served as maid of honor. Her suit was green linen with white accessories. Her corsage was pink and white carnations.
Mrs. Barbara McDonald served as brides maid. Her suit was yellow linen with white accessories and corsage of yellow and white carnations.
Attending the bridegroom as best man was Bob Gentry, brother of the groom. Robert Reid served as groomsman.
Ushers were Everett Freeby Jr. and Bob Bixby.
A reception was given the guests in the Asbury room at the church.
Mrs. Freeby, mother of the bride, received wearing a beige dress with corsage of orange roses and white carnations. Mrs. Gentry, mother of the groom, chose a green faille with corsage of pink carnations.
The brides table was centered with a three-tiered wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and groom and pink and yellow rose buds. White tapers in crystal holders and greenery completed the table decorations.
Miss Mary Lou Reed cut the cake and Miss Virginia Anthony presided at the punch bowl.
Miss Barbara Gentry, sister of the groom, was in charge of the guest book.
The couple left for a honeymoon in the Ozarks. Following the honeymoon trip they will be at home in Rossville.
Guests from out of town attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Story, Kansas City, Kansas; Mr. J.R. Gentry, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Gentry and family, Mrs. Clyde Gentry and Jolene all of Simpson, Kansas; Mrs. Minnie McClure and Mr. James McClure of Glasco, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Max Williams, Kansas City, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Dick, Gary and Wayne, Mr. Bob Berry, Mr. Gene Pelfrey, Mrs. Junior Dick and Rodney, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gentry all of Rossville; Mr. and Mrs. Chet Freeby and Susan of Erie, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wertz, Freddie and Richard of Sedalia, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jacobia, Mr. Merlin Jacobia all of Whiting, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bryan, Joyce and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Allen, Joy, Judy and David, Mrs. Florence Shumaker, Miss Mary Jane Wolff, Miss Vesper Kincaid, and Miss Virginia Anthony of Centralia.
[From Thursday, 23 Jun 1955] |
2823 |
 | Marriage- Freed, Susan-Kerwin, Bob Freed-Kerwin
The marriage of Susan K. Freed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freed, to Bob J. Kerwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Kerwin, Rossville, was solemnized at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 21 in the United Methodist Church, St. Marys. The Rev. Jean Grabher officiated.
Attendants for the bride were June Lundin, Delia; Vanessa Tarbutton, Maple Hill; Kathy Nadeau, Rossville; and Phyllis McCarthy, Topeka. The bridegroom’s attendants were John Paine, Dennis Nadeau and Mike Manbeck, all of Rossville, and Harry Kibbe, Silver Lake.
Mrs. Kerwin attended Seaman High School and is employed by Shawnee Federal Savings. Mr. Kerwin attended Rossville High School and is employed by Industrial Bearing and Transmission Co.
The couple is living in Rossville.
Mrs. Bob Kerwin
(Susan Freed) |
2824 |
 | Marriage- Freel, JuDee-Turner, Thomas Freel-Turner Vows Exchanged in Las Vegas
JuDee Freel and Thomas E. Turner were united in marriage at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7, 1991, in Las Vegas, Nev. Parents of the couple are Lawrence and Bemadine Teske, Delia, and the late Ruby and Millburn Turner.
Attending the couple were Charla Freel, sister of the bride, and Beverly Rogers, both of St. Marys; and Doug Diederich, Topeka. Several friends from this area were in attendance at the wedding.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the Union Plaza Hotel, followed by a dinner hosted by the newlyweds.
The bride is employed as a secretary to the Chief of the Bureau of Design, Kansas Department of Transportation. The groom is employed as a machinist at the Topeka Goodyear Plant.
The couple resides in St. Marys.
2825 |
 | Marriage- Freeman, Nancy-Macha, Daniel Nancy Freeman and Dan Macha United in August Ceremony
Miss Nancy Leah Freeman and Mr. Daniel Joseph Macha were united in marriage in a 3:00 ceremony at the Village United Presbyterian Church in Prairie Village, Ks. on August 9, 1975.
Parents of the couple are Dr. and Mrs. Jack A. Freeman, Prairie Village, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Macha, Delia.
Attending the bride and groom were her sister, Miss Jane Freeman, Tucson, Ariz., and his brother, Mr. Robert Macha, Delia.
Miss Mary Ann Adams, Miss Connie McCaul and Miss Jane Zschoche were bridesmaids. Miss Michele Macha, Delia, niece, of the groom, was the junior bridesmaid. Groomsmen were Mr. Garry Macha, Tulsa, Okla., brother of the groom, Mr. Bob Olejnik and Mr. Dennis Martinek, both of Rossville.
Ushers were Mr. Rich Freeman, Overland Park, brother of the bride, Mr. Gary Bailey, Mr. Charles Oldenberg and Mr. Liam Atchison.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held to honor the couple. Mrs. Paul Smith was in charge of the guestbook, and Mrs. Rick Freeman attended the gift table.
The couple will live in Manhattan, Ks. until December.
2826 |
 | Marriage- Frisbey, Helen-Tollefson, A. Martin The marriage of Miss Helen Frances Frisbey to Dr. A. Martin Tollefson of Des Moines, Iowa, took place Saturday at the home of the bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. W.R. Frisbey in Delia. |
2827 |
 | Marriage- Frye, Debra-Lynde, Timothy Mrs. Timothy E. Lynde
(Debra Ann Frye)
Debra Ann Frye and Timothy E. Lynde exchanged marriage vows at 9 a.m. June 27 in Immaculate Conception Church, St. Marys. The Rev. Edward A. Thro officiated.
Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Anna Jr., Wakarusa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Lynde, Rossville.
The bride was given in marriage by her stepfather, Albert L. Anna Jr. Her gown of white whipped honey was fashioned with appliquéd lace roses at the neckline, on the long sleeves and encircling the hem. Her cathedral-length veil was held by a petal headpiece, and she carried a cluster of blue roses.
JoAnn Miner was maid of honor and bridesmaids were Jan McCullough and Delores Anna. Dr. Loren Rogers, Pacifica, Calif., was best man and groomsmen were Curt Berkey and David Foster, both of Rossville.
[From 12 July 1970] |
2828 |
 | Marriage- Fryman, Vicki-Ketter, Louis [Caption: Mrs. Louis J. Ketter]
Vicki Jo Fryman became the bride of Louis J. Better in the Immaculate Conception Church at St. Marys Feb. 4. The Rev. A.H. Shultz officiated at the ceremony. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fryman, Omaha, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Ketter, St. Marys.
The bride wore a floor-length Empire gown of white velvet with long bridal sleeves and a scoop neckline. A detachable floor-length train fell from the waistline. She carried a bouquet of red roses and feathered white carnations. Her veil fell from a headpiece of organza petals trimmed with crystals.
Mrs. Jim Pauly, St. Marys, and Mrs. Allen Brandes were bridesmaids. Candace Ann Davis, Rossville, was flower girl, and Ambrose Ketter Jr., brother of the groom, was ring bearer.
Terrence Ketter, brother of the groom, was best man and Jim Pauly, St. Marys, was groomsman. Ushers were Dudley Fryman, brother of the bride, Hays, and Bill Pauly, Perry.
After a wedding trip to the Ozarks, the couple will be at home in Topeka.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville Rural High School and is a senior at Stormont-Vail School of Nursing.
Mr. Ketter, a graduate of St. Marys Rural High School, is employed by Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
[From paper 4 Feb 1967] |
2829 |
 | Marriage- Fuller, Harriet-Lipp, John Fuller-Lipp wedding in California
Miss Harriet Nadine Fuller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Fuller, became the bride of Mr. John A. Lipp, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lipp of Burbank on Saturday evening, February 15, in the Presbyterian Church of Coachella Valley. The Rev. Harvey Harper read the double ring ceremony before the altar decorated with baskets of white gladioli, stock, and aqua carnations.
Mrs. Orpha Steiner, organist, and Donald Pearson, soloist, provided the wedding music.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a lace and tulle over satin gown fashioned with long sleeves and boufant floor length skirt. Her finger tip veil was held in place by a jeweled crown. She wore a pearl necklace, a gift of the groom, and carried a bouquet of baby calla lilies Helen Zlatnik of Fresno was maid of honor for her cousin. The bridesmaids were Ann Meier of Burbank and Sue Van Blaricon of Coachella. They wore identical dresses of aqua brocaded taffeta with matching hats, gloves and shoes. They carried bouquets of white and aqua carnations.
Roger young of Burbank was best man. Vincent Stefano and Harold Fuller of Thernial were ushers.
Kerry Sue Fuller was flower girl Richard Fuller was ring bearer. Linda and Heli Lipp were candle lighters.
The reception followed in the church social hall. The hostesses were Mrs. Fred Fuller, Mrs. John Zlatnik, Mrs. Joseph Zlatnik, Mrs. James Armstrong and Mrs. Charles Ellis. Mrs. Joe Benetiz had charge of the guest book.
Among the many out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zlatnik and Judith of Delia, Kansas, Hubert Bellman of Topeka, Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Naill of Kingsburg, Calif., and Mrs. Edna Zlatnik and son John of Visalia, California.
After a brief honeymoon the young couple will make their home in Colorado Springs, Colo., where the groom will be stationed with the U. S. Air Force.
Mrs. Lipp is a granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Thomp¬son of Delia, Kansas.
2830 |
 | Marriage- Fulton, Lori-Martinek, Duane Mrs. Duane Martinek
(Lori Fulton)
The marriage of Lori Fulton to Duane Martinek was solemnized at 4 p.m. Feb. 26 in United Methodist Church, Rossville, with the Rev. Gene Damewood officiating.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fulton, Rossville, and Mr. and Mrs. William Martinek, Rossville.
Attending the bride were Gina Fulton and Troy Dick, Rossville; and Coy Dick Manhattan. Attending the bridegroom were Alan Martinek and Larry Martinek, Rossville; and Dennis Martinek, Silver Lake.
Mrs. Martinek graduated from Rossville High School and is attending Platt College. Mr. Martinek also graduated from Rossville High School and is employed by Rossville Truck and Tractor Co., Inc.
2831 |
 | Marriage- Fulton, Margaret-Whearty, Riley Mr. and Mrs. Z.E. Wyant have announced the marriage of their daughter, Margaret Fulton, to Mr. Riley Whearty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Whearty of Rossville. |
2832 |
 | Marriage- Gallemore, Melody-Matyak, Richard Gallemore-Matyak
Melody Gallemore became the bride of Richard Matyak in a ceremony at 2 p.m. June 18 in Christ Lutheran Church, with the Rev. E. Eckhardt officiating.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Ted Boelens, Silver Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Matyak, Delia.
The couple's attendants were Jody Smith, Auburn; Vicky Immenschuh, Alma; and Paul Matyak and Edward Matyak.
Mrs. Matyak graduated from Silver Lake High School and is employed by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as a marketing representative. Mr. Matyak graduated from Rossville High School and is employed by Midwest Machine Works Inc. |
2833 |
 | Marriage- Gantcher, Grace-Bond, Vernon Cantcher [sic Gantcher]-Bond
Vernon Bond and Miss Grace Helen Gantcher, of Monroe, Mich., were married at six o'clock Wednesday morning at the Assumption church, Topeka, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the young people. Mr. Bond is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bond, living west of Rossville and was born and raised in this vicinity. Mrs. Bond, was until about a year ago, a resident of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Bond will go to housekeeping on a farm near Newman, Kan. |
2834 |
 | Marriage- Garbisch, Kathryn-Williams, George Garbisch-Williams
Kathryn A. Garbisch and George W. Williams exchanged marriage vows at 2:30 p.m. Oct. 14 in the Northland Christian Church. The Rev. Dale Thomas officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Phyllis A. Garbisch, Topeka, and Walter E. Garbisch, Milwaukee, Wis. The bridegroom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ira Williams, Delia.
Attending the bride were Nancy Garbisch, Wichita, Marsha Anders, Gayle Powers and Diane Tracy. The bridegroom’s attendants were Carl Williams, Wichita; Stormy Cox, Springfield, Mo.; Ken Whitney, Santa Fe, N.M.; and Bill Putnam.
Mrs. Williams is a junior at the University of Kansas and is employed by Safeway Stores, Inc. Mr. Williams attended Washburn University and studied horticulture and landscape design at Kaw Area Vocational-Technical School.
They are living at 3730 Parks Court No. 13.
2835 |
 | Marriage- Gardner, Gertrude-Hoover, Hammond Miss Gertrude Gardner of Delia and Mr. Hammond Hooner [sic Hoover] Jr. were married February 24 in Kansas City. |
2836 |
 | Marriage- Gentry, Barbara-Dudney, Vincent Barbara Ann Gentry, daughter of Mrs. Roy Gentry and the late Mr. Gentry, was married in a double-ring ceremony August 17 to Vincent Bryce Dudney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Dudey, Dover.
The Rev. Don Jones officiated in the Methodist Church in Rossville. Music was provided by Mrs. Joe Campbell, pianist, and Mrs. Don Berkey, soloist.
The bride chose for her wedding a gown of imported Chantilly lace over nylon tulle. The fitted bodice of lace was fashioned with a sabrina neckline embroidered in erredescent sequins. The very full skirt of tulle featured wide inserts of lace in deep V points, and the wide tulle dust ruffle formed the aisle wide chapel train. A Chantilly lace crown heavily embroidered with seed pearls and sequins held her waist length veil of silk illusion. She carried a bouquet of red roses. Her only jewelry was pearl earrings, a gift of the groom.
She was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Bob Gentry.
Attending the bride was her sister, Mrs. Junior Dick, as matron of honor. She wore a monte blue chiffon dress over taffeta. The fitted bodice fashioned a tiny gathered sleeve that tapered to a V in the back. The full skirt was accented by a cumberbun.
Bridesmaids were Mrs. Bill Gentry, Miss Maxine Dagg, Dover, and Miss Jeanette Nadeau. They all wore identical dresses in heavenly blue chiffon over taffeta and styled the same as the matron of honor.
Candle lighters were Miss JoAnn Williams and Mrs. James Crenshaw of Topeka. They wore ice blue chiffon over taffeta fashioned after the bridesmaids’ dresses. They carried white candles trimmed with white glamilias.
The bride’s mother chose a beige eyelet sheath dress with white accessories. Her corsage was of red roses. The groom’s mother wore a powder blue dress. Her corsage was also of red roses.
Rodney Dick, nephew of the bride, was ring bearer. Pamella Ketter, niece of the groom, was flower girl. Mr. Gerald Lister, cousin of the groom, served as best man and Mr. Larry Campbell, Dover, was groomsman. Mr. Bill Gentry and Mr. Neil Crow were ushers.
Following the ceremony a reception was held in the Rossville Community Center. Assisting at the reception were Mrs. Larry Ketter, Mrs. Bob Gentry, Mrs. Jerry Moylan, Mrs. Bennie Dick, Mrs. Ralph Page, Miss Jean Nadeau and Mrs. Max Williams, Kansas City.
After a wedding trip, the couple will be at home at 1176 Warren Street, Topeka, Kansas.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School and is employed by the Kansas Inspection Bureau in Topeka. The groom is a graduate of Dover High School and is employed by the Gas Service Co. in Topeka.
2837 |
 | Marriage- Gentry, Betty-Dick, Junior Gentry-Dick
Miss Betty Joan Gentry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gentry of Rossville, was married Sunday, May 14, to Mr. Junior Dick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Dick of Rossville in the Methodist church with Rev. Don Jones officiating, using the double ring ceremony before an arch of green fernery and baskets of gladioli and two candelabra.
Mrs. Joe Campbell played the wedding march and also accompanied Miss Betty Tripp who sang, "I Love You Truly," "Because" and "The Lord's Prayer."
The bride wore a dress of white slipper satin, lace with full skirt that lengthened into a modified train. Her veil was of imported bridal illusion and fell from the crown of seed pearls. She wore a strand of pearls a gift from the groom and carried a white handkerchief. Her bouquet was of red roses and petalled carnations.
Miss Arlene Vernon of Simpson was matron of honor, and she wore a dress of pink taffeta with portrait neck and floor length and carried a bouquets of white gladioli.
Bridesmaids were, Mrs. Charles Keller, Miss Ruth Spears, and Miss Delores Young. They wore floor length dresses styled like the maid of honor and each carried a bouquet of white gladioli.
Miss Barbara Gentry and Miss Mildred Foster were candle lighters. They wore floor-length dresses of yellow taffeta.
Jolene Gentry, cousin of the bride was flower girl and wore a floor length dress of pink taffeta, with bonnet to match and carried a white basket with pink rose petals.
Mr. Bill Gentry, brother of the bride attended Mr. Dick as best man.
The ushers were Bob Gentry, Charles Keller and Henry Tripp.
Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Assisting were Mrs. Max Williams of Kansas City; Mrs. Clyde Gentry and Miss Virginia Spicker of Simpson.
Miss Edith Cerny and Miss Thelma Smith had charge of the guest book and gift table.
Mrs. Gentry, mother of the bride, wore a dark sheer with white accessories and wore a corsage of pink and white camellias.
Mrs. Dick, mother of the groom, wore a navy blue sheer, with white accessories and corsage of pink and white camellias.
For traveling the bride wore a navy blue and lime dress with matching accessories.
After a wedding trip to Paducah, Kentucky, the couple will be at home in Rossville.
The bride attended school at Simpson and later at Rossville, graduating with the class of '49. Since her graduation she has been employed at Kresges Dollar Store in Topeka.
The groom graduated from Rossville High School with the class of '47 and has since been engaged in farming.
[From 18 May 1950]
Among the out-of-town guests who attended the Gentry-Dick Wedding, May 14th were: Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien, Los Angeles, Calif; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ellwood, Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. George Silvius, Ottawa, Kansas, and Mrs. Grace Silvius, Wellsville, Kansas.
[25 May 1950]
Mr. and Mrs. Junior Dick arrived home Monday from their honeymoon trip to Kentucky. They will be at home in the Baird house on Orange, the former Sarah Johnson place.
[25 May 1950] |
2838 |
 | Marriage- Gentry, Teresa-Lacock, Kerry Gentry-Lacock Vows Exchanged
Teresa Gentry and Kerry Lacock exchanged marriage vows Saturday, May 31, 2003, at the Chapel by the Sea on South Padre Island, TX. Officiating the 11 a.m. ceremony was Dr. C. Randolph Coney.
Parents of the newlyweds are Bob and Linda Gentry and Tom and Lois Lacock, all of Rossville.
Jo Anna Cowser, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Honor attendant was Claudia Pottorf. Mark Dudney was best man.
Reader for the ceremony was Beth Dickinson. Soloists were Renae and Jenae Skelton, sister and niece of the groom.
A reception followed at Amber Jacks restaurant on the bay. The newlyweds honeymooned at South Padre Island.
A reception honored the couple at the Kansas History Center in Topeka on Saturday, July 12, 2003.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School and of Kansas State University where she received a B.S. in Elementary Education. She teaches middle school technology lab and is the high school musical director for USD #215 in Lakin, KS.
The groom is a graduate of Rossville High School and of McPherson College, where he received a B.S. in Secondary Education and Chemistry. He teaches high school chemistry, physics, environmental, science, and is the high school head football and wrestling coach for USD #215 in Lakin.
The couple is at home in Lakin.
2839 |
 | Marriage- George, Iva-Mondt, Roy George-Mondt
Mr. Roy Mondt of Delia, Kans. and Miss Iva George of Soldier, Kansas, were united in marriage at 12 o'clock a.m. Tuesday, April 14, 1914 in Topeka, by Probate Judge McFarland. The ceremony was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Mondt, parents of the groom.
The bride was prettily gowned in silver messaline silk trimmed in shadow lace with hat and gloves to match. The groom wore a suit of dark blue serge. After the ceremony the happy couple came to Delia and left immediately for the bride's home where the immediate relatives assembled to partake of a delicious supper served in their honor.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marion George living 9 miles south of Soldier, Kansas, and is a favorite among her many friends. The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Mondt living with his parents on the reservation. He is an industrious and honest young man and has a host of friends who wish them a life long happiness and prosperity.
Mr. and Mrs. Mondt are living 3 miles north-east of Delia where the groom previously resided.
[From 23 Apr 1914] |
2840 |
 | Marriage- Gerard, Dawn-Meyer, Christopher Gerard-Meyer
Dawn Marie Gerard and Christopher Marc Meyer were united in marriage Feb. 5, 1994, at Rossville United Methodist Church. The Rev. Ken Rogers officiated at the 7 p.m. ceremony.
Parents of the bride are William S. Prescott, Rossville, and Patricia L. Allender, Topeka. Benny and Wanda Meyer, Topeka, are parents of the bridegroom.
Jennifer Lilien, Topeka, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Brenda Henderson, Pittsburg; Michele Prescott, Rossville, sister of the bride; and Heidi Goforth, Topeka.
Brian Breitenstein, Chicago, was best man. Groomsmen were Curt Bradford, Jason Taylor and Troy Slusser, all of Topeka.
Patrick and Shawn Ledford of Rossville were ushers. Tyler Boose, Topeka, was the ring bearer and Karen Branscom, Topeka, was the flower girl.
The bride attended Highland Park High School and Pittsburg State University. She is employed by First Baptist Church Daycare in Topeka.
Mr. Meyer is a graduate of Shawnee Heights High School. He attended Pittsburg State University and is employed by First Baptist Church in Topeka.
2841 |
 | Marriage- Getty, Hazel-Hesse, Frederick
Getty-Hesse Vows in Lowman Church
[Caption: Mrs. Frederick B. Hesse]
In the Lowman Memorial Methodist Church, Saturday, August 9, Hazel Elizabeth Getty, Topeka, was married to Frederick Burns Hesse, Rossville. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Getty, Downs, and Mr. Hesse is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hesse, Rossville.
Dr. Ronald Terry officiated at 7:30 p.m. Elizabeth Long, organist, and Mrs. Joe Campbell, violinist, provided music.
Chantilly lace and tulle over bridal satin fashioned the bride's gown, which was styled with a lace basque bodice and long tapered sleeves. The scalloped sabrina neckline was sprinkled with pearls and sequins. The voluminous skirt of tulle, worn over an underskirt of ruffled tiers, was fashioned with graduated appliquéd bands of lace forming points front and back with a wide flounce of tulle sweeping into an aisle-wide chapel train. A contour crown of pearls and sequins secured her silk illusion veil. Her bouquet was of white orchids and stephanotis on a white prayer book.
The bride's sisters, Elaine Getty and Patricia Getty, were maid of honor and bridesmaid. Mrs. Darrel Stanton, Kansas City, was brides matron. The bride's brother and niece, Steven Getty, Downs, and Patria Jean Philipsen, Sacramento, lighted the candles, and another niece, Linda Philipsen, Sacramento, was flower girl.
All the attendants wore ballerina-length two-toned blue chiffon dresses, fashioned with shirred Grecian bodices, scoop necklines, and small shirred sleeves. The bodices featured cummerbunds of deeper blue with half panels in back over harem hemlines. Their flowers were bouquets of white daisies.
Best man was the bridegroom's brother, William Hesse, Rossville. Groomsmen and ushers were John Johnson, Topeka; Joe Conley, Delia, James Snyder, Silver Lake and Keith Sprouse, Topeka.
The couple will honeymoon in Colorado and Yellowstone National Park and will be at home at 1175 Woodhull, in Topeka.
Mrs. Hesse was graduated from Downs High School, attended Kansas University and Washburn University and now is employed by Blue Cross-Blue Shield in Topeka. Mr. Hesse is a graduate of Rossville High School, attended Washburn University where he was a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon social fraternity, and now is in business with his father in Rossville.
[From 9 Aug 1958] |
2842 |
 | Marriage- Gideon, Dianne-Dick, Wayne Gideon - Dick vows
at Rossville Methodist
Rossville Methodist Church was the setting for the marriage of Dianne Elaine Gideon and Wayne Gilbert Dick on Sunday, November 16. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Garland Gideon of Paxico and Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Dick of Rossville.
The double-ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Don Jones. Mrs. Joe Campbell, pianist, and Miss Mary Brethour, violinist, with her mother, Mrs. Raymond Brethour as accompanist, provided music.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a floor-length gown of Chantilly lace and carried a cascade or orange delight roses. A sequin and seed pearl tiara held her two-tiered finger-tip veil of illusion.
Her attendants were Linda Rezac, maid of honor, and Phyllis Coffey, Sharon Karmann of Milford and Arietha Vandevort of Denver, bridesmaids. They wore ballerina- length gowns of Champagne velvet with butterfly bows in the back of Parisian satin in brown, spice and bayberry green. Linda Ungeheuer and Patty Coffey were candlelighters and Sherry Ireland was flower girl.
Bennie Dick Jr. was best man and Arnold Gideon was groomsman. Ushers were Richard Rafferty and Keith Cowan. Gary Dick was junior usher. Rodney Dick was ring bearer.
A reception followed at the Rossville Community Center.
After a wedding trip to Colorado Springs, the couple is at home on the Ethel Kerr farm east of Rossville.
2843 |
 | Marriage- Gilbert, Patricia-Berkey, Curtis Gilbert-Berkey Vows Exchanged at Larned
Patricia Margaret Gilbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max H. Gilbert, Larned, and Curtis Deane Berkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Berkey, Rossville, were married at. 3 p.m. July 7th at the First Presbyterian Church, Larned.
Rev. Cecil B. Davis officiated at the double ring ceremony Mrs. C. F. Shepherd was organist and Miss Ora Ann Hiat soloist.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of imported satin brocade from France, fashioned with a modified scoop neckline and a voluminous skirt falling into a brush train. The pearl necklace that was worn by the bride belonged to her great grandmother. A crown of seed pearls and crystal held her silk illusion veil. She carried a cascade of white sweetheart roses and greenery centered with a yellow-throated, white orchid.
Attending the bride were Janet Bowman, maid of honor, Pam Berkey, sister of the groom, bridesmaid, and Mrs. Thomas Lacock, matron of honor. They wore yellow silk shantung frocks with a detachable silk organza overskirt. Yellow organza hats with circle veils, yellow mitts, and yellow shoes completed their ensembles.
Best man was James Coleman, Rossville. Groomsmen were Mark Gilbert, brother of the bride, and Don Rogers, Thomas Lacock, Topeka, Lanny Bailey, Silver Lake, Dudley Fryman, Rossville, and David Gilbert, Larned.
The reception at Fellowship Hall of the church followed the ceremony.
The bride was a graduate of Larned High School and attended Kansas State University. She is now employed by the State Department of Social Welfare in Topeka.
The bridegroom, a graduate of Rossville Rural High School, also attended Kansas State University. He is presently engaged in farming near Rossville.
After a short honeymoon in Nebraska, the couple will be at home in Rossville.
2844 |
 | Marriage- Ginter, Ruth-Rogers, Marvin Ginter - Rogers vows
Miss Ruth Ginter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ginter of Dover, became the bride of Mr. Marvin Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warner Rogers of Dover in a 2:30 p. m. cere-mony Sunday, November 20, at the Dover Federated Church.
The Rev. Terry Hodges officiated at the double ring ceremony and nuptial music was provided by Mrs. Marvin Vandevord, soloist, and Mrs. George Lambotte, organist.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a. floor-length gown of Chantilly lace and chiffon taffeta. The fitted bodice of. lace was fashioned with a sequin trimmed mandarin neckline and long tapering sleeves. The bouffant skirt of taffeta formed a short sweep train. Her fingertip veil was held by a crown of lace and she carried a bouquet of red roses.
Mrs. Bob Hood attended her sister as matron of honor and the bridesmaids were Mrs. Leon Vilander, sister of the groom, and Mrs. Chester Todd.
They wore light green ballerina length dresses of taffeta with small matching hats. They carried bouquets of gold and bronze mums.
Karla Ginter and Carol Woofter served as candlelighters. They wore gold ballerina length dresses of taffeta with small hat bands and corsages of gold and bronze mums.
Attending the bridegroom as best man was Dick Enochs. Doug Price of Kansas City, Mo., and Chester Todd were the groomsmen. Ushers were Leon Vilander, Bob Hood, and Bart McMasters.
A reception in the church basement followed the marriage service. Assisting at the reception were Mrs. Bill Kull, Mrs. Russell Woofter, Mrs. Don Smith, Mrs. Charles Todd, Mrs. Louis Ginter, Mrs. Bill Ribelin, and Mrs. Richard Ginter.
Following a wedding trip to New Orleans, the couple is at home at 1107 Horne, Topeka.
A graduate of Dover High School, the bride attended Clarks School of Business and is employed by the Consulting Engineers Section of the Kansas Engineering Society in Topeka.
The bridegroom, also a graduate of Dover High School, will be graduated in January, 1961, from the University of Kansas in Lawrence. He is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon social fraternity. He is presently employed by Hird, Inc., Building Contractor, Lawrence, as business manager.
2845 |
 | Marriage- Glace, Warrene-Stadler, James Glace-Stadler
Wedding To Be Saturday
Otterbein E. U. B. Church of Topeka will be the scene at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 5, of the marriage uniting Miss Warrene Glace and Mr. James P. Stadler. The Rev. A. E. Halst will officiate at the double-ring ceremony.
The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Glace of Oneida, Kansas, and Mr. Stadler is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Stadler of Rossville.
The bride will be given in marriage by her father. Her wedding gown is of white delustered satin. Chantilly lace, which covers the bodice, forms scallops around the scoop neckline, and a matching scallop covers the back of the hand at the end of a long, fitted sleeve. The waist-line forms a V-polnt in front, and is held by soft pleats in the back, as the satin skirt forms a whisper train in back. A matching petite pillbox of satin covered with Chantilly lace holds the bridal-illusion veil in place. The strand of pearls to be worn by the bride is a gift from the groom, as is the white Bible on which she will carry a red-rose cascade.
Mrs. David Stadler, of Rossville, sister-in-law of the groom, will be matron of honor. Rosie Stadler, of Rossville, sister of the groom, will be bridesmaid, and Ardis Glace, the bride’s sister of Oneida, will be junior bridesmaid. The attendants to the bride will wear red satin street-length dresses fashioned like the bridal gown with matching red petite pillbox hats and matching shoes. They will each carry one long stem white rose.
Mr. Stadler, who will be dressed in a white tuxedo with a red rose boutonniere, will be attended by David Stadler of Rossville as best man. Bill Glace, brother of the bride from Manhattan, will be groomsman, with Chuck Redmon of Moore, Oklahoma, acting as junior groomsman.
Candlelighters will be Bob Glace, brother of the bride, and Beth Strom, the bride’s cousin. Flower girl, Lisa Stadler, is a niece of Mr. Stadler’s, and cousin of Miss Glace, Mike Moore of Carbondale, will be ring-bearer. Serving as ushers will be Rex Oetinger, Wichita, Dan Bauer, Fairbury, Nebraska, and Chuck Harth, Overbrook.
Janie Hightower, a friend of the bride from Manhattan, will be organist. Rev. Ben Duerfeldt, Manhattan, soloist, will sing “Oh Promise Me” and “The Lord’s Prayer.” Jane Ann Harter, friend of the bride from Emporia, will attend the guest book.
A reception will be held in the church basement immediately following the ceremony. Serving will be Mrs. Harvey Strom, Mrs. Gail Bauer, Mrs. Carl Moore, and Mrs. Rex Oetinger, all aunts of the bride.
Mrs. Glace, mother of the bride, will wear a navy blue suit with white trim and accessories, navy shoes and bag and a white corsage. The groom’s mother, Mrs. Stadler, will wear a beige two-piece dress with brown accessories, shoes and purse, and a bronze corsage.
For her going away suit, the new Mrs. Stadler has chosen a light blue wool suit with blackheels and bag and white gloves, and a white small-brimmed hat.
The bride-to-be has been employed by Petro’s Surgical Appliances of Topeka and Mr. Stadler, a graduate of Rossville High School, is employed by Santa Fe Railroad with headquarters at Newton.
The couple will make their home in Newton following their wedding trip.
2846 |
 | Marriage- Gochenor, Jewel-Anspaugh, Craig Gochenour-Anspaugh
Jewel Ann Gochenour and Craig Ryan Anspaugh exchanged marriage vows Jan. 3, 1998, at Logan Christian Church in Logan, Iowa.
Officiating at the 2 p.m. ceremony were the Rev. Scott Hultgren, Rossville, and the Rev. Rusty Hedger, Logan, Iowa.
Parents of the couple are Gene and Pam Gochenour of Mondamin, Iowa, and Glenn and Susan Anspaugh of Rossville.
Jill Radloff, Crystal, Minn., was her sister’s matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Jamie Straight, Logan, and the bride’s sisters, Jolene Gochenour and Janelle Gochenour, both of Mondamin.
Eric Dannefer, Rossville, was best man. Groomsmen were Jordan Nadeau, Dylan Nadeau and Ben Sharp, all of Rossville.
The flower girls were Jeena Gochenour and Jessy Gochenour, both of Mondamin, sisters of the bride. The ring bearers were twins Peter and Albert Brown, Iola.
Music was provided by pianist Deb Stone, Honey Creek, Iowa, aunt of the bride, and vocalists Jimmy Moison of Topeka, Anya Goodman of Silver Lake, and Jamie Schmeling of Miles City, Mont.
Serving as ushers were Ted Radloff, Crystal, brother-in-law of the bride; Lynn Mether, Logan; Dustin Cain, Emporia; and Jake Stone, Honey Creek. The guest book attendants were Tanya Anspaugh, Rossville, sister of the groom, and Terri Pond, Logan. The gift attendants were Jamie Schnacker, Meriden, and Michelle Mether, Logan.
A reception followed in Fellowship Hall at the church. The recep¬tion attendants were aunts of the groom, Sharon Wellman and Cathy Schnacker, both of Meriden, and aunts of the bride Peg Smiley of Imogene, Iowa, Diane Bertelsen of Missouri Valley, Iowa, Laurie Cooper of Norfolk, Neb., and Deb Stone.
The bride is a graduate of West Harrison High School in Mondamin and is a student at Iowa Western Community College majoring in elementary education.
The groom is a graduate of Rossville High School and is employed by Bond Equipment in Logan. The couple reside in Logan.
2847 |
 | Marriage- Goodman, Patricia-Mitchell, William Goodman-Mitchell
Patricia Louise Goodman became the bride of William G. Mitchell Jr. Sept 16 in Hoyt Methodist Church, Hoyt. The Rev. Stephen Davey officiated at the 6 p.m. ceremony.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Ray Goodman, Hoyt, and Mf. and Mrs. Bill Mitchell, Delia.
The bride wore a gown of white Chantilace. Scallops trimmed the beaded sabrina neckline, and scalloped lace bordered her chapel-length mantilla. The dress featured bridal point sleeves and a bouffant tiered skirt which extended to a chapel train.
Gail Sylvester, Ft. Riley was maid of honor. Other attendants were Patricia Howe, Topeka; LeAnn Foster and Cynthia Rickel, Hoyt; and Donna Mitchell, Delia, sister of the bridegroom. Denise Mitchell, Delia, was flower girl and Terry Goodman, Topeka, was ring bearer.
Dale Jacobsen, Holton, served as best man. Groomsmen were Charles
McCauley, Mayetta; James McCauley, Frankfort; and brothers of the couple, Lowell Goodman and Chris Mitchell, Delia. Guests were seated by Kenneth Beck, Silver Lake, and brothers of the bride, Robert Goodman and Dennis Goodman, Topeka.
Michele Minihan, Emporia, and David Melcher, Topeka, lighted the candles.
A church reception followed the ceremony. A wedding dance at the Holton Fair Building, Holton, honored the couple that evening.
Mrs. Mitchell, a graduate of Hoyt High School, attended Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia. She is employed by American Yearbook Co.
Mr. Mitchell was graduated from Rossville High School and served three years with the U.S. Navy. He is employed by Allis Chalmers, Inc.
Following a trip to Colorado Springs, the couple is at home at Route 1, Mayetta.
2848 |
 | Marriage- Goyette, Lucy-Ohlfest, Bert Goyette-Ohlfest
Miss Lucy Goyette, of Elsmore Kans., and Mr. Bert Ohlfest, of Topeka were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents last Sunday. Mrs. Ohlfest is well known here in Rossville having visited quite frequently with her brother Omer in this city. Mr. Ohlfest is also well and favorably known to a wide circle of friends in this city and surround- country having been the junior member of the Guth & Ohlfest firm which was burned out here last winter. Mr. Ohlfest is now a partner with Mr. Guth in a number of moving picture shows. Mr. and Mrs. Ohlfest after a short honey-moon trip will be at home to their friends at Lawrence. The Reporter extends hearty congratulations and wish them a long life of happiness and prosperity.
2849 |
 | Marriage- Graf, Marie-Dolezilek, Theodore Miss Marie Graf and Theodore Dolezilek were married Monday morning, Jan. 20, in the Immaculate Conception Church. The Rev. J.V. O'Connor, S.J., said the nuptial Mass Acolytes were Carl and Lorain Sack, cousins of the bride, who was given away by her father.
Attendants were Miss Regina Graf and Edward Graf.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Graf of near this city. She is a graduate of the Immaculate Conception Academy, class of 1928, and of the St. Francis Hospital school of Nursing class of '31. The groom is an enterprising young farmer and the son of Mrs. John Dolezilek of Silver Lake.
The bride's attire was a floor-length gown of deep wine transparent velvet with wine turban to match and a tiny nose veil. Her slippers and gloves were black and she carried a bouquet of white carnations. Her maid wore a floor-length gown of royal blue transparent velvet, silver turban slippers and black gloves. Her bouquet was of pale pink carnations.
A wedding breakfast was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Graf. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dolezilek, Rossville; Miss Josephine Sack, Topeka; and Mrs. John Dolezilek of Silver Lake. The newly weds will make their home on a farm north of Silver Lake. - St. Marys Star
[From 30 Jan 1936] |
2850 |
 | Marriage- Graham, Ethel-Sever, Clayton A double ring ceremony November 25 united Miss Ethel Marie Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Graham of Colton, California, formerly of Delia, and Clayton H. Sever, of San Bernardino. |